History - Fiction or Science/Western myth/Chapter 1
THE ERA BEFORE THE XI CENTURY.[edit | edit source]
This section is very short. ABOUT EVENTS BEFORE THE XI CENTURY N.E. NO INFORMATION IN WRITTEN SOURCES HAS REACHED US. This, apparently, is due to the fact that at that time there was still no written language. It arose only in the X-XI centuries A.D. The era before the XI century should be imagined as a "primitive era", the dawn of civilization. From those times, perhaps, only some primitive primitive tools have come down to us. Which are exhibited today in museums, in halls dedicated to primitive man. Allegedly living for many, many centuries and even millennia BC Shards, bones, flint tools, knives and axes, scrapers, ash from cave fires, stone arrowheads and spears, primitive jewelry made from mammoth bones or predator teeth. Once again we repeat that it is these halls of modern museums that give us the correct idea of the life of people up to the X-XI centuries. At that time, people in many places still lived in caves and dugouts. They did not know how to build any significant structures, let alone buildings.
At the same time, history textbooks tell us many details about people's lives in an era allegedly earlier than the 10th century A.D. Recall some cultures attributed today to the "deep antiquity."
Legendary Sumerians. The "oldest" civilizations of Mesopotamia and America. Pharaonic Egypt with a luxurious "ancient" culture. The Trojan kingdom and the famous Trojan War, allegedly of the 13th century BC, sung by the blind poet Homer. Enlightened "ancient" China. Powerful Etruscans. The great "antique" Greek civilization. An even greater "antique" Rome, which grew out of the Etruscan civilization. The "ancient" Carthage and its wars with mighty Rome. Mysterious "ancient" India with its treasures. Powerful early medieval Arabian caliphates. The "oldest" biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judea. "Ancient" Assyria, Syria and Persia. Medieval European feudal lords in their mighty sullen castles. And so on.
All this, we are told, existed in an era earlier than the tenth century A.D. It is not true. All this existed, HOWEVER AT ALL IN ANOTHER EPOCH, AND SOMETIMES IN ANOTHER PLACE. Namely, after the tenth century A.D. That is, in the last millennium. In other words, the dates of all "antique" events should be corrected. They must be moved upward, to find true places in the period from X to XVII century. This is part of the chronological problem, which is very complex and for the solution of which it is necessary to apply modern methods of the natural sciences.
Of course, many questions arise. How grounded are the usual Scaligerian dating and how did they appear? Are they really confirmed by independent physical dating methods, as we are assured today? For example, radiocarbon or dendrochronological. What is the current state of technology for dating historical monuments and events using physical methods? Are old documents consistent with independent astronomical dating? What did critical scientists of the 17th-20th centuries say on this subject? And so on.
We will talk about all this in detail in the first three volumes of the seven-volume Chronology. It is found that the Scaligerian chronology does not have independent objective evidence. In particular, the popular radiocarbon method and other physical methods do not in fact confirm it, see A.T. Fomenko's book Numbers Against Lies, ch. 1: 15-17. Although historians are trying to pretend that there is such evidence.
It is also found that the chronology of Scaliger has been repeatedly criticized by scientists in different countries over the course of the 17th-20th centuries. A number of books on this subject have been published, for example, [1298], [1214], [1215], [542], [543], [544], [614]. No legitimate answer was given by historians. And they tried to forget critical books. Although among the critics of Scaligerian chronology there were such celebrities as Isaac Newton [1298], [1141], Fig. 1.1 , as well as the outstanding scientist and encyclopedist N.A. Morozov [542], [543], [544], Fig. 1.2 . See the book by A.T. Fomenko "Numbers against Lies," ch. 1.
It was also discovered that in the era of Scaliger XVI-XVII centuries there were many other versions of the chronology. And ancient history was imagined in a completely different way than today. As one of such examples, we point to the book of Mavro Orbini [617].
Our analysis allowed us to finally formulate a conclusion: all the "ancient" and medieval events that we know today did not actually occur earlier than the 11th century A.D.
Moreover, even allegedly "very ancient" events turn out to be late, close to us. For example, the "ancient" Egyptian burial actually refers to the era of the XV-XVIII centuries A.D. And by no means to the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd millennium BC. As Scaligerian history assures us of this, see the book “The Rise of the Kingdom,” chap. 4 onwards.
So, the era earlier than the XI century is covered with deep darkness due to the almost complete absence of documents of that time that have come down to us. It is possible that only in the X-XI centuries the idea of writing was born for the first time. Probably in Ancient Egypt, originally in the form of hieroglyphs-pictures. Perhaps the recording of thoughts in the form of pictures is primary and only then evolved into modern forms.
In the era of the X-XI centuries, Easter was first calculated, see "Seven Wonders of the World", chap. 2. They created the first church calendar. Astronomy arises, originally intended to serve the church calendar.
In the XII century, important events take place that are described in the Gospels: the coming of Jesus Christ, his life and crucifixion. Emperor Andronicus-Christ (aka the great Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, aka the apostle Andrew the First-Called) was crucified in Tsar-Grad (Eros on the Bosphorus) = Jerusalem = "antique" Troy in 1185. See our book "Tsar of the Slavs". Fig. 1.3 The magnificent mosaic from the Hagia Sophia in Tsar Grad depicting Jesus Christ is shown. It is considered "one of the greatest works and triumphs of mosaic art in Constantinople" [1122], p.56. Gold, precious and semiprecious stones.
Zero year of the era "from the Nativity of Christ" was, therefore, 1152 AD
Up to the era of the XVII century, when writing dates, the Roman numeral X, that is, "ten", in the Latin designation of the century (for example, the XI century), was simply the initial letter X of the name Christ. Therefore, the original abbreviation: "XI century" - meant "Christ the First century." That is: The First Century from the Incarnation of Christ. At the same time, the letter X was separated by a point from the numbers that follow then, that is, they wrote XI, X.II, and so on. Thus, starting from the time of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ in the XII century, people began to count the years in this era. Christian chronology arose. All dates in that era were recorded, starting with the name of Jesus Christ, that is, with the letter X or with the letter I. The fact is that the Roman numeral I, that is, "one", in the Arabic designation of the year, for example 1255, was originally the first letter I of the name Jesus. Therefore, the expression "I.255 year" in that distant time meant a simple thing, namely: "from Jesus the 255th year." Until the 16th-17th centuries, the tradition of writing dates in the form of X. (followed by three digits) or I. (followed by three digits) remained. That is, separating the letters X and I by dots from the other three digits, indicating the actual date. Sometimes J. was used instead of I. For details, see A.T. Fomenko's book Numbers Against Lies, ch.6: 13.
After several centuries, namely, in the XVII century, the creation of a "reform" version of history began. The Scaligerians needed to distort beyond recognition the history of the last centuries, that is, the XIV-XVI centuries. This was done, in particular, by distorting the chronology. The main trick of falsification was simple. The first letter X (that is, Christ) was slyly declared in dates by the designation "ten centuries", and the first letter I (that is, Jesus) was declared the designation "thousands". As a result, dates artificially aged around 1000 years. As a result, huge blocks of medieval events of the XI-XVII centuries "went down" for about a thousand years. A phantom "ancient" story arose.
Andronicus-Christ was crucified on Mount Beykos, on the outskirts of Tsar-Grad (Eros), see "Mastering America by Russia-Horde", ch.5: 1.
Apparently, the most ancient kingdom, vague information about which has come down to us, is Ancient First Rome or Old Rome in the Nile Valley. The state in the Nile Valley in the Scaligerian version of history created in the XVII century, was called Egypt. This seems to be wrong. Since biblical Egypt has nothing to do with it. The "Egypt" of the Old Testament Pentateuch is the Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries, see the book "Biblical Russia", chap. 4. But later the biblical name Egypt = Gipt = Kipchak was transferred (on paper) to Africa and assigned to a truly ancient kingdom in the Nile Valley. The result was confusion.
The capital of the ancient African kingdom was located near the mouth of the Nile and is called Alexandria today. We have practically no information about this kingdom today. Probably, writing was born here, and first - in hieroglyphic form. That is, "wrote pictures." Conditionally, we will call Alexandria - First Rome.
There are no cyclopean buildings we know today in African Egypt — pyramids, sphinxes, temples, obelisks — yet. All of them will be erected much later, in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries. When the imperial imperial cemetery for the kings-khans of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire will be arranged in African Egypt. They brought here from Russia-Horde and Osmania = Atamania the dead great kings and buried in luxurious tombs with a lot of gold and jewelry.
In the X-XI centuries, the capital of the Kingdom was transferred to the Bosphorus, to the city of Hieros on the Asian coast of the Bosphorus. We will arbitrarily call it Second Rome. He is the gospel of Jerusalem, he is the "antique" Troy. Then the capital moved to Russia, to Yaroslavl - Veliky Novgorod, aka “antique” Rome. This was already the Third Rome by and large, although it was from him that the majority of "ancient authors" begin the account of Rome, considering it the First and forgetting about the previous ones. After some time, the capital of the Empire returned to the Bosphorus, but not to its former place, but to the other end of the Bosphorus, and on the European, not Asian, shore. Medieval Constantinople arose there, it is also the medieval Tsar Grad of the late XIV-XV centuries, later Turkish Istanbul. It was the Fourth Rome in general terms and the second in abbreviated form. The third Rome (according to the abbreviated account), as you know, was then called Moscow. In some ancient texts Tsar Grad was called Kiev. Therefore, some important annalistic "Kiev" events unfolded in fact in Tsar Grad on the Bosphorus.
So, 1st Rome: Nile Valley (Alexandria, Cairo); 2nd Rome: Eros = Jerusalem = Troy; 3rd Rome: Vladimir-Suzdal Rus = Veliky Novgorod (Yaroslavl, Vladimir) = Rome Aeneas-Rurik; 4th Rome: Constantinople; 5th Rome: Moscow.
But when Rome was listed in the 16th century, considering Moscow the Third (and not the Fifth!) Rome, they obviously began not from the deep antiquity of African Egypt, but from Aeneas-Rurik, that is, from Yaroslavl, from the Empire of the great conquest: Veliky Novgorod - First Rome, Constantinople - Second Rome, Moscow - Third Rome. Later, historians replaced Veliky Novgorod with Rome in Italy and the present picture turned out.
We repeat: the original gospel Jerusalem (the city of Jeros, Eros) is located on the eastern, Asian coast of the Bosphorus, closer to the Black Sea, very close to Mount Beikos (Golgotha) [ZI].
The power of Romea extends to many regions of the West and East, where the Themes-Provinces of Tsar Grad are located. Each theme was, to a large extent, an independent state entity, but was headed by a Romaic governor — a king, king, and prince. He was a vassal of the gospel Jerusalem = Tsar-Grad (Eros) on the Bosphorus.
Among these fem-provinces were: African Egypt, Russia-Horde, territories of Western Europe, where subsequently (in the 16th-17th centuries) - Germany, Italy, France, England, Spain, etc. The submission of femas to the imperial center is quite flexible. One of the signs of a vassal position was the payment of tribute to Jerusalem = Tsar Grad (Eros). In addition, starting from the XII century, themes were united by a common Christian religion. Tsar Grad is the recognized religious center of the whole kingdom. He is the gospel of JERUSALEM, the Holy City. Maybe the word Them or Them is associated with the Horde-Tatar word Tumen, that is, with the Russian word TEMA, which meant a military unit (darkness = many).
An independent local history in femmes is almost not recorded. Chronicles are still only in Tsar Grad, as in the capital of the Christian kingdom. They reflect mainly events of interest to Jerusalem = Troy on the Bosphorus. Copies of chronicles sometimes fall into some of the Romance provinces. But these texts speak mainly of events in the mother country. And only in passing - about local events.
Jerusalem = Tsar Grad (Eros) on the Bosphorus in the XI-XII centuries was the capital of a strong Roman Empire. It should be noted the magnificent strategic position of Istanbul, its powerful military fortifications. The huge walls of Constantinople, going in places in several rows, were repeatedly rebuilt and strengthened, see the book "Empire", Ch. 8: 4.3. The impressive remains of these structures have survived to this day, Fig. 1.4 Fig. 1.5 and fig. 1.6 . Some sections of the walls have been restored, but most are in ruins.
In the era of Christ, that is, in the second half of the XII century, Russia adopted Christianity immediately and in full, and did not wait a thousand years, as we are assured by the Scaliger-Romanov story. The Russian Tsar Vladimir = Wielding the World, Tsarina Malka and the commander ataman Caspar = Kazak-Tatar appeared to worship Christ. They are reflected in the Gospels as the three Magi, under the names Belshazzar, Cupronickel and Caspar, see "Biblical Russia", chap. 3. In their honor, then they built a huge Cologne Cathedral, where they placed the famous sarcophagus of the Magi. Perhaps the tomb is symbolic, and the kings themselves are buried in the central imperial cemetery of African Egypt.
Crusaders Avenging the Crucified ANDRONIC CHRIST.[edit | edit source]
In 1185, the emperor Andronicus-Christ was crucified in Tsar Grad (near Eros). The indignant provinces led by Russia-Horde begin a war whose purpose is revenge and the "liberation of the Holy Sepulcher", that is, the capture of Tsar-Grad = Jerusalem, the capital of the Empire. This is the legendary Trojan War, reflected in many documents also under the names: Tarquin War, Gothic War, etc. In the sources that have reached us, the history of this very ancient war is greatly obscured by an admixture of later events of the XIV-XV centuries. Nevertheless, information about the Trojan war of the XIII century is still preserved.
In the Scaligerian history of the Middle Ages, the same war is well known under the collective name of the Crusades of the 13th century, the capture of Tsar Grad in 1204, then the fall of Tsar Grad in 1261, then a new war. At its core, the Trojan War was a series of separate bloody battles. As, in fact, described, for example, by the "antique" Homer, who lived in the era of the XV-XVI centuries.
To the Crusades, modern history attaches great importance. In our reconstruction, their role is growing. The Trojan war of the 13th century was, relatively speaking, the FIRST WORLD WAR OF THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES. Its outcome actually predetermined further events in Europe and Asia and the course of world history for several centuries.
With the fall of Jerusalem = Tsar-Grad and the death of the ancient Roman Empire, the exodus-escape of various groups of people from the metropolitan area of the crumbling Romea begins. The scheme of the Romance fems is conventionally shown in Fig. 1.7 . On the heels of the fugitives follow the avengers of the Crusader Horde, capturing and colonizing new lands. They settle in different countries of Europe and Asia. This picture is well known from Scaligerian "antique" history. The fugitives from Romea are called Trojans, that is, immigrants from Troy = Tsar Grad. They are the Argonauts, they are the Cossack Horde, who, according to the "ancient" Greek myths, after the Trojan War go on a journey, capture and colonize various lands.
As a result of the fall of the former power and the capture of the Tsar-Grad by the Crusader-Horde in 1204, Russia-Horde, formerly one of the provinces of the Roman Empire, comes to the fore. She is actively involved in the Trojan War.
After the collapse of Romei at the beginning of the XIII century, representatives of the royal dynasty flee from the capital to various provinces of the former Empire. Some of them did not want to accept the loss of supreme power and began the struggle for world domination. According to the ideas of the Romans, having a pronounced religious foundation, their royal family belonged to the full right to possess the whole world. And not only the already known lands, but also all those that will be discovered in the future. They considered this right as a sacred and inherited ancient heritage. Which, for temporary reasons, turned out to be illegally taken from them. Therefore, it must be returned.
As a result, several states emerged that considered themselves the successors of ancient Romea. For example, the Nicene Empire. Ancient Nicaea is the modern city of Iznik in Turkey. Other kingdoms formed. One of such states was Vladimir-Suzdal Russia with its capital in Rostov the Great, and then in Yaroslavl = Novgorod. The Trojan king Aeneas arrived here, whose ancestors, it turns out, came from Russia. In the Russian chronicles, Tsar Aeneas was reflected as the famous "Varangian" Rurik. Eney-Rurik unites disparate Russian principalities into a single kingdom. See our book "The Beginning of Horde Rus". Thus, the first Vladimir-Suzdal (first Rostov, and then Novgorod) kings were the heirs of the Romei dynasty, expelled from Tsar-Grad during the collapse of the Romei at the beginning of the XIII century. They began the struggle to restore the Empire. Eney-Rurik managed to create a powerful multinational state, first covering the Volga region and the Northern Black Sea coast. The rich human, horse and economic resources proved to be sufficient to achieve world domination by military means.
The history of the first Vladimir-Suzdal kings before Ivan Danilovich Kalita, who began the Western campaign in the XIV century, that is, the “Mongol” = great conquest, still requires additional research. Probably, the name Kalita is one of the forms of the well-known medieval title Kalif, or Caliph.
Further violent political and military events take place. The great = "Mongolian" invasion begins from the East - from Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. The success of the conquest was based on the unification of numerous peoples on the territory of Russia-Horde into a single multinational state under the military, that is, the Horde rule. At the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV century, Russia-Horde defeated, and more than three centuries (before the beginning of the XVII century) establishes its dominion over the West, in general Eurasia, Africa, and subsequently - its undivided world domination, including America.
The kings of Russia-Horde, also called the Khans, Kagans, Great Princes of All Russia, on the basis of dynastic and some other considerations - not all of which are clear today - considered themselves to be the only legitimate heirs of the old Roman Empire, having an UNLIMITED HERITARY PERMIT FOR ALL OWNERSHIP . As far as one can understand from the fragmentary information that has been preserved, they considered all the other rulers, not yet subordinate to them, as illegal, temporary usurpers of various lands of their world. OPENED BY AN ACKNOWLEDGED PURPOSE, THE MILITARY DOCTRINE OF THE KINGS OF KHANS OF RUSSIA-HORDA, THE SUBMISSION OF THE WHOLE WORLD WAS MILITARY. That is, the return of the ancient heritage.
The reconstruction scheme of the history of the main empires - Tsar Gradskaya and Russian-Horde - is shown in Fig. 1.8.
At the end of the XIII - beginning of the XIV century there is a final unification of the peoples of Russia, begun by Eney Rurik. Partly by military, partly by peaceful means, the peoples of the Volga and Northern Black Sea regions are soldered into a centralized strong state under military = Horde government. In full, this happens with the Grand Duke = Grand Khan, Kagan Georgy Danilovich. He is known to us today as Genghis Khan, or Gurkhan, in foreign sources. Under his rule is a large and strong state. His armed forces were called the word Horde. What in the Old Russian language meant RATH - a large military association. It meant the armed forces as a whole. Due to the fact that the Russian Kingdom had unlimited stocks of horses from the herds of the steppe strip, it was able to create a huge equestrian army. Since the horses needed pasture, the army was, by necessity, nomadic. It constantly migrated from place to place. For the maintenance of the Rati-Horde, the rest of the country's population was taxed - tithe.
At the head of the state was the king, who had unlimited power, "autocrat". The capital region of the state was Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, which at that time was called GREAT NOVGOROD. And under this famous name she entered the annals. The center of administrative management was Yaroslavl, which is reflected in the annals as "Yaroslav's yard of Veliky Novgorod." Fortified tsarist bets were located at different times in different cities: in Rostov the Great, in Kostroma, in Vladimir, in Suzdal (= "antique" Susa) and in some other cities of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus.
Invasion of the "Mongols" in Western and Southern Europe, in Asia and Africa. THE ORIGIN OF THE GREAT = "MONGOLIAN" EMPIRE.[edit | edit source]
By the end of the first half of the XIV century, during the reign of Ivan Danilovich Kalita = Kalif = Khalifa, the creation (restoration) of the Empire begins. Russian cavalry troops, "Mongolian" hordes invade Europe, Africa, India on a wide front, Fig. 1.9 . The "Mongolian" begins = great invasion.
As a result, a significant part of Eurasia is colonized. The rest are forced to admit - to varying degrees - their vassal dependence on Russia-Horde. Maybe only in the form of tribute payments.
The result of the conquests of the Grand Duke George Danilovich (Genghis Khan) and then his brother Ivan Danilovich Kalita = Khalifa (Khan Batu) was the emergence in the first half of the XIV century of the Great = "Mongolian" empire with its center in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. The Russian Kingdom is a Russian term, and the “Mongolian” Empire is a Western European designation of the same state.
As a result, a new political force began to reign supreme in the historical arena. It can conditionally be called the Russian-Horde Empire, since the center was in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus = Veliky Novgorod, and the armed forces were called Horde = Ratju = Rod. The empire was also called Israel.
During the XIV-XVI centuries, the Russian-Horde Empire extended its power to Eurasia, North Africa and a significant part of America. In most cases, the spread was not conquest, but colonization, since the local population, consisting of separate small nationalities, could not provide noticeable military resistance to the imperial troops = Cossacks = Israelis. On the colonized lands with the advent of the "Mongolian" administration, large imperial colonies arose. Including the regions of Western Europe, the Great Mughals in India, the "Mongolian" state in China, the Samurai - that is, the Samaritans, Samara, immigrants from Samara - in Japan, the Mamelukes in Egypt, the Mayan and Inca states in America, Fig. 1.10. .

In Russian sources, the world empire was called simply ALL RUSSIA or the Russian Kingdom. In foreign countries - the "Mongolian", that is, the Great Empire. Since, according to the testimony of Sigismund Herberstein, the word RUSSIA was then understood as “dispersion,” “distribution,” and the name “ALL RUSSIA” simply meant “all distribution” [161], p. 58.
In the Western European sources, Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries was reflected as the Habsburg empire of the XIV-XVI centuries. In the name of Habsburg, that is, Habsburg, the second part - BURG - means CITY. And the first part of the HAB is probably a Latinized reading of the Slavic word HAV written in ordinary Cyrillic. That is NEW. Latin H is written as Slavic N. And Latin B is as Slavic B. In this case, HABSBURG is just a NEW CITY, NOVGOROD. This name was borne by the memory of the capital of Russia-Horde - Veliky Novgorod = Yaroslavl. By the way, the very name of the capital of the late Habsburgs of the XVII-XVIII centuries - VIENNA, in Austria, apparently, comes from the Russian word VENETS. That is, crowned, or the royal city. Then they forgot about the Ordynsky, Novgorod-Yaroslavl origin of the Habsburgs. Moreover, after the split of the "Mongolian" Empire in the XVI-XVII centuries, the Western Europeans began to re-write their "correct history", in which there was no place for Russia-Horde. We note, by the way, that the name VIENNA is close to Venets, that is, to the name of the Slavic people. See the book of Orbini [617] and the book "Empire".
So, the HABSBURGS of the XIV-XVI centuries are simply NOVGORODTS.
Recall that the Habsburg empire, according to the new chronology, generates in the Scaligerian "history book" all the "ancient" Roman empires dating to Scaliger earlier than the 11th century. And also, to a large extent, the Scaligerian version of the Holy Roman Empire, allegedly of the XI-XIII centuries A.D. Therefore, the history of Rome, starting from the XIV century, is completely determined by the history of the Empire of Novgorodians = Habsburgs. This fact is clearly presented in the graphs below.
Cossacks and Horde = Rat = Birth.[edit | edit source]
The new chronology greatly changes the history of the Cossacks. Scaligerian historians claim that the Cossacks are the descendants of the “runaway slaves” who once fled to the Don and other remote places in order to lead a “free life” there. That is, in other words, the descendants of the medieval robber gangs. According to our results, the Cossacks (from the word "gallop", "gallop") were the armed forces of the Horde, "Mongolian" = great state. That is why, as we showed in the book “New Chronology of Russia,” Cossacks were distributed throughout the Empire, and not only along its borders, as it has been since the 18th-19th centuries. With the change in state structure, the Cossack regions of the Empire to a greater extent retained their original military structure. For example, samurai in Japan, mamelukes in Egypt, etc.
The dynastic history of the kings-khans of the Great Empire until the XIV century is known very poorly. In general, the XIII century is a dark and deep antiquity. Only from the moment of the “Mongol” conquest did history become clear. Apparently, with the advent of the vast Empire, the annals became more streamlined and detailed. In addition, imperial libraries arose that existed until the sixteenth century. Most likely, after the split of the Empire, they were destroyed by the rebel reformers. However, the information has been largely preserved. Although in a very distorted and edited form. The Great Conquest, which led to the emergence of the Great = "Mongol" Empire, began Georgy Danilovich of Moscow, aka Genghis Khan.
He is St. George the Victorious. His image from the old icon, see Fig. 11.11 + 12 . In Western European annals it is reflected as Habsburg, that is, Novgorodets, "HENRY VII OF LUXEMBOURG" 1309-1314 according to [76] or 1308-1313 according to [304], v.2, p. 406. In fig.1.13 the tomb of "Henry VII", located today in Pisa, is shown. It is a very late part of the “material evidence” specially created in the 18th-19th centuries to “justify” Scaligerian history. Nevertheless, traces of the identity of "Henry VII" and George of Moscow (aka George the Victorious) on the tomb-remake still remained. The historian Oscar Jaeger reports about the tomb that "the inscription is relatively new, it is said, among other things, that the remains of the emperor are imperishable in the tomb" [304], v.2, p.411. Imperishable remains, or relics, are a sign of holiness. And indeed, George the Victorious is counted among the saints. So in the Western European "tomb of Henry" put the relics of some saint. But, of course, not George.

According to our results, Tsar Khan Georgy Danilovich, he is Genghis Khan, like other khans of the Great Empire, is buried in the old imperial cemetery of the imperial dynasty, in the famous Gizekhsky, that is, KAZATSKY, pyramid field in Egypt, or in Luxor, see the book “The Rise of the Kingdom”, ch. 7: 5.
George united the Russian lands under the rule of "Lord Veliky Novgorod," as Vladimir-Suzdal Rus was then called. He began the great conquest, the purpose of which was to subjugate the then known world of power to the Vladimir-Suzdal Grand Dukes, or in another pronunciation - the Great Khans. In foreign sources, the conquest was called "Mongolian" = great, from the Russian word "much", from which came the Greek "megalion".
The original capital was Rostov the Great. George founded the new grand-ducal capital - the city of Vladimir. That is, Owner of the World, the capital of the world. Founded Nizhny Novgorod. Killed at a young age. The circumstances of the death are unclear. According to some reports, killed by conspirators.
Filed with the saints. He is included in the holy calendar several times under his own names several times: 1) as the holy glorious great martyr and victorious George (April 23 of the old style); 2) as the holy noble Grand Duke George Vsevolodovich the miracle worker of Vladimir (February 4, old style).
Due to the mistakes of later chroniclers, the Grand Duke Khan GEORGE is described on the pages of Russian and "Mongolian" history (which is the same thing) several times under his various names. Enumerating them, each time we indicate the century where the original was mistakenly placed. So, in this case, the names of the duplicate reflections, according to our results, are as follows: a) RURIK - the founder of the Russian Grand Dynasty, was mistakenly placed by historians in the 9th century. The image of Rurik is composite. Its first layer is the Trojan king, the “Varangian” Aeneas, who came to Russia in the 13th century. b) MSTISLAV VLADIMIROVICH Brave, mistakenly placed by historians in the XI century. c) GEORGY VSEVOLODOVICH, mistakenly placed by historians in the 13th century. d) CHINGHIZ KHAN, or in another, more correct version of this name, CESAR KHAN. Mistakenly placed by historians in the 13th century.
Fig. 1.14 The old miniature from the Hungarian chronicles dated 1488 is given [89]. Depicted is the hijacking of prisoners to the Horde. Commentators mistakenly believe that here the "Mongols" are stealing RUSSIAN prisoners. In fact, it is clearly depicted here how a Russian horse-drawn army drives away the inhabitants of Western Europe into captivity. It is noteworthy that the "Mongols" are shown in Cossack hats. They have pronounced Slavic faces and beards. In addition, they are dressed in Russian clothes - long-field caftans, boots. And the prisoners are dressed in Western European clothes - a dress to the knees, shoes, etc. They have no beards. If a miniature were painted in our time, then the “Mongols” would be depicted by typical Asians, and Russian prisoners would be painted exactly as the “Mongols” are depicted on the miniature. But the old artist has not yet been trained in the Romanov version of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in Russia and innocently painted what was in reality.
So, in 1318, the Grand Duke George Danilovich = Genghis Khan entered the throne of Rostov in the Russian region, where Vladimir-Suzdal Russia arose later. He begins the unification of Russia, capturing the Volga region first, and then systematically moving west and south. However, the details of colonization-unification are not so significant and poorly known. Historians have stretched this period for several decades. In reality, it is shorter. We are known today from school history as "the beginning of the Tatar-Mongol invasion from the EAST." For Western Russian chroniclers, this was the case. Apparently, the basis of some surviving Russian chronicles are the ancient Ukrainian or Polish chronicles. No wonder the Radzivilov Chronicle was found in Koenigsberg.
It is appropriate to note here that the old Russian coat of arms was George the Victorious. Not surprising. George = Genghis Khan is indeed the founder of the Russian "Mongolian" Empire.
The Radzivilov Chronicle begins the story of the "Rurik era" with the great turmoil, the war between different areas of the state [715]. This is precisely the turmoil of the end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th century in Russia already familiar to us. It ends with the unification of the state under the rule of "the house of Kalita", Genghis Khan = Yuri = RURIK (King Aeneas). This is the result of the famous call "to come and own us." The chronicle rightly reports that a single state is emerging.
Ivan Danilovich Kalita = Caliph or Caliph 1328-1340, according to [362]. See figure 1.15 and fig.1.16 . Two options for starting a reign are indicated in [145], namely, 1322 or 1328. Secondly mentioned the beginning of the great reign under 1328.

In Western European sources, Ivan Kalita = Caliph was reflected as the Hapsburg "Ludwig of Bavaria" 1314-1347 according to [76] or 1313-1347 according to [304], v.2, p. 414. See figure 1.17 . "Ludwig of Bavaria" is a reflection of the following three Russian tsar-khans: IVAN I DANILOVICH KALITA 1328-1340 according to [362] + son SIMEON THE Proud 1340-1353 + son IVAN II SHORT RED 1353-1359 according to [36], [362]. See below for details.
Ivan Kalita = Caliph continued the unification of lands under the rule of Lord Veliky Novgorod = Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, begun by his brother, George = Genghis Khan. Under him, the "Mongol" conquest spread far to the west and south. He finally subjugated Western Europe, in the 14th century, FOUNDED THE VATICAN AND ROME IN ITALY, as the center of secular and religious authority in Western Europe. By the way, on behalf of Batu Khan, apparently, the very name VATIKAN also occurs. Namely, VATI-KAN is BATY-KHAN or BATYA-KHAN. In Western sources, he was reflected as the "Pope" Innocent III. That is, he was both a secular and spiritual ruler = caliph. He founded the institute of popes in Italy, see "The Mystery of Russian History," ch. 2:22.
Kalita = Caliph founded the city of Yaroslavl, or, as they wrote earlier, the "Yaroslavovo Courtyard of Veliky Novgorod" at the intersection of the Volga and North Dvina trade routes.
Ivan Kalita = Caliph was both king and high priest, Caliph. In the West, he left behind a lot of memories, over time overgrown with legends and myths: about the "ancient" god or king Kron, about the medieval tsar-priest Presbyter John, etc.
He died in the West, probably in Italy. He left behind two branches of government. Tsarist - in Russia, and papal - in Italy, which also claimed to secular power. For a long time there was a struggle between both branches of power after his death.
Due to the mistakes of later chroniclers, the Grand Duke Khan Ivan Kalita = Caliph is described on the pages of world history several times under various names: a) CROWN, the legendary king of Assyria. This is evidenced by the "History" of John Malala. In some "ancient" Greek myths, Kron is the progenitor of the Olympic gods. b) Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, mistakenly referred by historians in the XIII century. c) Khan Batuy, erroneously attributed by historians in the XIII century.
Died of an unexpected ailment. It is possible that he was poisoned. See details in the following chapters. He is most likely buried in the imperial Gizeh = Cossack pyramid field or in Luxor, in Egypt. See “The Secret of Russian History,” ch. 2:22.
SIMEON THE Proud, HE SAME ALEXANDER NEVSKY.[edit | edit source]
Tsar Khan SIMEON THE Proud 1340-1353 according to [362], [36], [145]. He, apparently, ALEXANDER NEVSKY, Fig.1.18 . In Western European sources it is reflected as the Habsburg "Ludwig of Bavaria", Fig.1.17 . That is, the Novgorodians are Barbaric People. Thus, the great prince Khan Simeon = Osman the Proud = Horde, along with Ivan Kalita = Caliph, also contributed to the biography of "Louis (Ludwig) of Bavaria".
He ruled the Empire from Veliky Novgorod. In Yaroslavl, that is, in the Yaroslavl yard of Veliky Novgorod, he organized a center of international trade between East and West. He created the courtyard of the governors of Veliky Novgorod as the center of administrative management of the Empire. Under him and his successors, such remote areas as Egypt and China were attached to the Great Empire, see the book "Empire". He is counted among the saints under the name of the Holy Right Prince Alexander Nevsky the Wonderworker (November 23, old style).
Due to the mistakes of later chroniclers, the Grand Duke Khan SIMEON GORDY is described on the pages of world history, according to our reconstruction, several times under his various names: a) ALEXANDER YAROSLAVICH NEVSKY, was mistakenly placed by historians in the XIII century; b) Khan MENKE, mistakenly placed by historians in the XIII century; c) Khan BERKAY or BERKE, mistakenly placed by historians in the XIII century; d) Khan CHANIBEK.
IVAN SHORT (RED).[edit | edit source]
IVAN SHORT (RED, BEAUTIFUL) 1353-1359 according to [36], [362] or 1354-1359 according to [145]. See fig . 1.19 . In Western European sources, he was reflected as the same Habsburg "Ludwig of Bavaria", that is, Novgorod "Barbarian People".
He ruled the Empire from Veliky Novgorod. He continued the construction of the Empire: communications, monetary system, international trade of East and West in Yaroslavl, the court of "governors of Veliky Novgorod" in Yaroslavl. After death, he left his young son Dmitry Ivanovich, the future Don.
According to our results, Ivan Krotsky is also known in the pages of history under the name YAROSLAV TVERSKAYA, which was mistakenly attributed by historians to the 13th century.
Note that long journeys became possible only with the emergence of a large Empire and its protected caravan routes. There was nothing like this before. Distant travel was in principle impossible. In any case, they were extremely dangerous. Having left not so far from home, a person fell into a completely different environment, with a different language and other customs. Become easy prey for robbers or vagrants. He could not go far. And only a powerful Empire was able to provide relatively safe guarded communications. Along which, not only troops and merchants, but also travelers, immediately moved.
DMITRY SUZDAL.[edit | edit source]
DMITRY SUZDALSKY 1359-1363 according to [362], or 1360-1362 according to [36], [145]. In the Western European chronicles it was reflected as the Habsburg "KARL IV" 1347-1378 on [76]. Note that "Charles IV" simply means "King Four." It is a reflection of the "sum" of the following two Russian khan-khans: DMITRY SUZDALSKY and DMITRY IVANOVICH DONSKY 1363-1389. Dmitry Donskoy will be discussed in the next paragraph.
Little is known about Dmitry Suzdalsky. We could not even find his old portrait. After the death of Ivan Ivanovich the Red, a state of unrest begins and the struggle for power under the young prince Dmitry, the future "Donskoy". The Grand Duke’s Headquarters, the capital, under him becomes the city of Kostroma. According to our results, Dmitry Suzdalsky is also known on the pages of history under the name VASILY KOSTROMSKAYA and was mistakenly referred by historians to the 13th century.
DMITRY DONSKY.[edit | edit source]
DMITRY IVANOVICH DONSKY 1363-1389 according to [362], or 1362-1389 according to [36], [145]. See fig . 1.20 .In the Western European chronicles it was reflected as the Habsburg "KARL IV", fig.1.21 . At the same time, some facts of the biography of Dmitry Donskoy also fell into the history of Habsburg WENZESLAV following Charles IV.

According to our reconstruction, Dmitry is also known in the pages of history under the names: a) SVYATOSLAV IGOREVICH, mistakenly referred by historians to the 10th century; b) DMITRY PEREYASLAVSKY, mistakenly referred by historians in the XIII century; c) Khan TOKHTA, mistakenly attributed by historians in the XIII century; d) Khan TOKHTAMYSH.
At the end of the 14th century, confusion began in Russia-Horde. In 1380, a bloody battle takes place between the troops of Dmitry Donskoy and the temnik Velyaminov-Mamaia. The battle is considered the largest in the history of medieval Russia. According to our results, the battle took place on the site of modern Moscow, at the confluence of the Yauza River in the Moscow River, see "New Chronology of Russia," ch.6. At that time, the city of Moscow was not yet here. The place of the battle is still called in Moscow KULISHKI FIELD. That is, the Kulikovo field. Mass graves of soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo survived in Moscow, in the Old Simon Monastery and in the Andronik Monastery. Today, historians are silent about them, or do not know.
Dmitry Donskoy laid the city of Moscow at the site of the Battle of Kulikovo. The capital, the royal headquarters of Dmitry Donskoy was the city of Kostroma.
In Western European sources, the battle was reflected as the famous battle of the Lucerne city of Zempach [304], v.2, p. 466. Western sources attributed the Battle of Kulikovo to 1386, to the reign of "Wenceslas, son of Charles IV." As we have shown in the book "Cossacks-Arias: from Russia to India", the Battle of Kulikovo is also the core, the main plot, of the huge "ancient" -Indian Sanskrit Epos "Mahabharata". Here she is described as the famous battle on the Kuru field (Kurukshetra). This role of the Battle of Kulikovo is explained by the fact that it was a battle for the adoption of apostolic Christianity as an official religion in the entire “Mongolian” Empire. The same battle is described on the pages of "ancient" sources as the battle of Emperor Constantine with Maxentius, see our book "Baptism of Rus."Thus, Dmitry Donskoy = Constantine the Great baptized the entire Great = "Mongolian" Empire at the end of the XIV century.
XV CENTURY. TAKING THE KING CITY = JERUSALEM. Ottoman = Ataman invasion. Horde Colonization of America.[edit | edit source]
Today, the Ottoman-Ottoman Empire is sometimes called the Ottoman Empire, however, we will adhere to its first name - Ataman. Moreover, in Russian documents of the XV-XVI centuries the first Turkish Sultan, - by whose name the empire got its name - was called OTOMAN or ATAMAN. For example, the famous 17th-century historian Andrei Lyzlov, the author of The History of Scythia, that is, Scythian History [497], sets out in detail the history of the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, A. Lyzlov uses the ATAMAN or OTOMAN form. For example, he writes: “ATAMAN - THE ANCESTOR OF TURKISH SULTANES” [497], p.283. Obviously, the identity of this name with the well-known name of the Cossack leaders-rulers - Ataman. Moreover, as the author of the famous medieval "Notes of the Janissary" reports, the Turkish sultan was called, in particular, the "son of hetmans" [424], p.115. Thus, the Janissary directly indicated that the name Ataman (Ottoman) of the progenitor of the Turkish sultans meant nothing more than Hetman, that is, Cossack Ataman. Since Getman is the same Cossack Ataman, but in a slightly different pronunciation.
After about a hundred years of the existence of the Russian-Horde = "Mongolian" Empire, its rulers encountered a new, unprecedented effect - the result of a good and well-developed system of communication routes created in the Empire. As a result of state construction and the rapid development of a network of good roads spanning vast territories, unexpected problems arose. Epidemics that flashed from time to time in the south of the Empire, now along established caravan routes began to spread easily throughout Eurasia. Deadly diseases - plague, cholera and others - became the inevitable payment for unification under the unified power of the vast territories of Europe, Asia and Africa. The wider the area covered by the disease, the longer the disease lasts. I had to look for a way out.
He was found on the path of introducing administrative borders within the Empire between its northern and southern regions. As a result, in the Empire, in addition to Veliky Novgorod in Russia-Horde, a second center appears - Tsar Grad on the Bosphorus. The ancient city again became the capital, this time of the southern regions of the "Mongolian" Empire. At the same time, the authorities of the Empire made an emergency decision on the compulsory quarantine cleaning of those imperial provinces where the infection was rampant. Such, apparently, turned out to be many lands of Western and Southern Europe. Horde troops = Cossacks with cruel orders to destroy the population of vast territories went to these areas. And re-populate them. This is the famous story of the Ottoman conquest of the 15th century, fig. 1.22 . See "Biblical Russia", chap. 4-5.

Thus, in the 15th century, Russia-Horde = Israel was forced "second time" to send its troops to the south and west. Conquered previously subordinate territories. Where, starting from the XIV century, the armed forces of the local rulers-governors of the Horde were already located. Naturally, they did not want to be destroyed. However, quarantine cleaning was forcibly and very consistently carried out. On the conquered lands of Europe and Asia, new governors were planted. In Russian history, the trace of these events remained as a large-scale distribution of the “Novgorod lands” to the boyars, the children of the boyars, noblemen, and the best lackeys, see “Biblical Russia,” chap. 5: 10.
As a result, on the site of Ancient Romea in 1453, a new, allied Rus-Horde Empire arose. This is Ottomania = Atamania or Ottoman Empire = Judea, fig. 1.23.

These events are described in the Bible, in the books of Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua. The Israeli campaigns led by Moses and Joshua are the military invasion of Russia-Horde and Ottomania = Atamania to Europe and Eurasia in general. The quarantine cleansing of many lands of Western Europe is described on the pages of the Bible as the destruction by the Israeli troops of the local population during the conquest of the promised land. The word Israelite itself is translated as the God of God. That is, a fighter for God. And the word Judea is translated as Bogoslavets. That is, glorifying God. The Israelis of the Old Testament era are the huge armies of Russia-Horde and Ottomania = Atamania. The Jews of the Old Testament era are priests and chroniclers who were part of the troops, that is, a layer of people who served, so to speak, the ideological sphere. The center of Judea was Tsar Grad, the city where Andronicus-Christ was crucified.
Incidentally, the "ancient Hellas" is probably a reflection of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. In this case, the name Hellas itself is, apparently, a variant of the word Horde, since L and P often passed into each other. As a result, the name Horde or Olda could turn into Hellas.
In the 15th century, Western Europe continued to be part of the Great Empire. Apparently, Western Europe is somehow divided between Veliky Novgorod and Constantinople. Imperial taxes are collected throughout Europe, Africa and Eurasia. Later historians called them "tribute to the Sultan."
Each Western European country at that time had its own Horde governor-king or governor-duke. All of them were in fact subordinate, possibly to varying degrees, to the central government of the "Mongolian" Empire. That is, the Emperor - from their point of view. The West Europeans called the Emperor the great king-khan of Russia-Horde, who was sitting in Veliky Novgorod far from them. The empire was one - and the Emperor was naturally alone. Once again, the name of the Great NOVGOROD in the Western European sense was perceived as HABSBURG, HAB-S-BURG. The word BURG means a city, and the HAB is apparently the Slavic word NAV read in Latin, that is, NEW. It turns out that the “Habsburgs" are just NOVGORODTS. They were paid taxes by all conquered countries. And the Novgorodians shared the money they received with the Ottoman = Ataman Sultan. That is, the taxes collected from Western Europe, North Africa, Asia and America were distributed between the two capitals: Novgorod and Tsar Grad. Probably, tribute mainly from Southern Europe and North Africa went to Constantinople.
In the XV-XVI centuries, there was a religious split of previously unified Christianity into several large branches - religions. Namely, in Orthodoxy, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism. But they will acquire such names later, only in the XVII-XVIII centuries.
So, all the major religions known today, listed above, came from the same root - from a single royal (and then apostolic) Christianity of the XII-XIII centuries. This explains the conclusions made by a large school of nineteenth-century scholars working in the field of the so-called comparative religion. After processing a huge amount of material, they found DARKLY MUCH BETWEEN ALL ALL SPECIFIED RELIGIONS. But, being shackled hand and foot by an incorrect Scaligerian chronology, they decided that Christianity absorbed numerous elements of supposedly earlier cults. It is not right. On the contrary, before the unified Christianity of the XII-XV centuries, in the XVI-XVII centuries, it branched out into several religions, each of which naturally inherited a significant part of the former cult, modifying it. At the same time, they shared the symbolism, formerly unified. The wide cross began to be used mainly by the Orthodox Church, the narrow cross - the Catholic, the six-pointed star - also one of the forms of the cross - Judaism, the crescent with the star - is also one of the forms of the cross - Islam.
So, in the XV-XVI centuries, the following branches of religion begin to separate from the previously unified Christianity.
1) ORTHODOXY, that is, ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY, probably the closest to the primary cult of the XII-XIV centuries, more restrained and severe in spirit. The center of Orthodoxy is Ancient Russia. Orthodoxy is also common in the Balkans and in the East. In the XII-XV centuries, Orthodoxy was called catholic or Catholic. So the term "Catholic" changed its meaning in the XVI-XVII centuries. From the term denoting the earlier single Christianity, Orthodoxy, it narrowed down to the designation of only West European Catholicism, isolated only in the XVI-XVII centuries.
2) Islam or Muslimism - in the East, initially quite close to Orthodoxy. Also a strict and ascetic religion.
3) CATOLITISM - mainly in the West. He retired from the primary low-key cult of the XII-XIV centuries. For some time, Catholicism existed in the form of a Greco-Roman pantheon of gods with elements of a bacchic orgiastic cult. This probably occurred in the XV-XVI centuries. Due to the spread of Bacchic practice, in some countries of Western Europe there arose diseases called venereal, named after Venus - the goddess of love [544], v.5, see the book "Antiquity is the Middle Ages", chap. 1: 3.
To eliminate such undesirable social consequences, a reform of the Western European cult was required. Why, in some countries of Western and Southern Europe, the viceroys of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire introduced the Inquisition, see the book "Empire", chap. 12: 9.4. After the church reform and the successful work of the Inquisition, the Catholic branch of Christianity acquired modern, already familiar to us forms, also quite restrained, see the book "Empire", ch.12: 10.
4) Another version of Christianity - BUDDHISM in the East. India, China, etc.
5) JUDAISM - both in the West and in the East (Karaites). It was originally a form of Christianity. Judaism has undergone a rather complex evolution over time.
6) The rest are not so widespread religions. Basically, they "split off" from those listed above only in the 17th century, Fig. 1.24 .
So, in our reconstruction ALL FAMOUS TODAY BASIC RELIGIONS LEAVE FROM ONE ROOT - Christianity of the XII-XIII centuries.
The Gospels were written either at the end of the XII century, or at the beginning of the XIII century. However, in the XIV-XV centuries they were substantially edited. All other books of the Bible, both the New and the Old Testaments, were probably written no earlier than the beginning of the 13th century. The editions of the Gospels and Psalms available today date back to the fourteenth century. And the rest of the books of the Old Testament were edited, in some cases, up to and including the 17th century.
BASIL I[edit | edit source]
VASILY I DMITRIEVICH 1389-1425 according to [362], [36], [145]. See fig . 1.25 . In the pages of Western European chronicles, he reflected as Habsburg "WENCESLAV" 1378-1400 [76]. The name Wenceslas could mean either the Wreath of Glory or the Glorious Wreath, or came from the name of the Slavs of VENDS, that is, VENDS GLORIOUS. Hence, probably, the name of the city is VENICE. The medieval image of "Wenceslas" see in Fig.1.26 .
During the reign of VASILY I DMITRIEVICH, a great schism began in the Ecumenical Church, accompanied by numerous internecine wars and unrest in the Empire. During the great church schism of 1415, the khan supported Orthodoxy in Russia. Subsequently, under VASILI I DMITRIEVICH and his son VASILII II VASILIEVICH in the DARK Orthodoxy is strengthened in Russia. It is to this era that the famous annalistic Baptism of Rus by Vladimir the Holy belongs. Basil I was canonized under the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke VLADIMIR, in the holy baptism of BASIL (July 15, old style).
According to our reconstruction, it is also known on the pages of history under the names: a) VLADIMIR SVYATOY (VLADIMIR SVYATOSLAVOVICH), mistakenly referred by historians to the 10th century; b) VITOVT LITHUANIAN.
YURI DMITRIEVICH[edit | edit source]
YURI DMITRIEVICH 1425-1434 according to [362], or 1425-1435 according to [36]. On the pages of Western European annals reflected under the name of Habsburg "ROBER" or "RUPREKHT PALATINSKY" 1400-1410 according to [76]. The name PALATINSKY, perhaps, comes from the Slavic name of the CHAMBER, that is, the royal chambers, the palace. The image of Novgorod "Ruprecht" see in Fig.1.27 .
Yuri Dmitrievich - co-ruler and rival of VASILII II VASILIEVICH DARK in the intra-dynastic struggle for the princely throne of the Empire. According to our results, it is also known on the pages of history under the names: a) SVYATOPOLK, the murderer of Boris and Gleb, was mistakenly assigned by historians to the 11th century; b) SIGIZMUND LITHUANIAN.
Yuri Dmitrievich throughout the reign struggles with his successor Vasily II. The struggle takes place in an atmosphere of turmoil associated with a change in the law of succession to the throne [362], v.5, chap. 3, columns 150-154. The clash ends with Yuri suddenly dying, being the Grand Duke and occupying the throne at that time [362], v.5, column 154.
BASIL Scythe[edit | edit source]
VASILY KOSYA, ruled in 1434. Moreover, the rules are only one month [362], v. 5, column 154. See also [832], part 3, v. 5, p. 240. Western European chroniclers called it this: Habsburg JOSSIY or IODOK MARCHION MORAVSKY and attributed his rule to 1410 [940], sheet 340, turnover.
After ascending the throne, he was almost immediately deposed. Deposition occurs peacefully, without military action.
BASIL II[edit | edit source]
VASILII II VASILIEVICH "DARK" (BLIND) 1425-1462 (?) According to [36], [362]. See fig . 1.28 . According to [145] and [362], the rules were from 1450 to 1462. In Western European chronicles it was reflected as "Habsburg SIGIZMUND" or "ZHIGIZMUND" 1410-1438 according to [76]. See old Sigismund images in Figure 1.29 and fig.1.29a . Pay attention to the big fur hat "Sigismund."
The reign of Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark - time of unrest and civil strife in the Empire. At this time, the contradictions between the various branches of the formerly unified church intensified, which led to internecine religious wars. Attempts to unite the churches at the Florence Cathedral in Italy in 1438 are unsuccessful. The Russian Church and Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich do not recognize the union. Relations between Veliky Novgorod (Rus) and Constantinople are breaking.
During the reign of Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark in the Empire, a terrible epidemic of plague flares up for a long time. Its focus is the southern regions of the Empire. According to the caravan routes created, covering the whole Empire, the infection spreads to the vast expanses of Europe and Asia.
In the reign of Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark in Russia, the second conquest of Tsar Grad and Southern Europe was being prepared, which began to separate in the religious sense from Russia - the metropolis of the Empire and, in addition, became the focus of the epidemic. The Ottoman = Ataman conquest begins. It was successful. In 1453, Constantinople was taken by attack and renamed Istanbul or, more precisely, StanBul, that is, Stan Bolgar or Stan of Babylon.
According to our reconstruction, Vasily II is known in the pages of history also under the name YAROSLAV THE WISE, mistakenly attributed by historians to the XI century.
In the Bible, the era of the Ottoman conquest is described as a continuation of the Israeli conquest of the promised land led by Joshua.
DMITRY SHEMYAK[edit | edit source]
DMITRY SHEMYAK 1446-1450 according to [362], [36]. According to [145], the rules of 1445-1450. On the pages of Western European chronicles, he was reflected as "Albert of Austria", 1438-1440 by [76].
He was a rival of Vasily Vasilievich in the intra-dynastic struggle for the grand princely throne of the Empire. He won a temporary victory and occupied the throne in 1446-1450.
For the title AUSTRIAN, see the book, Kingdom Rise, chapter 9. That was the name of the EASTERN KINGDOM, that is, OST + RIKI or OST + REICH = Eastern state. The name ALBER is probably derived from ALBA = WHITE. In this case, Albert of Austria is simply the White East Kingdom.
IVAN III[edit | edit source]
IVAN III (another name is TIMOFAY) VASILIEVICH GREAT "GROZNY" 1462-1505 according to [362]. See fig.1.30 . Karamzin notes that Ivan III was called "The Terrible" [362], v.6, column 215. On the parallelism between Ivan III and Ivan IV, see the book "Biblical Russia". In the Western European chronicles it was called the Habsburg - that is, Novgorod - "FRIEDRICH III" 1440-1493, according to [76]. See fig . 1.31 Fig. 1.31a .
He came to power as a result of the intra-dynastic struggle. In the battle, "standing" on the Ugra, he defeated the previous Grand Duke = Khan and took the throne of Veliky Novgorod. At this time, the empire’s metropolis is divided into two parts - southern Osmania = Atamania = Judea, and the northern part, Russia-Horde = Israel. The second capital of the Empire made the recently captured Tsar Grad. He was directly subordinated to the southern regions of Europe, Africa and the Middle East. And northern and central Europe, Siberia and Asia remained directly subordinate to Veliky Novgorod = Yaroslavl, the throne of which was occupied by Ivan III Vasilievich.
According to our results, Ivan III is also known on the pages of history under the names: a) VSEVOLOD YAROSLAVICH, mistakenly referred by historians to the XI century; b) KASIMIR LITHUANIAN.
By virtue of the parallelisms we discovered, Ivan III, aka Frederick III, aka Tamerlane, aka Mohammed II, the Conqueror, who took Constantinople, was a Horde king-khan, see the book "Biblical Rus." Ancient portraits of Mohammed II, see Fig. 1.32 Fig. 1.32a . He conquered many lands in southern and western Europe during the Ottoman conquest. The deep hostility of Western European historians and chroniclers to Mohammed II is well known. Subsequently, creating a "new history of Europe according to Scaliger," they multiplied - on paper - one king-khan into "several rulers." One of which was Ivan III in Russia. Another is Frederick III in Germany.

The Conquest of America in the 15th Century by Russia-Horde and Ottoman Empire. BIBLE PATRIARCH NOA IS CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS.[edit | edit source]
In the XV century, the second stage of the "Mongol" conquest began.The naval flotillas of Russia-Horde = Israel and Ottomania = Atamania = Judea crossed the Atlantic and landed in America. We know this event from Scaligerian history as the voyage of Christopher Columbus. In the Bible, this stage of the conquest of the promised land is described as the voyage of Patriarch Noah through the "great waters." At about the same time, the other armies of Russia-Horde entered the American continent through the Bering Strait and colonized the west coast of America and the north. Then they advanced to South America. The Horde and Ottoman = Ataman colonialists created in America the cultures known to us today as the Native American civilizations Maya, Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs and others. See "Mastering America by Russia-Horde", ch.6.
KAZAN = Khazar rebellion in Russia-Horde[edit | edit source]
In the middle of the XVI century, the Kazan kingdom - the famous Khazar Kaganate - became the center of the Jewish religion. The king of Kazan, that is, the Khazar Khagan, and his court accept Judaism. After that, Kazan is trying to secede from the Empire. It is possible that between Kazan = Khazar Judaism and the Western European Reformation, Protestantism, there was some kind of connection.
One should not think that medieval Kazan = Khazar Judaism of the mid-16th century and modern Judaism are one and the same. The current names of religions come from positively sounding medieval formulas. For example, Judah meant the glorifier of God. For a long time, these terms were not finally attached to one or another religious branch. They were still, so to speak, in common use. Therefore, the terms used in medieval chronicles: Jew = glorifying God, Orthodox, Catholic = ecumenical, do not always correspond to the same terms in the modern, already attached to one or another religious institution, understanding. This applies not only to religions, but also to the names of states. For example, Israel, that is, the Fighter for God, was the religiously colored name of the entire Russian Empire of the XIV-XVI centuries. In the XV-XVI centuries Judea was called Osmania = Atamania with the capital in the gospel Jerusalem = Istanbul. But then, in the era of the Reformation, the name Israel was applied to itself by some small newly-formed states, especially in the era of religious disagreements, in order to emphasize their innocence in a religious dispute. Only then this name was given to only one religious movement and only to one state.
Similarly, negatively sounding terms, such as an idolater, an infidel, etc., could be applied not only - and not so much - to savages, but also, for example, to Christians, representatives of another religious branch. Or just to the inhabitants of a different, hostile country, even in the absence of religious differences.
When rewriting old chronicles, this circumstance led to a misunderstanding and distortion by the scribes of the true meaning of the texts. Incorrect understanding passed to the pages of modern history textbooks. So the meaning of such terms should be treated with caution.
In 1552, the tsar-khan of Veliky Novgorod - Ivan the Terrible - brutally suppresses the Kazan = Khazar rebellion, see "Biblical Russia", ch.6.
Apparently, the history of the capture of Kazan was intertwined in the annals with the capture of Tsar Grad by the Ottomans = Atamans a century earlier, in 1453.
In the second half of the XVI century in Western Europe, a revolt of the Horde governors began, who did not want to submit to the distant king-khan of Veliky Novgorod. They want to become independent rulers. The banner of religious separation from the Empire was chosen as the ideological basis of the uprising. Protestant rebels took advantage of Lutheranism in the West as a pretext for political separation. Martin Luther himself was, apparently, a pure religious reformer, remaining a loyal subject to the "Mongol" Empire.
The encyclopedia "Christianity" says: "The Reformation ... is one of the largest events in world history, whose name denotes a whole period of the new time, covering the 16th and first half of the 17th century (Reformation period, 1517-1648)" [936], v.2, p. 471. Western religious reformers took Lutheranism as a religious slogan. In Russia, it is called the "heresy of the Judaizers," see "Biblical Russia," chap. 7. Moreover, in the false version of Russian history, written already under the Romanovs, this heresy was mainly transferred - on paper - from the 16th century to the previous 15th century. The fact is that the Romanovs themselves were involved in heresies. However, even in the distorted Romanov version of the history of the 16th century, there are many traces of genuine events of that time. For example, it is believed that in the 16th century in Russia "reunited" the heresy of the Judaizers arises.
Suppressing the Khazars = Kazan rebellion, Russia-Horde turns its gaze to the seething West. It was decided to send punitive troops there. In Russian sources this event is known as the beginning of the Livonian War, see "Biblical Russia", ch.8.
We emphasize once again that, in fact, the whole of Western Europe is called Lithuania here. And only later Romanov historians mischievously portrayed that Lithuania is just a small area on the site of modern Lithuania. Where Russian troops were supposedly sent to destroy Lutheranism. That is, as we begin to understand, to defeat the Western European Reformation. Romanov historians presented the case as if the relationship between Russia and Western Europe is a struggle between vast Russia and little Lithuania. As a result, it turned out that the big Empire had fought long and unsuccessfully with the small but proud Livonia. That is, supposedly with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. And this relatively small “Livonia” in the 16th century supposedly stubbornly resisted the Empire. And from time to time even defeated her. This is the so-called Livonian war of the 16th century.
In fact, it was not so. The empire tried to bring into obedience the whole of Western Europe. So the “Romanov Livonia” was conveyed - on paper - the merits of the entire reformist Western Europe. The small countries included by historians today in Livonia of the 16th Century were just a border of Western Europe along the border with Russia-Horde. Note that the very name of Livonia in the XVII century, after the collapse of the Empire, disappeared from the maps [797], p.707-708. Together with the so-called Livonian Order. That is, the Livonian Horde. In addition, historians themselves admit that the Livonian Order was in fact GERMAN [797], p.708. So historians did their best to take the name Livonia from all of Western Europe and keep it only for the Baltic countries and their neighbors. It is possible that the very name Livonia is a variant of the word Alemania, which until now denotes Germany in a number of European languages [797], p.39. Regarding the transfer of the name Livonia to Alemania, we explain that the Latin letters M and W differ only in rotation. In old texts, with still erratic spelling of letters, this easily led to confusion.
The Reformation in Western Europe = "Livonia" and the attempt to get out of the power of the Empire was perceived in Veliky Novgorod as a rebellion in subject areas. They decided to crush him by force. Preparations began for a major punitive campaign in Western Europe - so to speak, for the third conquest. After the first great = "Mongolian" conquest of the XIV century and the second Ottoman = Ataman conquest of the XV century. At this moment, in the capital of the Empire, unrest begins, growing into terror and oprichnina.
In the capital of the "Mongolian" Empire begins the largest unrest. Tsar Khan Ivan IV becomes ill, becomes Blessed (Holy Fool) and retires. Today he is known to us under the name Vasily the Blessed, Ivan the Blessed. According to Western sources, Charles V - aka Ivan the Terrible - goes to the monastery, surrendering his power. In the era of oprichnina, formally, the king is the son of St. Ivan the Blessed - the teenager Ivan, but in fact other people, his maternal relatives, rule the state. A pro-Western group of Zakharyins-Romanovs comes to power. At the top of power, a coup d'état “through a woman” takes place. That is, with the help of a woman. It is described in the pages of the Old Testament as the famous Esther, see "Biblical Russia", chap. 7. As a result, a group of Lutherans, whom the Russian Orthodox Church called "Judaizers," is actually in power for some time. These are Protestant foreigners, fully trusted by the Zakharyins-Romanovs. They disrupt the planned, and already begun, punitive Russian-Horde campaign to the West. They disrupt the Livonian war. In Russian history, the well-known era of the oprichnina begins. And today it is one of the darkest periods of ancient Russian history. The largest beating of the Horde warlords and the Horde nobility takes place. Including the heirs of the Russian-Horde throne. One of the vivid reflections of this event in "ancient" Russian history is the beating of the brothers "Cursed" by Svyatopolk. In the Bible it is reflected as "beating the Persians." This is described in the book of Esther. In honor of this event, the famous holiday of Purim was established in the Jewish church.
According to our research, under the name "Ivan the Terrible" on the pages of Russian history several consecutively reigning kings are presented.
1) Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, later - Vasily or Ivan the Blessed (1547-1553).
2) Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich, the young son of Ivan Vasilyevich, who died as a teenager from an accident (1553-1563).
3) Tsar Ivan Ivanovich, the second son of Ivan Vasilyevich, a teenager on behalf of whom the oprichnina was unleashed (1563-1572).
4) Tsar Simeon (1572-1584), married with the royal name Ivan after the defeat of the oprichnina and depriving Ivan Ivanovich of power. The founder of the new dynasty, to which Tsar Fedor Ivanovich belonged and whose last kings were Boris Fedorovich Godunov and his teenage son Fedor Borisovich, who were killed by the conspirators.
The palace turmoil in Russia of the 16th century, which stopped the Livonian war, and the subsequent oprichnina and terror that followed, are described in the Bible in the books of Esther and Judith. An important role here was played by the “story of a woman”. It is presented twice in the Bible. Like Esther, in the book "Esther", which describes the details of the palace life of Russia-Horde of the XVI century. And like Judith, in the book Judith, which sets out, in general, the same events, but from the point of view of the West European chronicler, far from the khan's court of the Empire.
In the Romanov version, the story of the heretic Esther-Judith of the 16th century is completely erased. How dangerous for the Romanovs (were implicated in heresies). However, it turned out that the era of the 16th century in the Romanov version of history is duplicated in the 15th century. This circumstance allows us to penetrate the history of the 16th century, peering into its reflection, which appeared in the 15th century. Here, "the story of Esther" is present in a very vivid form. By Ivan III we must understand the tsar of the era of Ivan the Terrible of the 16th century. This is most likely the brother of Ivan IV - George, in whose hands power was concentrated after Ivan IV = St. Basil himself retired. George is described in the Bible as Artaxerxes Dolgoruky. And in Russian history, he was also reflected as Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow. Under him, indeed, the capital of the Empire was moved to the modern city of Moscow, where the Moscow Kremlin was built. We emphasize that this happened only at the end of the 16th century. And not in the XII-XIV centuries, as the Scaligerian-Romanov story assures us. Moreover, the transfer of the Russian capital is closely connected with Esther and with the turmoil in the center of the Empire.
I must say that the memories of these events, even in the XVIII century, were sharp and painful for the Romanovs. Therefore, in their version of Russian history, which began to be created in the 17th century, the “history of Esther” is presented in a very muffled form. However, along with this, a fairly frank chronicle of these events was compiled. Which is included in the Bible. True, here came up with conditional veiled "biblical" names of characters, countries, etc. Recall that the modern biblical canon was created at the end of the XVI - XVII century. It was finally edited by the victorious reformers. That is, the Protestants.
In the era of the oprichnina and turmoil of the late 16th century, Western Europe is gradually gaining independence. Ottomania = Atamania = Judea detaches itself from the seething Rus-Horde = Israel and makes an attempt to re-conquer rebellious Western Europe. But alone can not do it.
BASIL III[edit | edit source]
VASILY III IVANOVICH, also bore the names: IVAN, BARLAAM, GAVRIIL [161], p. 68, and also [145], p. 173. See fig . 1.33 . Rules in 1505-1533 according to [362], or 1507-1534 according to [36], [145]. On the pages of Western European chronicles reflected as Habsburg, that is, Novgorodets, "MAXIMILIAN I" 1493-1519 on [76]. See fig . 1.34 .

Calm reign. The main event is the partition of the Western European and probably African "Novgorod lands", along which the Ataman conquest took place. The lands were divided between the new rulers-governors from among the Russian-Horde nobility. However, there were so many lands that nobility was not enough and had to attract the "best slaves". The division of land was controlled by a special institution called Novgorod Izba, see "Biblical Rus," ch.5: 10.
According to our results, Vasily III is also known in the pages of history under the name VLADIMIR VSEVOLODOVICH MONOMAH, and it is erroneously attributed by historians to the XII century.
TROUBLE, ELENA GLINSKY = Jezebel, ISRAELI TSARINA[edit | edit source]
SMUTA: ELENA GLINSKAYA + IVAN OVCHINA 1533-1538 according to [775]. Conditional old image of Elena Glinsky is shown in Fig. 1.35 . After the reign of Elena Glinsky follows the SEMYOJOBRYSHINA, that is, the Board of Trustees of 1538-1547 years [775]. Recall that after the death of VASIL III IVANOVICH, an intra-dynastic struggle began. Then - the board of the Boyar Duma = Seven Boyars, lasting until accession to the throne in 1547, the son of Vasily III Ivanovich, IVAN IV VASILIEVICH "GROZNY", who reached the age of majority.

The Western European chronicles did not note this turmoil in the history of the Habsburgs = Novgorodtsev. Apparently, when viewed from Western Europe, the tumultuous intra-palace events in Moscow, around the throne occupied by young Ivan IV, are not visible. Therefore, in the Western European chronicles immediately after Maximilian I = Basil III, power passes to Charles V = Ivan IV. Formally, it was. However, in fact, in Russian history, under the reign of Ivan IV, other people ruled - first the Semiboyarschina, then Elena Glinskaya and Ivan Ovchina [776], pp. 11-15. Then again Semiboyarschina. And only in 1547 Ivan IV the Terrible finally took power entirely in his hands and married the kingdom [362], vol. 8, column 56-57.
According to our results, the “Mongolian” Empire of the XIV-XVI centuries was reflected in the pages of the Old Testament in the form of the Israeli and Jewish kingdoms.
Vasily III married Elena Glinsky in early 1526 [578], pr.2, p.262. This event was described by Western European chronicles as the marriage of Habsburg = Novgorod "Charles V" in 1526 to Jezebel, daughter of the Portuguese king. In the Bible, this marriage is reflected in the history of the Kingdom of Israel as the marriage of King Ahab to Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31). Thus, the famous biblical Jezebel is a reflection of Elena Glinsky, wife of Basil III. Apparently, in the pages of the Bible book of the 4th Kings, the Russian-Horde tsar Khan Vasily III was reflected under the name of the Old Testament tsar AHABA. He is partially "Habsburg Charles V".
Elena Glinskaya dies at a young age. It is believed that she was poisoned [362], Vol. 8, column 29. Prince Vasily SHUISKY comes to power. He executes Prince Ivan Ovchin Telepnev. The name Shuisky comes from the word Shuya or Shui. On the pages of the biblical book of Kings 3 and 4 of the Kings, Basil Shuisky, that is, Tsar Shui, was reflected as a famous Old Testament commander-king Yeui.
IVAN IV "GROZNY"[edit | edit source]
THE EPOCH OF THE “GROZNY” KING IVAN IV VASILIEVICH 1533-1584 according to [775]. In 1547 he married the kingdom [362], vol. 8, column 56-57. See fig . 1.36 . On the pages of Western European annals, Ivan IV is described under the name of Habsburg, that is, Novgorod, "CARL V" 1519-1556 according to [304], v.3, p.27 or 1519-1558 according to [76]. See fig . 1.37 .
It is generally believed that the time of “Ivan the Terrible” is well documented and studied. Unfortunately, this is not the case. From Grozny almost no genuine documents have been preserved. His time is one of the darkest, most interesting and intriguing in Russian history. It separates from each other two completely different eras: the Russian-Horde period and the rule of the Romanovs.
Our studies have shown that under the same name of "Grozny" by the later falsifiers of Russian history several consecutively reigning tsars were falsely presented at once, see "The New Chronology of Russia", Ch. There were four kings. Thus, after clearing the true picture of Russian history of the 16th century, the entire period of the "Terrible" from 1547 to 1584 falls into four different reigns of four different tsars. This, according to our results:
1) Ivan IV Vasilievich, he is St. Basil.
2) The son of Ivan IV Vasilyevich, a minor, Dmitry. Killed from an accident.
3) The second son of Ivan IV Vasilievich - Ivan V. Teenager.
4) Simeon Bekbulatovich. Tsar’s name is Ivan.
Under Ivan IV, Veliky Novgorod was taken and defeated. This is one of the most notorious crimes of the oprichnina [776], p.145-160.
On the pages of the Western European annals these events are described as the struggle of Charles V with the Protestants. One of the central events of this period was the defeat by Charles V of the Protestant city of Magdeburg an Elbe, allegedly in the years 1550-1552 [304], v.3, p. 107. Probably, here on the pages of Western European chronicles reflected the distant events in Russia-Horde, when the troops of Ivan IV the Terrible defeated Veliky Novgorod, that is, Yaroslavl on the Volga.
"Ivan IV the Terrible" at the end of his life retired to the monastery, in fact, renounced power. According to our reconstruction, Ivan IV in 1553 became very ill and turned into a holy fool, see "New Chronology of Russia," ch.8: 5. He became Basil - or Ivan - Blessed. That is, the famous Moscow holy fool of the 16th century.
IVAN IV (BASIL BLESSED)[edit | edit source]
IVAN IV VASILIEVICH = VASIL BLESSED or IVAN BLESSED, MOSCOW MIRACLE, 1547-1553.Ivan IV Vasilievich began to rule together with his sibling Georgy Vasilievich and cousin Vladimir Andreevich. The main event of the reign of the young Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich is the conquest of Kazan in 1552.
During the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich in the Empire, a major rebellion begins under the banner of religious separation from the metropolis - from Veliky Novgorod. The government decided to crush the rebellion by force. The first step was the siege and seizure of Kazan in 1552. As the next stage, a military campaign was planned in Germany, captured by the rebellion-Reformation ("Livonian War").
In 1553, Ivan IV Vasilievich became seriously ill and became a holy fool. He was called Vasily the Blessed Moscow miracle worker, as well as Ivan the Blessed Moscow miracle worker. Under both of these names, he is mentioned in the calendar: on August 2 of the old style under the name of Basil and on July 3 under the name of John, Fig.1.38 .A few years later he died. At the end of the 16th century, the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed = Pokrovsky Cathedral, in which, apparently, the remains of Ivan IV Vasilyevich, was rebuilt in Moscow, was built in Moscow. However, under Ivan IV Vasilievich himself, the tsar’s headquarters was still in Suzdal, and the administrative center of the Empire’s administration, the courtyard of the governors of Veliky Novgorod, was in Yaroslavl. The Moscow Kremlin has not yet been built.
Ivan IV is known on the pages of history also under the name Vsevolod, and it is erroneously attributed by historians to the XII century.
DMITRY IVANOVICH[edit | edit source]
DMITRY IVANOVICH, 1553-1563. Infant, son of Ivan IV Vasilievich, fig. 1.39 .On behalf of Dmitry Ivanovich, the Rules were elected Rada = Board of Trustees, headed by Adashev. During the reign of the Elected Council, the Livonian War was launched to bring about obedience to Germany, captured by the rebellion of the Reformation. Toward the end of Dmitry Ivanovich’s reign, a major military invasion of Western Europe was prepared for this purpose. However, he was prevented by dynastic unrest in the Empire. In 1563, a teenager Dmitry Ivanovich dies from an accident. Subsequently, with the falsification of Russian history in the XVII-XVIII centuries, this death was carried forward several years and portrayed as the murder by “Godunov” of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich.
Known on the pages of history also under the name IZYASLAV, and it is erroneously attributed by historians to the XII century.
IVAN V IVANOVICH[edit | edit source]
IVAN V IVANOVICH 1563-1572. In the Western European annals, it is reflected as Habsburg = Novgorod "FERDINAND I" 1558-1564 according to [76]. See fig . 1.40 , fig . 1.40a .
After the tragic death of the teenage king, DMITRY IVANOVICH, his younger brother, IVAN IVANOVICH, ascends the throne. With the accession of the teenager Ivan V Ivanovich, the Zakharyins-Romanovs again come to power and begin terror. The Livonian war is stopped. The highest height of terror is the institution of the oprichnina, the defeat of the old Russian capital - Yaroslavl (Yaroslav's yard of Veliky Novgorod), the execution of a member of the reigning house, co-ruler Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky.
On the pages of history, Ivan V Ivanovich and his uncle Georgy Vasilyevich, who ruled with him, are also depicted, according to our results, as: a) YURI DOLGORUKII, mistakenly referred by historians to the XII century; b) ARTAKSERKS DOLGORUKY, mistakenly attributed by historians in the VI century BC.
SIMEON-IVAN BEKBULATOVICH 1572-1584. See his alleged portrait in Fig. 1.41 .On the pages of Western chronicles, he was reflected as Habsburg, that is, Novgorodets, "MAXIMILIAN II" 1564-1576 according to [76]. See fig . 1.42 , fig . 1.42a .
After the defeat of the oprichnina, Tsarevich Ivan was forced to abdicate. The king becomes the head of the zemstvo, a member of the reigning house, SIMEON. He takes the royal name of Ivan. Simeon Ivan is trying to continue the Livonian War. But the forces of Russia are exhausted by turmoil and terror. Simeon-Ivan managed to achieve only a few local successes in the war. The campaign to Germany was postponed for the future. It never took place.
According to our results, Simeon is also known on the pages of history under the name MSTISLAV, and it is erroneously referred to by historians in the XII century.
FEDOR IVANOVICH[edit | edit source]
FEDOR IVANOVICH 1584-1598 according to [362]. See fig . 1.43 .He is the son of SIMEON-IVAN. Calm reign without inner turmoil. Military operations in the Livonian War were discontinued, but the separation of the West from the Empire as a result of the Reformation mutiny was not recognized as legal at the court of the Grand Duke Khan. The West understands that when Russia gathers forces, the Livonian war will resume.
The wife of Fedor Ivanovich - Irina Godunova. Rod Godunov operates at the court in the XIV-XVI centuries. Its representatives held high positions under previous kings. The son and heir of Fedor Ivanovich is Boris Fedorovich Godunov. He was falsely portrayed in the Romanov story as the brother of IRINA, that is, as a person who did not have a hereditary right to the throne.
In the book “Mastering America by Russia-Horde”, Ch. 2, we showed that the transfer of the capital of Russia-Horde to Moscow at the end of the 16th century and the construction of the Moscow Kremlin here are described in the Bible as the famous restoration of Jerusalem. The Old Testament book "Nehemiah" is entirely devoted to this important event.
Regarding biblical Jerusalem, the following must be said. The Bible actually describes TWO JERUSALEM. The first is the Jerusalem Gospel. We call it evangelical Jerusalem. According to our results, this is Tsar Grad (Eros) on the Bosphorus. He is the "antique" Troy. Here lived and crucified (on Mount Beykos) Jesus Christ in the XII century.
The second biblical Jerusalem is Jerusalem of the era of the so-called restoration of the temple described in the Bible. This is Moscow of the 16th century. The Old Testament books describing the “second Jerusalem” are the latest books of the Bible. Although they are considered today, on the contrary, are among the most ancient. In fact, they were written in the 16th century and edited until the middle of the 17th century.
We emphasize that the numerous correspondences we found between the descriptions of Old Testament Jerusalem in the book of Nehemiah and the Moscow Kremlin leave no doubt that the Bible here speaks specifically about the construction of Moscow. This seemingly striking correspondence comes to the smallest detail. While in modern Palestinian Jerusalem (its true name, as is known, Al-Quds), there is nothing that even remotely resembles the biblical descriptions of Jerusalem.
Babylonian captivity[edit | edit source]
The "Babylonian captivity", that is, the "imperial captivity", the Bible refers to several events. The first - the oldest - Babylonian captivity of the XIV century, the era of the "Mongol" conquest. It is reflected in the history of the Catholic Church as the Avignon captivity of popes. Its details are almost unknown today. What we are offered as the history of the capture of popes is a version of the 17th century. Composed after the split of the "Mongolian" Empire and is part of a distorted Scaligerian history. In particular, the famous works of Dante, for example his "Letters", which speaks a lot about the Avignon captivity (he calls it Babylonian [241], p.120), were most likely written not earlier than the 17th century.
The same applies to the works of Petrarch (supposedly 1304-1374), allegedly written in the XIV century. Apparently, the works of Petrarch and the "ancient" Plutarch were written by one person, or in the same "Scaligerian workshop" of the 17th century. Most likely, Plutarch is just another name for Petrarch, see "Antiquity is the Middle Ages," ch. 1: 4.
It is believed that Dante lived in 1265-1321 [797], p. 359. In Fig. 1.44 we give a bronze bust of Dante, allegedly created in the 15th century “based on a cast from Dante’s face after his death” [304], v.2, p. 210. Most likely, a magnificent bust was made no earlier than the 17th century with a posthumous mask of a person who lived in the same era. Or we have yet another “visual aid”, specially made in the XVII-XVIII centuries for textbooks on Scaligerian history.
The second Babylonian captivity was in the 15th century. This is the capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans = Atamans in 1453.
The third Babylonian captivity occurred in the 16th century. This is the capture of Ivan the Terrible, that is, the biblical Nebuchadnezzar, of Kazan-Khazaria in 1552, see "Biblical Russia", ch.6.
The "return of the Catholic popes" to Italian Rome, allegedly in 1376, did not actually happen in the 14th century. And at the beginning of the XVII century, when, after the split of the "Mongolian" Empire, Italian Rome - previously the residence of the "Mongolian" priests - became the center of the new Catholicism for the first time. It was at that time that the Scaligerian story was being written. Therefore, historians moved the "return of popes" to the 14th century. For the Aging of Reformed Catholicism. Moreover, the XIV century was not chosen by chance. Apparently, it was in the XIV century that Khan Batu, that is, Ivan Kalita = Caliph, founded the VATICAN in Italy. That is VATI-KAN or BATY KHAN.
In the 17th century, Italian Rome was artificially attached with a long “ancient history”, written off from the Romance history of the 11th-13th centuries of the new era and from the “Mongolian” history of the 14th-16th centuries.
For some time the turmoil in Russia-Horde was overcome. The Oprichnina was defeated, and the Horde power was temporarily restored for 25-30 years under the rule of a new branch of the old Horde dynasty. This is Simeon-Ivan, then Fedor Ivanovich, and then Boris Godunov.
However, it was too late. Protestants took a strong position at the royal court of Russia-Horde. Soon follows a new major turmoil of the beginning of the XVII century. The Protestant Party comes to power again. The royal throne passes to their frank proteges - the Romanovs. Resistance to the fragments of Russia-Horde continues, however, until the end of the 18th century (war with Pugachev).
The penultimate attempt of the Horde to return to power is the so-called "Razin uprising." Which, in fact, was not an uprising, but a war between the two fragmented states of the former Empire. Namely, the Muscovite state, where the Romanovs are already in power - the rebel boyars, and the South Russian Astrakhan state, where the descendants of the old Russian-Horde dynasty apparently remained in power. Stepan Timofeevich Razin was the governor of the Astrakhan Horde troops. In this war, the Romanovs relied heavily on the military support of Western Europe. Their most reliable troops - Reytra regiments, archers were equipped with foreign, Western European mercenaries, see "New Chronology of Russia", chap. 9: 4. The war ends with the defeat of the Horde forces and the annexation of the territory of the Astrakhan state to Moscow. However, there still remains a huge Russian-Horde kingdom, covering the whole of Siberia, the Far East and a significant part of the North American continent. It was called Moscow Tartaria. It was conquered by the Romanovs and the United States Army only at the end of the 18th century, after the victory of the Romanovs over the Pugachev, see The New Chronology of Russia, chap. 11: 2.
As a result of the frank pro-Western policy of the Romanovs and the military-political weakening of Russia itself, the "Mongolian" Empire breaks up into several states - Russia, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, Egypt, England, the Middle East, Persia, China, Japan, India, America and some other states of Europe and Asia, Fig. 1.45 .
Nevertheless, for Western Europe there is still a danger of overcoming the crisis in Russia. The success of the Reformation mutiny is not consolidated, and in general it largely depends on the whims of Moscow Tsar Romanov, even an ally of Western Europe. Today he is a protege and ally, and tomorrow he can change his mind. In addition, there is Turkey-Atamania, which has not yet been subjected to rout.
Western Europe - a hotbed of rebellion - is trying to prevent the very possibility of the revival of the Great Empire. Probably not able to achieve this by military means, Western European politicians laid the main emphasis on diplomatic work. Apparently, her goal was to split the former alliance of Russia-Horde and Turkey-Atamania, to set them against each other.
The program described above has been successfully implemented. Namely.
In the second half of the XVI century in Russia, unrest and civil war began. The horde is losing the war. The Romanovs, pro-Western sovereigns, come to power. The press of military pressure on Western Europe from Russia is being removed. Peter I "cuts a window to Europe", and in many ways subordinates life in Russia to Western models. The idea of the superiority of the West over Russia is actively being introduced into the consciousness of the inhabitants of Russia. In science, culture, etc. German historians of the late 19th century wrote the following: << Peter even intervened in family and social life. He did not allow WOMEN'S TERMS and did not tolerate the former CUSTOMIAL CLOSING WOMEN'S FACES. He demanded that women no longer live locked up in the manner of Asians, but that they walk freely in a European way ... He introduced European customs in outer life and, in the French manner, arranged, for example, balls and meetings ("assemblies") . Not only that, he ordered the boyars to wear a Western European dress in order to transform both external and internal life, CHANGE THE WHOLE LIFE WORK of the NATION, as one English diplomat put it, and make his people truly European or, as Peter himself expressed in 1710 before the Danish envoy Julius: “TO MAKE PEOPLE FROM CATTLE” ... In a word, there HAS ALREADY BEEN EXPERIENCED ANYONE WHICH PETER WOULD NOT WANT TO CONVERT ... so as to bring his people out of its barbaric state >> [336], t .5, p. 569-570.
Since the 18th century, many “enlighteners" have been constantly explaining to us: we need to make people out of cattle (that is, of you).
The Romanovs begin to pursue a policy pushing Russia away from Turkey. Russian-Turkish wars flare up. Now Russia and Turkey are not up to Western Europe. They "sort things out" among themselves. For a while, the West gets a respite.
The Romanovs rewrote the history of Russia, substantially distorting it. In particular, the Russian army - the Horde was declared an evil alien force that conquered not so much Western Europe - this is now said in passing - as if, supposedly, Russia itself was. Descendants of the Great = "Mongols" = Scythians, in England respectfully called the Scots, that is, very noble Scots, see "The Secret of Russian History", ch.6: 11. And in occupied Russia, the triumphant victors squeamishly called us cattle, that is, very dirty animals.
Apparently, after the retreat of the Horde-Rus and Turkey-Atamania from Western Europe, the Western European chronologists tried, as far as possible, to erase from the historical memory all unpleasant for Western Europe and still fresh memories. These events were sent to the distant past, where they were perceived not so painfully.
In the end, as historians would say, you never know what happened in the past. But since then, nobody has ever conquered Europe so barbarously. And if tribute was paid, it was mainly by very ancient Romans to some very ancient Goths and even more ancient Huns that had long disappeared.
Anyway, is it worth remembering about it. Since then, everything has changed. Medieval and modern Western Europe is culture, progress and delicacy, and the East as it was and remains a wild Horde.
And in order for all these historical truths to be assimilated by public opinion, which is far from generally complicated, historical research, historical book and film epics have been invented for many years. Vividly and convincingly showing, for example, how the "early medieval" eastern barbarian-Hun Attila only by its ignorance dares to attack the Great Western Rome. But, in the end, admiring the culture of Italy, its religion, and fearing Roman power, she fearfully turns back, fleeing to her barren steppes.
BORIS GODUNOV[edit | edit source]
BORIS FEDOROVICH "GODUNOV" 1598-1605 according to [362]. See fig . 1.46 Fig. 1.46a . He is the son of the previous tsar FEDOR IVANOVICH. In the beginning - a quiet reign without major internal unrest. The government of BORIS FEDOROVICH is trying to achieve success in the Livonian War through diplomatic means, relying, in particular, on England.
Then the troubles begin. Tsar Boris Fedorovich is poisoned and dies at a young age, leaving behind an heir - a boy FEDOR BORISOVICH, his wife Maria and daughter Ksenia. The conspirators rely on Dmitry Ivanovich, the son of Tsar Ivan Ivanovich, deprived of power in 1572. Dmitry Ivanovich was tonsured a monk, but managed to escape to Poland. He tried to seize power by military means with the help of Polish mercenaries, but was defeated by the troops of Boris Fedorovich. However, the conspirators in the capital poisoned Tsar Boris Fedorovich and cleared the way to the throne, Dmitry Ivanovich.
FEDOR BORISOVICH[edit | edit source]
FEDOR BORISOVICH, 1605. The boy became king after the death of his father Boris Fedorovich. Soon killed by conspirators, along with his mother.
DMITRY IVANOVICH, "FALSE DMITRY"[edit | edit source]
DMITRY IVANOVICH (False Dmitry) "Impostor", "Thief" 1605-1610. See fig . 1.47 . The son of a powerless king in 1572, Tsar Ivan V Ivanovich. He was tonsured a monk, but fled to Poland and began the struggle for power. He seized the throne as a result of a conspiracy and a palace coup. A year later, in 1606, was overthrown by supporters of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, also a member of the reigning house, who sought to seize power. The reign of Dmitry Ivanovich and the simultaneous reign of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky is the era of the largest dynastic unrest in Russia, the civil war and chaos. In Romanov’s history, he is nicknamed the “impostor” and also the “thief”. Moreover, the "impostor" and "thief" are presented as supposedly two different people. Killed in 1610.
VASILY SHUISKY[edit | edit source]
VASILY IVANOVICH SHUISKY 1606-1610 according to [362]. He ascended the throne in 1606 as a result of a conspiracy and rebellion against Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich. Two royal courts were formed in the country - Vasily Ivanovich in Moscow and the court of Dmitry Ivanovich near Moscow, in Tushino. The time of dynastic unrest and chaos. Shuisky made an attempt to establish a new dynasty - as a branch of the old Russian Horde dynasty, to which the Shuiskys belonged. The attempt failed.
SMUTA 1610-1613 lasts 3 years. There is a change of dynasty. The Romanovs erupt in power. MIKHAIL ROMANOV, 1613-1645, ascends the throne. See fig . 1.48 . The very name of the new dynasty - Romanov, probably meant then ROME NEW. Apparently, the new rulers tried to emphasize the difference from the ROMAN OLD, that is, from the Russian-Horde "Mongol" Empire of the XIV-XVI centuries.

The famous war with Pugachev of 1773-1775 was by no means a suppression of the "peasant-Cossack uprising," as they explain to us today. This is the real major war of the Romanovs with the last independent Russian-Horde Cossack state - Moscow Tartaria. The capital of which, as the British Encyclopedia of 1771 informs us, was the Siberian city of Tobolsk, see "New Chronology of Russia", chap. 11.
Only after winning the war with Pugachev, did the Romanovs gain access to Siberia for the first time.
And the Americans only after this FIRST TIME gained access to the western half of the Horde North American continent. And they began to quickly seize her. But the Romanovs, apparently, did not doze off either. At first, they managed to “grab” Alaska, directly adjacent to Siberia. But in the end they could not hold her.
Thus ended the division of Moscow Tartary in the 19th century. This "feast of winners" is completely erased from the pages of history books. And today it is forgotten.
The British Encyclopedia reports that in the 18th century there was another “Tatar” state - Independent Tartary with its capital in Samarkand [1118], v.2, p. 682-684. This is another huge "fragment" of Great Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries. Unlike Moscow Tartaria, the fate of this state is known. It was conquered by the Romanovs in the middle of the 19th century. The capital of Independent Tartaria - Samarkand was taken by the Romanov troops in 1868 [183], part 3, p.309.
The religious and political heritage of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire was divided between:
WEST, with Catholic Rome in Italy, as a religious center,
EAST, with the Orthodox Third Rome = Moscow, as a religious center, and
ASIA, with Muslim Istanbul, as a religious center.
Thus, in the XVI-XVIII centuries, three new religions, formed from the once united Christianity of the XII-XIV centuries, divided the spheres of influence and created their own religious centers.
The modern city of Jerusalem in Palestine got its name and was identified with the annalistic evangelical Jerusalem not so long ago, see "Mastering America by Russia-Horde", ch. 2: 10. Probably, after the split of the Empire, the main church forces of Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Islam and Judaism could not converge with each other in deciding to keep the former name JERUSALEM behind Tsar Grad = Troy = Istanbul.
There were too many political, historical and religious contradictions here. After the split of Christianity in the XVI-XVII centuries, not one of the emerging branch-religions could agree to leave the former holy Jerusalem in the hands of any one of the "sisters" as its religious center.
In the end, so as not to hurt anyone, they secretly agreed to deprive Tsar Grad of one of his most famous ancient names - Jerusalem. And they appropriated it to the small village of Al-Quds in the territory of modern Palestine. Moreover, the very name Palestine - that is, the White Stan or Babel, the Babylonian Stan - also moved here relatively recently.
So modern Jerusalem appeared on world maps. This probably happened in the 18th century. And the construction of many “Jerusalem antiquities” (remodels) here, apparently, dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when Napoleon conquered Egypt, and Western Europeans first entered Palestine, see “Mastering America by Russia-Horde,” ch.2.
Al-Quds was quickly turned into a center of religious worship, where they transferred - on paper - all the relevant gospel and biblical events.
The loud medieval name of Troy was also taken from Tsar Grad and declared "very antique." However, this name did not go very far. Today we are told that the Homeric "antique" Troy is located, in general, near Istanbul. Namely, on the eastern coast of Turkey, near the southern entrance to the Dardanelles. Near the town of Kum Burun, see "Antiquity is the Middle Ages," ch. 5.
LIST OF ACADEMICIANS[edit | edit source]
In our reconstruction of world and Russian history, the well-known fact that, with the advent of the new pro-Western Romanov dynasty to power in Russia, the ruling stratum of Russia began to consist largely of foreigners, is increasingly becoming more apparent. Romanov historians have confidently come up with the following explanation for this fact. In a harmonious chorus, they repeat it today. They say that the Romanovs, from the best of intentions, called for enlightened foreigners to Russia, in order to finally pull the country out of the gloomy swamp of backwardness, inertia and ignorance. To make people from (Russian) cattle, as Peter I said [336]. T. 5, p. 569-570.
In fact, everything was different. The dominance of foreigners in Russia, which began during the first Romanovs and hardly weakened during the first two hundred years of their reign, was nothing more than a direct occupation by the Western Europeans of the former metropolis of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. The famous serfdom was introduced by the first Romanovs and was a direct enslavement of the indigenous population on the lands conquered by foreigners of the former metropolis.
Let us now turn to the history of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the first few decades after its creation in 1724 by decree of Peter I [736], book 1, p. V. We are convinced that Peter I, "having not found talent in Russia," is forced to call on Western European scientists so that they finally enlighten wild Russia and grow up a worthy change from local, yet poorly educated young people. Among scholars drafted from Western Europe there were really outstanding thinkers, for example, the brilliant mathematician Leonard Euler. However, at the same time, they usually somehow ignore the fact that ALL members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, starting from 1724 until 1742, are all foreigners, with the exception of only one Adadurov Vasily Evdokimovich, who was elected to the Academy in 1733 [736] book 1. Thus, FOR THE FIRST TWENTY YEARS, RUSSIAN ACADEMICIANS WERE ALMOST ONE FOREIGNER. But it turns out that even after that, the overwhelming majority of academicians were foreigners up until 1841, when the situation changed dramatically [736], pr.1, p.50.
In order not to be unfounded, we give a complete list of all full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the first fifty years from the moment of its creation in 1724 to 1773 [736], pr.1. The years of election are indicated. Genuine foreign names are given in parentheses without translating them into Russian [736], book 1. Academicians who were not foreigners are marked with asterisks. The list speaks for itself.
1725: 1) Herman Jacob, - FIRST academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2) Martini Christian, 3) Kohl Johann Peter, 4) Bulfinger Georg Bernhard (Bu "lfinger Georg Bernhard) 5) Gross Christian Friedrich, 6) Mayer Friedrich Christoph, 7) Bernoulli Daniel, 8) Delisle Joseph-Nikolas, 9) Buxbaum, Johann Christian (Buxbaum Johann Christian), 10) Goldbach Christian, 11) Burger Michael, 12) Bernoulli Nicolas, 13) Duvernoy Nikolay Georg (Du Vernoi or Duvernoy Johann Georg), 14) Miller Fedor Ivanovich (Mu "ller Gerard Friedrich), 15) Bayer Gottlieb or Theophil Siegfried (Bayer Gottlieb or Teophil Siegfried), 16) Beckenstein Johann Simon, 17) Weibrecht Josiah, (Weibrecht Iosias),
1726: 18) Leutmann Johann Georg, 19) Euler Leonhard,
1727: 20) Delisle de la Croye're Louis, 21) Kraft Georg Wolfgang, 22) Gmelin Johann Georg,
1731: 23) Winsheim Christian Nicolas von, 24) Juncker Gotlob Friedrich Wilhelm (Juncker Gottlob Friedrich Wilhelm),
1732: 25) Fischer Johann Eberhard, 26) Cramer Adolf Bernhard,
1733: 27) Amman Johann (Amman Johann), 28) Lotter Johann Georg (Lotter Johann Georg), * 29) Vasily Adadurov Evdokimovich,
1735: 30) Shtelin Yakov Yakovlevich (Sta "hlin Jacob), 31) Leroy Petr Louis (Le Roy Pierre-Louis),
1736: 32) Moulac Fre'de'ric, 33) Wilde Johann Christian, 34) Libert or Liebertus Johann Christophor, 35) Heinsius Gottfried , 36) Gellert Christian Ehregott, 37) Merling Georg (Moerling or Mo "rling Georg), 38) Migind Franciscus, 39) Malyard Mikhail (Andreevich) (?),
1737: 40) Steller Georg Wilhelm, 41) Brehm or Brahme Johann Friedrich (Brehm or Brehme Johann Friedrich),
1738: 42) Taubert Ivan Ivanovich or Johann Caspar (Taubert Johann Caspar), 43) Strube de Pyrmont Friedrich Heinrich (Strube de Piermont Friedrich Heinrich),
1740: 44) Crusius Christian Gottfried, 45) Richmann Georg Wilhelm,
1742: * 46) Teplov Grigory Nikolaevich, * 47) Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich, 48) Sigezbek Johann Georg, 49) Truskott Ivan Fomich or Johann or John (Truscott Johann),
1745: * 50) Krasheninnikov Stepan Petrovich, * 51) Trediakovsky Vasily Kirillovich,
1746: 52) Kaau-Burger Abraham (Abraham) (Kaau-Boerhaave Abraham),
1748: * 53) Popov Nikita Ivanovich, 54) Braun Josef Adam, 55) Kratzenstein Christian Gottlieb, 56) Kleinfeld Martin,
1749: 57) Moderach Karl Friedrich (58) Hebenstreit Johann Christian,
1751: 59) Grishov Augustin Nathanael (Grischov Augustin Nathanael), * 60) Kotelnikov Semyon Kirillovich, * 61) Protasov Alexey Protasievich, * 62) Shestakovsky Joseph (Ivanovich),
1753: * 63) Andrey Krasilnikov, * 64) Stepan Yakovlevich Rumovsky, * 65) Mikhail Safronov,
1755: 66) Kelreiter Joseph Gottlieb or Theophilus (Koelreuter Joseph Gottlieb or Theophilus), 67) Salchov Ulrich Christophor,
1756: 68) Zeiger Johann Ernst, 69) Epinus Franz Ulrich Theodor,
1757: 70) Schmidt Jacob Friedrich,
1759: * 71) Kozitsky Grigory Vasilievich, * 72) Motonis Nikolay Nikolaevich,
1760: 73) Fedorowitz Georg Friedrich,
1761: 74) Lehmann Johann Gottlob,
1762: 75) Schlozer August Ludwig (Schlo "zer Auguste Ludwig),
1764: 76) Pacecco Raphael,
1766: 77) Euler Johann Albrecht,
1767: 78) Gmelin Samuel Gottlieb, 79) Wolff Caspar Friedrich, 80) Pallas Peter Simon,
1768: 81) Lovits Davyd Egorovich or Georg Moritz (Lowitz Georg Moritz), * 82) Lepekhin Ivan Ivanovich, 83) Gertner Joseph (Ga "rtner Joseph), * 84) Amblers Petr Borisovich, 85) Kraft Login Yurevich or Wolfgang Ludwig (Kraft Wolfgang Ludwig),
1769: 86) Lexel Andrei Ivanovich or Andreas Johann (Lexell Andreas Johann), 87) Guildenstedt or Gueldenstedt Johann Anton (Gu "ldensta" dt Johann Anton),
1770: 88) Laxman Kirill Gustavovich or Eric Gustav (Laxmann Erich Gustav),
1771: * 89) Islenev Ivan Ivanovich.
Here we interrupt the enumeration of academicians, referring the reader to the reference publication [736]. This striking picture of the complete predominance of foreigners in the Russian Academy of Sciences lasts until 1841. This year, a turning point sets in, the reasons for which are not very clear. After him, foreigners-academics become significantly less. In 1841, 20 new academicians were elected. Among them there is not a single foreigner [736], pr.1. To quantify the whole picture as a whole, we built the graph shown in Fig. 1.49 . The percentage of foreigners among the academicians of the Russian Academy is shown from its inception in 1724 until 1917. More precisely, along the horizontal axis of time, all consecutive years of elections to the Russian Academy are marked. Then, for each such year, the percentage of foreigners who became academicians this year was calculated. On the graph, this value remains constant until the next election year, when the percentage could change. The result is a stepped graph. Each of its horizontal platforms corresponds to the period between neighboring elections. The question of which of the academicians is a foreigner and who is not is solved very simply by the following formal grounds. In the reference publication [736], each elected member of the Academy who is a foreigner is indicated by indicating (in brackets) his original foreign name. See the top of the list above.

The result is shown in Fig. 1.49 . Further, in Fig. 1.50 , we give a smoothed graph. It is obtained from the previous averaging over decades. That is, the bicentennial time interval from 1720 to 1918 is divided into decades, and for each of them the percentage of foreign academicians elected in these ten years is calculated.
We now discuss the resulting graphs in Fig. 1.49 and fig. 1.50 . It can be clearly seen that in the vast majority of cases, until 1841, foreigners became academicians of the Russian Academy, that is, its full members. This important fact is "explained" to us today approximately like this. Like, for more than a hundred years, the foreign members of the Russian Academy somehow did not manage to grow up a worthy noticeable shift from Russian scientists. Despite all efforts. With great difficulty, benevolent and delicate foreigners searched for rare talents in the vastness of Russia. But they found "catastrophically small." It’s clear why. Wild Asian country. Forests, snow, bears. Primitive life. So I had to again and again ask for help from enlightened Western Europe and bring worthy scientists from there.
But, most likely, the point here is not the lack of talent in Russia. But in a completely different way. At the beginning of the XVII century, a significant part of European Russia was conquered by foreigners. Which are by no means interested in the revival of the Empire.
At the same time, the reformers cunningly attributed to other peoples the achievements of Russia-Horde, including in science. In this regard, we recall once again the words of 'Diodorus of Sicily, relating to et-Rus. That is, as we now understand, to the Russians of the XIV-XVI centuries, see the book "The Rise of the Kingdom," ch. 3. "Etruscans, from ancient times distinguished by energy, conquered a vast territory and founded many cities. They created a powerful fleet and were for a long time the rulers of the seas ... improved the organization of troops ... They invented a letter, zealously studied the science of the gods, mastered the skills of observation for lightning. Therefore, to this day they cause surprise ... "Diodorus of Sicily. XIV, 113. Cit. according to [574], cover rotation.
In the book “The Mystery of Russian History”, ch. 2: 31-32, we published materials about the hard struggle begun by MV Lomonosov in the field of history with academic historians who were foreigners. Therefore, it is useful to understand how many HISTORICAL academicians in the Russian Academy of Sciences of the XVIII-XIX centuries were foreigners. Who created the Romanov-Miller story in those years? Foreign historians or domestic?
A study of the list of academicians given in [736], book 1, reveals important facts.
It turns out that EVERYTHING BEFORE THE UNIFIED HISTORY ACADEMICIANS WELL UP TO MV LOMONOSOV ARE FOREIGNERS. There are eleven of them. Among them are such “creators of Russian history” as we know, such as Miller Gerard Friedrich (later he took the name of Fedor Ivanovich in Russia [736], p.5) and Bayer Gottlieb or Theophil Siegfried. Thus, during the first eighteen years of the existence of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIAN HISTORY WRITTEN ONLY BY ACADEMICIANS FOREIGNERS. We repeat that there are quite a lot of them - eleven. It was they who laid the false foundations of "Russian history." Worked for about two decades! Only in 1742, M.V. Lomonosov was elected an academician [736], book 1, p. 14. The first Russian academician, who was not only a natural scientist, but also a historian. Once inside the Academy, he, apparently, quickly figured out what was happening. And then an irreconcilable struggle broke out between him and foreign academics for the correct coverage of Russian history. The resistance shown to M.V. Lomonosov was close-knit and furious. For details of this confrontation, see “The Secret of Russian History,” ch. 2: 31-32.
Now we will consistently list ALL HISTORIAN ACADEMICIANS of the Russian Academy of Sciences, both foreigners and domestic, starting from its foundation in 1724, up to and including 1917. As above, we follow the reference publication [736], book 1, where for each academician his scientific specialty is indicated. We also give the year of election. Academicians who were not foreigners are marked with asterisks.
1) Kohl Peter or Johann Peter (Kohl Johann Peter), 1725; 2) Miller or Muller Fyodor Ivanovich or Gerard Friedrich (Mu "ller Gerard Friedrich), 1725; 3) Bayer Gottlieb or Theophil Siegfried (Bayer Gottlieb or Theophil Siegfried), 1725; 4) Fisher Johann Eberhard (Fischer Johann E32hard); 5) Cramer Adolf Bernhard, 1732; 6) Lotter Johann Georg, 1733; 7) Leroy Louis or Pierre-Louis (Le Roy Pierre-Louis, 1735; 8) Merling Georg (Moerling or Mo "rling Georg), 1736; 9) Brem or Brahme Johann Friedrich (Brehm or Brehme Johann Friedrich), 1737; 10) Taubert Ivan Ivanovich or Johann Caspar (Taubert Johann Caspar), 1738; 11) Crusius Christian Gottfried (Crusius Christian Gottfried), 1740; * 12) Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich, 1742; 13) Modera Karl Friedrich (Moderach Karl Friedrich), 1749; 14) Schlozer August Ludwig (Schlo "zer Auguste Ludwig), 1762; 15) Stritter or Stritter Ivan Mikhailovich or Johann Gotthilf, 1779; 16) Hackmann Johann Friedrich, 1782 Fich Buss (1782; 17) or Johann Heinrich (Busse Johann Heinrich), 1795; 18) Vauvilliers Jean-Francois (Vauvilliers Jean-Francois), 1798; 19) Klaprot Heinrich Julius or Julius (Klaproth Heinrich Julius), 1804; 20) German Karl Fedorovich or Karl Gotlob Melchior or Karl Theodor (Hermann Karl Gottlob Melchior or Karl Theodore), 1805; 21) Circle Philip Ivanovich or Johann Philipp (Krug Johann Philipp), 1805; 22) Lerberg August or Aaron Christian (Lehrberg August Christian), 1807; 23) Köhler Egor Egorovich or G nrih Karl Ernst (Ko "ler Heinrich Karl Ernst), 1817; 24) Fren Christian Danilovich or Christian Martin (Fra "hn Christian Martin), 1817; * 25) Yartsov Yanuari Osipovich, 1818; 26) Grefe Fyodor Bogdanovich or Christian Friedrich (Gra" fe Christian Friedrich), 1820; 27) Schmidt Jacob Ivanovich or Isaac Jacob (Schmidt Isaac Jacob), 1829; 28) Shengren Andrei Mikhailovich or Johann Andreas (Sjo "rgen Johann Andreas), 1829; 29) Sharmua Franz Frantsevich or Francois-Bernard, 1832; 30) Fleischer Heinrich Lebrecht, 1835; 3135 ) Lenz Robert Khristianovich (Lenz Robert Christian), 1835; 32) Brosse Mari Ivanovich or Marie-Felicite (Brosset Marie-Felicite '), 1836; * 33) Ustryalov Nikolay Gerasimovich, 1837; 34) Dorn Boris Andreevich or Johann Albrecht Bernhard ( Dorn Johann Albrecht Bernhard), 1839.
Then the crucial elections of 1841 take place, starting from which at last domestic academic historians began to appear in a noticeable amount (but it was already too late):
- 35) Arseniev Konstantin Ivanovich, 1841; * 36) Berednikov Yakov Ivanovich, 1841; * 37) Borisov Ivan Alekseevich (Archbishop Innocent), 1841; * 38) Butkov Petr Grigorievich, 1841; * 39) Kachenovsky Mikhail Trofimovich, 1841; * 40) Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich, 1841; * 41) Stroyev Pavel Mikhailovich, 1841; 42) Betlingk Otton or Otto Nikolaevich von (Bo "ehtlingk Otto von), 1842; 43) Kunik Arist Aristovich or Ernst Eduard (1844; * 44) Korkunov Mikhail Andreevich, 1847; * 45) Kovalevsky Joseph or Osip Mikhailovich, 1847; 46) Stephanie Ludolph Eduardovich (Stephani Ludolph Eduard), 1850; 47) Schifner Anton Antonovich or Franz Anton (Schiefner Franz Anton), 1852; 48) Krel Ludolf Adolph Christoph Ehrenfeld (Krehl Ludolf Adolf Christoph Erenfeld), 18 * 49) Velyaminov-Zernov Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1858; 50) Sciences August Karlovich or Johann August (Nauk Johann August), 1858; * 51) Pekarsky Petr Petrovich, 1863; * 52) Bychkov Afanasy Fedorovich, 1866; * 53) Nightingale ev Sergei Mikhailovich, 1872; * 54) Sukhomlinov Mikhail Ivanovich, 1872; * 55) Rosen Victor Romanovich, 1879; * 56) Kachalov Nikolay Vasilyevich, 1883; * 57) Vasilyev Vasily Pavlovich, 1886; 58) Zaleman Karl Germanovich or Karl Gustav German (Salemann Carl Gustav Hermann), 1886; * 59) Nikolai Fedorovich Dubrovin, 1887; * 60) Pyotr Vasilyevich Nikitin, 1888; * 61) Maykov Leonid Nikolaevich, 1889; * 62) Vasilevsky Vasily Grigorievich, 1890; * 63) Bestuzhev-Ryumin Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1890; * 64) Tikhonravov Nikolay Savvich, 1890; * 65) Ernstedt Victor Karlovich, 1893; * 66) Latyshev Vasily Vasilyevich, 1893; * 67) Shakhmatov Alexey Alexandrovich, 1894; * 68) Yanzhul Ivan Ivanovich, 1895; * 60) Kondakov Nikodim Pavlovich, 1898; * 61) Zhdanov Ivan Nikolaevich, 1899; * 62) Lappo-Danilevsky Alexander Sergeevich, 1899; * 63) Lamansky Vladimir Ivanovich, 1900; * 64) Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich, 1900; * 65) Assumption Fedor Ivanovich, 1900; * 66) Golubinsky Evgeny Evstigneevich, 1903; * 67) Dyakonov Mikhail Alexandrovich, 1905; * 68) Dashkevich Nikolay Pavlovich, 1907; * 69) Istrin Vasily Mikhailovich, 1907; * 70) Kotlyarevsky Nestor Alexandrovich, 1909; * 71) Vinogradov Pavel Gavrilovich, 1914; * 72) Ikonnikov Vladimir Stepanovich, 1914; * 73) Perets Vladimir Nikolaevich, 1914; * 74) Kovalevsky Maxim Maximovich, 1914; * 75) Nikolsky Nikolai Konstantinovich, 1916; * 76) Palmov Ivan Savvich, 1916; * 77) Rostovtsev Mikhail Ivanovich, 1917.
This is followed by the post-revolutionary elections of 1918, in which we interrupt the list of academic historians.
FINDINGS. Fig. 1.51 a graph is shown showing what percentage of foreigners elected in this decade, historians in the Russian Academy of Sciences The graph speaks for itself. For more than a hundred years, it almost does not deviate from the 100 percent value. And only in the middle of the 19th century did it begin to fall rapidly, reaching zero by 1900.
For 117 years - more than a century! - in the Russian Academy of Sciences, starting from its founding in 1724, until 1841, THREE FOUR FOUR HISTORICAL ACADEMICIANS HAVE ONLY THREE THREE RUSSIAN ACADEMICIANS. These are M.V. Lomonosov, Ya.O. Yartsov, and N.G. Ustryalov [736], book 1. They are marked with asterisks in the list. ALL THE OTHER THIRTY ONE ACADEMICIANS WERE FOREIGNERS. Thus, until the middle of the XIX century, the share of foreign historians exceeded ninety percent in the Russian Academy!
It turns out that for over a hundred years, foreigners have completely controlled the entire process of writing Russian history.It was the foreigners who uncontrollably decided which old Russian documents should be destroyed, which ones to rewrite, which ones to keep, which ones to falsify. As we can see, domestic historians were roughly exposed at the door, completely removed from the domestic archives and primary sources.
And only since 1841 did something happen, and among academic historians, domestic scientists began to appear in a noticeable number. But it was too late. The false foundation of "Russian history" has already been laid and firmly concreted by their foreign predecessors over the previous hundred years.
The results of the "activities" of foreign historians are well known to us. Today, their followers unanimously and convincingly tell us, for example, that before Peter I there was no navy in Russia. It was as if Peter for the FIRST TIME ordered the construction in Russia of unpretentious “boots”, and then ships. Thus, the historians hired by the Romanovs tried to completely wipe out the grandiose naval expeditions of the XV-XVI centuries from Russian history, when, according to our results, the Russian-Horde and Ottoman = Ataman fleets colonized, for example, the distant American continent. And not only him. Moreover, as we now understand, the Horde troops did not cross the ocean in fragile log dugouts, but on ships with several rows of heavy guns, see "Mastering America by Russia-Horde," ch.6.Foreign historians declared the entire history of Russian history before the 17th century as the era of the dark medieval cave. So we are still taught. Hammering a fake version of youth.
Fortunately, many traces of true history still survive.
- Medieval Russia is a multinational state, approximately corresponding in terms of the national structure of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. During the "Mongol-Tatar" invasion, no foreigners conquered it. On the contrary, the conquest came from himself. Russia-Horde was originally inhabited by peoples natively living on their land. Including - and the ancestors of modern Tatars. The language of the state was Russian, Church Slavonic. However, along with it, the Tatar, Turkic folk language was widely used. Russia of that time is bilingual. Russian people spoke two languages - Turkic, common people, and Russian, descended from Church Slavonic, the language of Scripture and state records management. Subsequently, after the separation of Islam and Orthodoxy, the Muslim part of the population of Russia did not switch to an alien pronunciation, the sacred language of Islam, and continued to speak Turkic. And among the Orthodox part of the population, already in the Romanov era, the Turkic common language was gradually completely replaced by Russian and forgotten.
- The very name "Mongolia", or Mogul, as it was written earlier, probably comes from the Russian MOG, URINE, POWER, POWERFUL, MUCH. Hence the Greek Megalion, that is, the Great. In Russian historical sources, the word Mongolia, or Mogul, does not occur. But there is Great Russia. It is known that foreigners called Russia Mongolia. This name is just a translation of the Russian word Great.
- The so-called "Tatar-Mongol yoke" is just a specific, Horde period in the history of our state. This is a time when the entire population of the country is divided into two parts. One of them is a civilian civilian population ruled by princes. The other is a standing regular army-Horde-Rat led by military leaders. Which could be Russian, Tatars, etc. At the head of the Horde was the king or khan. He held supreme authority in the kingdom. Thus, two administrations acted hand in hand in the Russian state of that period: the military - along the Horde and the civilian - on the ground.
- It is known that Russia paid the Horde = Rati tribute as a tenth of property and a tenth of the population. This is considered, in particular, evidence of the "Tatar yoke" and the subordination of Russia. However, in fact, this is not about tribute to the conquerors, but about the tax that actually existed in Russia on the maintenance of their own Russian regular troops - the Horde, as well as on the draft of the youth in the army. In those days, the army = Horde was taken as a child, and the recruited Cossack warriors did not return home. The military set was the very “tagma”, a tribute to the blood that the Russians allegedly paid to the Tatars. A similar order, by the way, existed in Osmania = Atamania, at least until the 17th century. But this is not a tribute to the conquered people by the conquerors, but the state practice of conscription in the Empire at that time. For refusing to pay tribute, the military administration punished the population with punitive expeditions to the guilty area. Today, such operations are falsely presented by historians as allegedly "Tatar raids" on Russian regions. Naturally, pacification operations were sometimes accompanied by bloody excesses and executions.
- There was no so-called "Tatar-Mongol" conquest of Russia, that is, there was no invasion of foreigners on Russia. In fact, what today has been declared the "Tatar-Mongol enslavement of Russia" is an internal process of uniting the Russian principalities - by military means - and strengthening tsarist power in the country.
- The descendants of the regular Russian army of the Red Army of that time have survived to this day. These are Cossack troops living in Cossack villages. The opinion of some historians that the Cossacks are runaway slaves who fled or were forcibly evicted to the Don in the 16th-17th centuries does not hold water. As early as the 17th century, Cossacks were distributed throughout the territory of Russia.
- The royal dynasty of Ivan Kalita of the XIV-XVI centuries - this is the dynasty of the khans-kings of the Horde. Therefore, it can be conditionally called the Horde dynasty. This is our term. The Horde dynasty is Russian, and not some alien. It was descended from the kings of the old Roman Empire and, by the beginning of the great = "Mongol" conquest, had ruled in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus for about a hundred years. The great conquest began the brother of Ivan Kalita = Caliph - George Danilovich of Moscow. It is presented in the Seventh Years Tale edited in the 17th century as Prince Rurik, called by the Novgorodians. And in foreign sources it is known as the conqueror of the world Genghis Khan. Or CAESAR KHAN, as his name was written in some Western European chronicles. He is George the Victorious. George = Genghis Khan died at a young age. According to some sources - in battle, according to others - treacherously killed.
Then the power passed to the brother of George - Ivan Kalita = Caliph. He is Khan Batu, who continued the conquests of Khan George the Victorious and completed the Western campaign. The campaign ended with the complete subjugation of Western Europe and Eurasia in general, many places of which at that time were still sparsely populated, deprived of fortified cities, land. As one of the new centers of power in the West, Ivan Kalita = Batu Khan founded Italian Rome and the Vatican at the end of the 14th century, the name of which means Batu Khan.
The economic life of the “Mongolian” Empire was probably organized like this. Each individual region or province of the Empire was entrusted with a particular type of production activity. In some regions, shipbuilding developed (territories of such future countries as England, Spain, Portugal), in others - agriculture, the third was assigned the role of resorts, due to the especially favorable climate (Italy, southern France). The resort area was a significant part of Western Europe. The products of the provincial economic activity entered the "common imperial cauldron"; the khan administration distributed them throughout the empire in accordance with the capabilities of the time.
- The Horde period in the history of Russia covers the XIII-XVI century. Its end is the Great Troubles in the history of Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The last supreme ruler of the Horde dynasty is Boris Godunov.
- The Great Troubles and the civil war of the beginning of the 17th century ended with the coming to power of a fundamentally new Romanov dynasty, originally from Western Russia, from Pskov. In the Civil War, the Horde dynasty was defeated. The Age of the Horde is over. A new period began in the history of Russia. The end of the era, then declared by Romanov historians to be the famous "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in Russia, is the beginning of the 17th century. And by no means the end of the 15th century, as is believed in Millerovsky-Scaligerian history.
- The new Romanov dynasty needed to strengthen its position on the throne. At that time, there were other surviving descendants of the former Horde kings. They claimed the throne. In particular, the Crimean khans, and some of the Cossack clans, and the Horde rulers of Siberia, the Far East, China, and a significant part of the American continent apparently belonged to them. Therefore, it was important for the Romanovs to present the former Russian tsar khans as the original "foreign" enemies of Russia. To this end, the Romanovs created, with the help of German historians Miller, Schletser, Bayer and others, a distorted historical version of the alleged military confrontation between Russia and the Horde, Russians and Tatars. The Romanovs and their historians called the preceding Russian Horde dynasty - Tatar. Giving thereby a completely different coverage of the ancient Russian history of that era. Introducing the concept of the Tatar enemy, which must be fought. They tried to set nations against each other. Thus, often without changing the historical facts in essence, Romanov historians extremely strongly distorted the whole concept and the whole meaning of the preceding history of Russia.
- Of course, then - as now - the Tatars, as well as the Mordovians, Chuvashs, etc., were part of the Russian state. However, the opposition of the Tatars and the Russians, the portrayal of some as conquerors, and others as conquered, is an invention of Romanov and Scaligerian historians of the XVII-XVIII centuries. They distorted Russian history and presented it as if in the Middle Ages two opposing forces existed on the territory of Russia: “Russian Russia” and “Tatar Horde”. And that Russia was conquered by the Horde.
- The White Horde of annals meant Belarus, that is, White Russia. This name used to mean not only modern Belarus, but also a much larger territory. For example, at the end of the XV - beginning of the XVI century, the entire Muscovite state was called White Russia. Perhaps from here came the famous nickname of the Moscow Tsar - the White Tsar. The Golden Horde or the Volga Kingdom is the Volga region, which in those days was also called Siberia. From here - the city of Simbirsk on the Volga. The third famous Horde - Blue - is modern Ukraine and Crimea.
Let us dwell on the exceptionally interesting question of the financial system of the Empire and the estate of treasurers. A new understanding of the history of the XIV-XVII centuries significantly changes our ideas about many issues, for example, about the place of the Jews in the Middle Ages. This question has been of interest to many. The usual point of view that this is simply a religious community that once, a long time ago, for some not very clear reasons, scattered around the world, can hardly be considered satisfactory. There have always been many questions to her. Why is this and only this religious community scattered throughout the world and has not disappeared. After all, there were many religious wars, and many religious movements were destroyed by fire and sword. If the ancient Jewish state was somehow very large, then the picture would become clearer. Then the Jews would have survived because of their multiplicity. But no, we are told that the ancient Jewish state is very small. But hundreds of such small states have been destroyed in the history of mankind. But the Jewish community has survived. Moreover, it is common in all civilized countries. And in all countries it occupies a prominent position in socio-political life, science, culture. And, of course, in the financial system.
Let us look at this from the point of view of the history of the Great Empire, that is, the Russian-Horde kingdom of the XIV-XVI centuries. The question is, what place did the ancestors of modern Jews in the Empire occupy?
Apparently, the idea of an anthill or a hive is traced in the structure of the Empire. That is, estates, hereditary clans were created, engaged in one or another special kind of activity. Perhaps the traces of the caste imperial system to some extent survived in India with its famous castes of warriors, workers, priests, etc. In recent Russian history, we know at least one such surviving example. This is a caste, an estate of priests. Until the second half of the 19th century, only the son of a priest and the daughter of a priest could become a priest in Russia, that is, both parents should belong to this caste. The law was repealed only in the 19th century. This circumstance at one time was widely discussed in Russian society. Echoes of the discussion can be found among Russian writers of the 19th century, for example, N.S. Leskov.
Another example of a professional clan, apparently, are the ancestors of the present gypsies, see "Seven Wonders of the World", chap. 1:11. They served the trade caravan routes of the Empire, stretching over many thousands of kilometers. Hence the inherent attraction of Gypsies to constant movement, the desire to be near horses, the stubborn non-recognition of state borders. After the collapse of the Empire, the profession itself died out, but vague memories of the kind of activity of their ancestors still live among the descendants of this professional clan.
Probably, in the pre-Romanovsk Russian-Horde Empire there were other castes, professional workshops. In particular, the estate of financial, so to say banking, workers of the Empire. They served the treasury and accounting of the Empire, scattered throughout Eurasia, Africa and America. It is clear that the life of a vast Empire is impossible without an established financial mechanism. This included not only the central administrative and financial apparatus of the court of the Great Tsar Khan in Yaroslavl = Veliky Novgorod, but also many accounting offices scattered throughout the civilized world of that era. From America to China. We have already given examples of this financial mechanism in the book "Empire," ch. 12: 4. This included organizing trade in East and West, collecting tribute, paying salaries, controlling the flow of precious metals, providing financial support to troops, etc. The work, of course, required a lot of attention to details, a kind of qualification, the ability to make calculations and calculations, and assumed a certain rigidity for violators of financial discipline. Perhaps from here - the tendency to build complex formalized systems of rules, which is clearly manifested, for example, in the Talmud. And, of course, the "blood" of this whole huge imperial system was money. Naturally, people who from generation to generation "were engaged in money" developed the desire to always be near money. Among the people associated with the monetary system of the modern world, there are probably many descendants of the old imperial financial estate. There should be a lot of them in the banking system.
Within one professional workshop, a religious community could naturally have developed. Which then entered modern Judaism. Recall that the principle of religious tolerance acted in the Empire and not one of the religions was persecuted. But we may again be asked: why then, for example, the “military religion” that all the soldiers of the Empire professed would not have arisen? The answer is as follows. Apparently, a large role was played here by occupation. After all, it is clear that the internal relations in the estate of the Horde financiers, workers of the imperial monetary system, are significantly stronger than, say, professional relations in the caste of the Horde warriors. Bankers, for example, in then America and bankers in then Europe are more closely connected than warriors in America and warriors in Europe. There is nothing surprising in this. Simply - a different nature of the activity. And therefore it is clear that the financial estate was distinguished, special, among the professional structures of the Empire. Other classes could be permeated with different religions. But the financial department turned out to be more homogeneous in the religious sense. However, the Jews had, and indeed have, religious differences.
It is perfectly clear why the imperial financial department does not need any special separate state. In a way, he had it. This is simply the whole Horde Empire. Maybe modern cosmopolitanism is partly a legacy, a memory of a huge field of professional financial activity that spread throughout the Empire from America to China. Hence - a weak attachment to the place of birth, to the land of the ancestors, the ease of changing the place of residence. In the era of the Empire, all this was naturally explained by the profession of the imperial treasurer. Employees of the imperial treasury often moved from place to place, they could be sent to work in the most remote corners of the Empire. Along with this, a desire for cohesion, a certain isolation, inevitably arose.
Thus, the following hypothetical picture develops. In the XIV century, a huge "Mongolian" Empire arose. Its creators, the Russian-Horde tsar khans, began to streamline life in gigantic territories. One of the first to create a financial institution, the monetary system of the Empire and its serving people. In the sixteenth century, Judaism reigned in this financial estate as a religion. Perhaps not only in this estate, but in it it was universal, or almost universal. Due to the nature of its activities - control over the money of the Empire - the estate acquired power, which, most likely, was not foreseen by the founders of the Great Empire.
The then kings of the Empire, apparently, did not realize at the time of the danger that threatened them. In the XVI - beginning of the XVII century, the Empire was destroyed. After some time, the power of money flourished on its wreckage.
Now it becomes clear why, some time after the collapse of the Empire, the era of revolutions began in its individual fragments-states of Europe (for some reason, there were no revolutions before). The modern "explanation" of this fact is, in fact, a misting of the essence of the matter. And the meaning of events is simple. The empire was destroyed by the hands of military imperial governors. In Germany, France, etc. The Horde governors, of course, immediately gained unlimited local power, turning into independent kings, dukes, etc. Simple-mindedly thinking that they won. They were wrong. Now they began to deal with them separately. Someone had their heads chopped off, others were swept away by "indignant people." The driving force behind all such revolutions was the same money. Compared to the collapse of the Empire, such local upheavals are quite an easy task. As a result, they openly proclaimed the superiority of money over nobility, over the antiquity of the family. These are the slogans of the French revolution, the English revolution. In the "Mongolian" Empire, the principle of antiquity and nobility reigned. Nobility was certainly respected and gave the right to power. Including the highest. After the rebellion of the 17th Century Reformation, wealth and money came first.Nobility faded, and in some places was declared a bad sign.
Our idea that medieval Jews, or part of them, came from the workers of the treasury of the Empire, is confirmed by medieval sources. We quote the History of the Middle Ages by Professor Oscar Jaeger [304]. He writes the following about King Wenceslas of the fourteenth century: “According to one of the decisions of the Nuremberg Sejm in 1390, the king ordered the Jews (we must not forget that, according to modern legal concepts, THEY AND ALL THEIR PROPERTY MADE THE PROPERTY OF THE SACRED ROMAN EMPIRE) to issue all pledges and debentures in their hands ... The Jews had to obey the government order, and obeyed: but it goes without saying that a little later, after this financial circulation, things were in the same position as rezhde "[304], v.2, p.449.
All clear. The imperial government ordered its treasury to forgive the debts of the knights. The case takes place after a protracted war. Treasury forgives debts. But it does not get poorer. At least after a while, everything returns to its former position. Having forgiven debts to its soldiers, the Empire did not become poor.
The situation when a medieval knight demands money, and not from anyone, namely from a Jew, has entered the literary classics. Recall, at least, the Pushkin's “Mean Knight”. For some reason, the warrior is convinced that the money of a Jew is his, knight’s money. At least he has his undeniable share in them. And the Jew assures him that "there is no more money." A regular conversation with an accountant, treasurer, who is doing his best to limit the issuance of cash. The knight insists on giving the imperial salary due to him.
It is characteristic that the persecution of Jews in Western Europe began immediately after the collapse of the "Mongol" Empire. In the Lutheran Chronograph of 1680, we read that in 1615 "the ancient community between the two countries rebelled: the Jews were ordered to withdraw from Vormation" [940], page 424. That is, the "ancient community between the two countries was restored: the Jews were ordered to leave Vormation". Apparently, this refers to some kind of restriction in rights or the expulsion of the Jews in 1615, that is, immediately after the Great Troubles. Here it is very curious to mention in passing about the ANCIENT COMMONWEALTH OF THE COUNTRIES OF Western Europe. As we now understand, the community was an entry into a single Great = "Mongolian" Empire.
After the collapse of the Empire, most of its officials and soldiers, including rank-and-file workers of the imperial treasury (Jews), were under suspicion in the new West European reform society. The famous ghettos arose in Western Europe.
The question is, why is it believed today that the Jews wrote the Bible? As we now understand, this is not entirely true. Here we come across a terminological confusion typical of the Middle Ages. Bible books are written by a wide variety of people. For example, the Old Testament was written mainly by the Bogoslavs (we recall that the word Judean is translated into Russian) - Glory to God priests who went in the armies of the Horde-Atamania to conquer the world, the promised land in the 15th century. Note that the word "Jew" earlier, apparently, simply meant "priest." This is a modification of the Greek word Priest. The word Priest easily passes into the word Jew because of the double reading of the Church Slavonic letter Izhitsa. Naturally, the Bible was written by the Horde priests, that is, Jews. Or the glory of God, that is, the Jews.
SPIRIT OF THE METROPOLY[edit | edit source]
Psychological traces of the fact that once Russia-Horde was once the imperial center, the metropolis of the whole Great = Empire are still preserved. In particular, the peoples of the Russian Empire are still "poorly trained", the spirit of the former liberty, the spirit of the "masters of the Empire" is still alive in them. Common sense is strong, rather skeptical about written laws. The desire to "live according to concepts", "like ancestors." And this is natural: for the laws were written by the Empire for others, that is, for the conquered provinces. On the other hand, the Russian freemen is combined with a deep monarchical feeling, which manifested itself in the 20th century. In Russia, they are always ready to die for the tsar, for the idea. In other civilized countries, people are more likely to bow before the law. Perhaps because they are the descendants of not only the conquerors = "Mongols", but also,to a large extent, the local subjugated population, which was forced at one time to submit to the orders of the metropolis, that is, Russia-Horde and Atamania.
A natural question arises: how was the Great = "Mongolian" Empire governed for no less than no less than three hundred years, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. After all, if it covered such large spaces, how did Rus-Horde manage to mobilize so many soldiers to colonize vast regions? Simply put, where did so many soldiers come from? It is one thing to quickly conquer territories in the process of conquest. For this, due to the weak population of many regions of Eurasia and America, comparatively small, but well-armed and trained units were often enough. But a completely different matter is then to maintain order for a long time, to control and educate the local population of entire continents. In addition, as it was possible to immediately transfer orders from the center of Rus-Horde to remote troops, administrations, bankers,to the governors? After all, at that time there were no fast means of communication, such as a telegraph, radio, telephone. So, how did the khan king really rule the gigantic territories of Eurasia, Africa and America, "over which the sun never sets"?
These questions no longer relate to chronology, but to reconstruction, so the answers are largely hypothetical. Nevertheless, they are interesting because they help to overcome the psychological prejudices that sometimes interfere with the perception of the new history of the Empire. We must say right away that the answers are simple and based on obvious considerations.
Firstly, starting from the 15th century, two coordinated ruling centers formed in the Great Empire. One - in Russia-Horde, also called Israel, the other was in Tsar-Grad, the capital of Ottomania = Atamania. Atamania, apparently, was also called Judea, since its capital was the gospel Jerusalem = Tsar Grad = Troy. In addition, the whole "Mongolian" Empire was sometimes called Israel or Judea, when they meant, respectively, the military aspects of its activities, or religious, religious. At the same time, Russia-Horde, mainly controlled Western Europe and Asia, and Osmania = Atamania - the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Africa. America, colonized at the end of the 15th century, was under the joint control of Russia-Horde and Ottomania = Atamania. This distribution of zones of influence simplified the task of managing vast colonies.
Secondly, an important cementing factor was the common Christian faith, widespread by the Horde Empire = Israel throughout the then world. The "Mongolian" missionaries, marching in the Israeli armies of the Crusaders = Horde, then created numerous branches of the Catholic Orthodox Church in the colonized territories, which ensured the spiritual unity of the population of the Empire. Religious community is one of those cornerstones upon which imperial power has been built for several hundred years. A single Christian church performed an important state function. That is why the Western European rebels of the XVI-XVII centuries of the Reformation era dealt the first blow to Orthodoxy precisely in order to split the Empire, see "Mastering America by Russia-Horde", chap. 1. The success of "progressive religious reform" helped splitMongolia "to pieces, each of which" has now "got its own" new religion ": Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam, etc.
Thirdly, the foundation of the Empire lay its professional military organization, that is, Horde = Rat. It should not be thought that in every city or settlement of the “Mongolian” Empire, from China and Europe to Africa and America, there was a military garrison of Horde Cossacks. This was not necessary. Most likely, small but well-armed and trained military contingents concentrated only in some of the most significant centers, from where from time to time they made their trips to remote areas to collect tribute or punitive actions. From a psychological and educational point of view, it is precisely this form of government when professional troops appear only occasionally, but then they carry out the necessary measures quickly, clearly, publicly and toughly, and are especially effective.An important component of government in that era was the fear of citizens before the central distant power. It is clear that the constant presence of a military Horde detachment in every settlement is not at all necessary. This simply would not have been enough professional soldiers and weapons. At the same time, the rulers were well aware that a distant and seemingly invisible, but inevitable threat is often more effective than the constant deployment of troops in full view of the population. No wonder they say that fear has big eyes. The constant expectation is more terrifying than the real appearance of the army. The power, surrounded by a riddle, covered with a touch of mystery, arouses special respect.that a distant and seemingly invisible, but inevitable threat is often more effective than the constant deployment of troops in front of the public. No wonder they say that fear has big eyes. The constant expectation is more terrifying than the real appearance of the army. The power, surrounded by a riddle, covered with a touch of mystery, arouses special respect.that a distant and seemingly invisible, but inevitable threat is often more effective than the constant deployment of troops in front of the public. No wonder they say that fear has big eyes. The constant expectation is more terrifying than the real appearance of the army. The power, surrounded by a riddle, covered with a touch of mystery, arouses special respect.
On the contrary, close contact with the troops living all the time right there, next to ordinary residents, creates an addictive effect harmful to the authorities. The inhabitants cease to be afraid and understand that the military are the same people, with their own shortcomings and, as it were, not so powerful. Fear goes away, is replaced by a calm and even neglectful attitude. The disappearance of fear leads to a loss of humility. That is why the Horde practice of relatively rare but regular raids of small professional garrisons in the remote territories of the Empire with the aim of establishing order, collecting tribute, as well as the necessary deterrence was much more literate. A few troops unexpectedly appeared, made a quick trial, punished the guilty, sometimes cruelly. And they soon disappeared just as suddenly, leaving behind fear and legends. The stories were passed on to the childrencreating an aura of mystery and power of the distant "Mongolian" center. Literally, such a picture is painted for us by the "ancient" Russian chronicles, reporting on the "raids of detachments of bad Tatars", from which cities and villages suffered. Later interpreters, such as Karamzin, presented us in such a distorted way with the usual Horde raids to collect tribute and check the imperial structures. Note that the descendants of the Horde conquerors formed the backbone of the nobility that has developed on the ground, for example in Western Europe, Japan, China, see the book "Empire", ch.12: 12.it was in this distorted way that the usual Horde raids presented us with tributes and inspections of imperial structures. Note that the descendants of the Horde conquerors formed the backbone of the nobility that has developed on the ground, for example in Western Europe, Japan, China, see the book "Empire", ch.12: 12.it was in this distorted way that the usual Horde raids presented us with tributes and inspections of imperial structures. Note that the descendants of the Horde conquerors formed the backbone of the nobility that has developed on the ground, for example in Western Europe, Japan, China, see the book "Empire", ch.12: 12.
Fourthly, the stability of the Empire was based on the overwhelming military superiority of the Horde, which developed in the 14th century and provided the very possibility of such a grandiose colonization of the world, a similar to which it later never happened. Probably, at the beginning of the 14th century, in Russia, the Horde opened the industrial production of iron and gunpowder, which created firearms, including guns. The second factor was the Cossack cavalry, which grew up in the endless steppes of Russia-Horde. Apparently, there was nothing comparable outside of Russia. Light and heavy "Mongolian" cavalry, armed with muskets and accompanied by artillery, in fact did not meet resistance. As we already know from the example of the capture of Tsar Grad, that is, the Old Testament Jericho, in 1453, see "Bible Russia," ch. 5: 3,if necessary, heavy artillery immediately advanced to the walls of especially stubbornly resisting cities, quickly breaking through any stone walls. However, it must be assumed that in most cases it was enough only to demonstrate power to fundamentally crush attempts at possible disobedience. All this ensured the sustainable management of the colonized territories.
The speed of transmission of military and administrative orders was limited, of course, by the transport capabilities of those times. But, firstly, as the annals tell us, the Horde has created a fairly effective network of roads and equestrian routes along them, see "New Chronology of Russia," Introduction: 3. Secondly, the main task of the "Mongol" governors from America to China was to ensure order, collect tribute and send some part of it to the metropolis. All such functions did not require petty regulation from the center and were completely assimilated by the local administration without being reinforced daily by orders from Moscow or Tsar Grad. The messengers were sent on larger and more extraordinary issues. In these special cases, the couriers must have moved fast.
As we have already noted, another reason for the stability of the Empire in the XIV-XVI centuries was the reasonable distribution of economic functions between its different areas. Some built ships, others developed agriculture, and others developed arts and sciences, etc. A mutual exchange of labor products was organized. Everything went into a common imperial cauldron. Each area was interested in the sustainability of such a mechanism. Then, after the split of the Empire, such narrow specialization led to additional problems and wars, when in the XVII-XVIII centuries the heritage of the Empire was eagerly divided.
The data obtained show that the prevailing view of world and Russian history, which was established in the XVII-XVIII centuries, is generally incorrect. In particular, the role of the Russian-Horde Empire of the pre-Romanov era on the world stage is greatly distorted.
Despite the fact that some ideas have already been stated by us earlier, we will return to them again in view of their importance.
- In the XVI century, the Empire was a rather rigidly centralized state. In places sat governors-rulers, subordinate to the Emperor, the tsar-khan, who was in the center of Russia. Eurasia, and even America of that time, these are the provinces of the Empire, governed by governors. In particular, the sovereigns of Europe were vassals of the Russian Tsar Khan. It was he who at that time called the EMPEROR. The emperor in the united Empire was alone. Noticeable traces of such a subordinate position have been preserved in Western European chronicles even to this day, despite many years of painstaking cleansing. Therefore, some modern scholars are forced to state that, for example, “the Western European nobility of the 16th century was encompassed by rampant madness,” see “Mastering America by Russia-Horde,” chap. 1:11. In fact, they are not crazy. They just lived in a completely different political world than they think today.
Know and the nobility of Europe at that time still consists largely of the conquerors - the Slavs who came here in the XIII-XIV centuries. Some areas of Western Europe still have a significant Slavic population. Even in the XVII century, they remembered well that many lands, for example in Germany, were not so long ago densely populated by the Slavs. The same applies to Italy and some other countries in Europe.
- In the second half of the 16th century, a rebellion erupts in Germany against the imperial = Russian-Ataman authorities. At first it was an uprising of some Western European imperial governors who wished to secede from the Empire and acquire political and military independence. Then the rebellion has grown. Germany, saturated with Cossack-Horde troops, turned out to be a hotbed of rebellion of prince-rulers against the power of the distant Emperor = Russian Tsar Khan. The uprising is known today from history books as the Reformation. The Western European rebels from the ruling estate of the Empire had strong support at the imperial court. Many people liked the idea of breaking up the Empire and becoming independent rulers. The preparation of the punitive campaign of Russia-Horde to the West caused panic in Europe. In the capital of the Horde, a palace coup is being organized, a conspiracy. Supporters of the division of the Empire manage to thwart the punitive campaign to the West. In today's familiar history, written in the XVII-XVIII centuries, it is depicted as supposedly a local conflict, the Russian-Livonian war. Taking advantage of the weakness of the Russian Tsar Khan, it is possible to organize on his behalf the defeat of the leadership of the Russian-Horde forces. This is the era of oprichnina = purima, known in Russian history. In the Bible - the famous story of Esther, who organized the coup at the court of King Artaxerxes. The struggle of supporters and opponents of the unity of the Empire, that is, the Russian-Horde and pro-Western parties, lasted with varying success for several decades, in the second half of the XVI - beginning of the XVII century. It ended with the victory of the pro-Western party and the split of the Empire.
- At the beginning of the XVII century, the Great Empire breaks into pieces. The Russian-Horde tsarist dynasty is completely exterminated. The Bible describes this as the plot and coup of Esther. Supporters of the partition of the Empire won. In Moscow, the Romanovs come to power - the proteges of the victorious German princes. During the partition of the Empire, the Romanovs moved a piece around the former capital of the Empire. In other areas, other rulers reign.
Some areas of the Empire resisted schism for a long time and tried to restore their former unity. Siberia, the Far East and part of America were controlled by the Horde until the middle of the 18th century. In the West, conservative-imperial tendencies were especially strong in Spain and England. For example, the Spanish Philip II and the Duke of Alba (Alvarez - that is, Alba-Rus or Belo-Rus) sought to suppress the rebellion of the Reformation. See their old portraits in Fig. 1.52 and fig. 1.53 . But after the split of the Empire, they quickly imposed new rules of the game. In the East of the Empire, where there was no rebellion, the former regions of the Empire took a position hostile to the West and to the Romanovs. This is Siberia, the Far East, China, Japan, Turkey, Iran.

- There were attempts to restore the Empire. The most famous of them - the war of Razin with the Romanovs, and in the middle of the XVIII century - the war "Pugacheva" with the Romanovs. Razin was the governor of the last representatives of the former dynasty, who strengthened in the south of Russia. A little-known fact: the most reliable Romanov troops in the war with Razin consisted of Western Europeans, mainly Germans. After the defeat of Razin, the split of the Empire deepened, but this did not remove the tension between the West and the East. The most powerful imperial sentiments were in Ottomania = Atamania. Towards the end of the 17th century, a restorative mood was also evident in Moscow - young Peter I. In this situation, Western Europe tried to drive a wedge between the former allies - Russia and Turkey. It was possible for several hundred years to pit them. A series of crazy Russian-Turkish wars began, in which the metropolis of the former Empire depleted its strength. The former provinces were left to their own devices.
The last attempt to restore the Empire was made in the XVIII century. Until that time, there was still a huge Horde state called Moscow Tartaria. According to the British Encyclopedia of 1771, it was the largest state in the world [1118], vol. 2, p. 682-684. He was painted on world maps until the 18th century. In 1773, the Horde troops led by Pugachev moved to Romanov Russia. A heavy war broke out, which today is presented to us as a "peasant revolt." In 1775, the Romanov army, personally led by A.V. Suvorov, defeated the "Pugachev". The Horde's latest attempt to restore the Empire failed. The febrile division of Moscow Tartary and Independent Tartary begins. The troops of the Romanovs enter Siberia from the west. At the same time, the troops of the United States invade the northwestern half of the American continent, previously controlled by the Horde.
- The victory over Russia at the beginning of the 17th century, and finally in the 18th century, was consolidated, on the one hand, by politically - forcibly elevating the Romanov dynasty, the proteges of the victorious party, to the Russian throne. And on the other hand, ideologically - the creation and implementation of a false version of history. The most important technical tool in this case was precisely the chronology. The distorted history created a sense of loss, the absence of a national idea in Russian society of the 17th-18th centuries.
- The relationship between Russia and Western Europe has changed significantly. Western Europe, as the victorious party, began to assert its ideological primacy over the remaining areas of the former Empire. The main goal of such an activity was the destruction of the historical memory of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. Apparently, because Europe previously occupied a subordinate position in the Empire. A systematic and lengthy rewriting of history began in the West. Russian history was distorted during the first Romanovs. Its final version was made by German historians already in the XVIII century - Miller, Schletser, Bayer. Documents of the "Mongolian" Empire were wanted and destroyed. To this end, Indexes of Prohibited Books were published. The population, under pain of persecution, was ordered to submit all such books to the appropriate committees. Then the collected books were burned. Later, these famous bonfires from books were declared to be “the burning of heretical books” and were retroactively attributed to the imperial Inquisition. Fig. 1.54 and fig. 1.55 we give old images of such mass destruction of books.
Fig. 1.56 presents a painting by artists Cesare Nebbia and Giovanni Guerra, allegedly painted in the years 1585-1590. According to commentators, an "antique" plot from the history of "ancient" Rome is depicted here. Kumskaya Sibyl publicly burns six of the nine books of prophecy [1374], p.36. Historians offer the following "explanation". Say, the Roman king Tarquinius the Proud wanted to buy books, but did not agree to give them the price at which Sibyl insisted. Then she decided to burn the books [1374], p.36. But why? Why, for example, not to take them back to the library in anticipation of the moment when the king becomes rich and gives the required price? The "explanation" of historians leaves a feeling of tension and artificiality. Most likely, everything is much simpler. Here one of the typical scenes of the Reformation epoch is symbolically shown, when throughout Western Europe publicly, in squares, they burned the imperial “Mongolian” books declared very poor, Fig. 1.56a . Destroyed the history of the Empire. About the price not traded. It was not about money.

To maintain the Scaliger-Petavius version in Western Europe, they created a "scientific historical school", which brought all documents in its field of view into line with the new version. After the bulk of the conflicting documents were destroyed or edited, the “strange” documents that came up from time to time began to be explained as “medieval ignorance”. Until now, the main body of documents on which the modern historical version is based is the Western European texts. As we discovered, they all went through a tendentious edition of the XVII-XVIII centuries, which is often hidden. On the other hand, the old Russian, Turkic and Arab primary sources still occupy only an auxiliary, secondary position in historical science. In them, allegedly, "a lot of stupid things." They explain to us that they must be handled with care. In fact, these texts are simply not as carefully edited.
- The purpose of the "correction of history" was, first of all, to prevent the restoration of the former "Mongolian" Empire. People should have forgotten where its center was located. They claimed that the center of the Roman Empire was "ancient" Italy. That is, the metropolis was moved - on paper - to Western Europe. After that, all attempts to expand the borders of the Russian kingdom - which were often based on a subconscious desire to restore the former Empire - began to look like "Russian aggression" or "Turkish aggression". Imposing false ideas that are advantageous for oneself is a very effective method.
- In practice, the distortion of history was carried out as follows. They came up with an artificial "ancient chronology", according to which, many historical documents telling about the XIII-XVI centuries and the Great Empire were thrown into the deep past. So there was a phantom "ancient" great Slavic conquest allegedly IV-V centuries. This is the so-called great migration of peoples, the conquest of "ancient" Egypt by the Hyksos, supposedly long before the "new era". The artificially extended chronology gave rise in the distant past to phantom reflections of events that actually occurred in the 12th-16th centuries. ALL ACTIVITIES FOR THE WRITING OF A FALSEED "RIGHT HISTORY" WAS ACTIVELY A STATE ALL-EUROPEAN PROGRAM, WHICH A SIGNIFICANT CONSISTENCY OF ACTIONS OF HISTORICAL AND VARIOUS HISTORIANS IS EXPLAINED.
The most reformers worked on the history of the XV-XVI centuries. For obvious reasons, this is the heyday of the "Mongolian" Empire. The memory of which is now ruthlessly destroyed. Almost nothing remained of the true history of that era on the pages of the Scaligerian textbook. The vacant empty space had to be filled urgently. The filling took place in the offices of historians of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Therefore, it is not surprising that the era of the XV-XVI centuries is largely inhabited by phantoms, reflections of events that descended here from the XVII century. Any forger consciously or unconsciously uses images from the reality surrounding him. Books allegedly from the 16th century were printed or reprinted in the 17th or 18th centuries. Moreover, books printed in the XVII-XVIII centuries were deliberately stamped with false dates of the XVI or even XV centuries. Vivid examples of this kind with the Bibles are given in the book "Bible Russia". Another no less vivid example is the Ptolemy Almagest (see our third volume), as well as his Geography, see "Mastering America by Russia-Horde", chap. 7. Original books and manuscripts of the XV-XVI centuries were sought and destroyed. Apparently, many of the authentic books of the XV-XVI centuries bore a fairly clear "imperial brand". For example, a dedication to the Russian Emperor Khan or something like that. Naturally, in reprints of the XVII-XVIII centuries all this was removed. And a substantial revision of the text was carried out in everything that related to the previous imperial history.
The history of Western Europe was presented as follows. The Russian-Horde Khan was declared exclusively by the Western European "Austrian Emperor of Habsburg." Thus, many deeds of the entire Great Empire were automatically attributed only to Western Europe. In fact, in the XIV-XVI centuries, only the governors of the Russian-Horde tsar-khan sat here. It should be noted that major historical facts, for example, the presence of the Emperor in Europe, the former unity of Europe under the rule of the Emperor, a strong Slavic presence in Europe, etc., remained on the pages of Western European and Romanov textbooks. But their coverage was significantly distorted.
The 16th-century Western European rulers, who remained faithful to the idea of the “Mongolian” = Great Empire, were declared reactionaries and generally bad people. For example, the already mentioned Duke of Alba (Fernando A'lvarez de Toledo, duque de ...; 1507-1582), "Spanish commander, ruler of the Netherlands" [797], p.44, starting from the 17th century, is regarded by historians, mainly as a monster, "drowning in blood a progressive liberation movement." This Clerk Belo-Rus, whose name was later pronounced as Duke Alba-Rus, that is, the Duke of Alva-Rez, was apparently one of the commanders and governors of the Empire who fought with the rebellion of the Reformation. See his portrait in fig. 1.53 . Fig. 1.57 we provide the title page of a book under the loud title "Mirror of the SPANISH TYRANIA", first published allegedly in 1596. As the main tyrants, "fiercely suppressing progress" depicted the Duke of Alba and Don Juan of Austria. Upstairs, above them, the 16th century reformist publishers placed a portrait of the "very bad king" of Philip II. The book, apparently, played the role of an important teaching aid for educating Western Europeans of the 16th-17th centuries in the right spirit. On the title page, in its four corners it is lucidly drawn - exactly how these very poor rulers tormented very good Western Europeans, Fig. 1.57 . The book was republished at least in 1620 and in 1638 [330], v.3.

We give an old portrait of the famous commander Don Juan of Austria in Fig. 1.58 . His name probably meant the Don Khan of the Eastern Kingdom. Don Juan is the half-brother of King Philip II, "gaining European glory in his youth" [304], t.3, p.148. By the way, on his coat of arms we see the Russian-Horde double-headed eagle. As we now understand, it could not be otherwise.

And here is what the modern Encyclopedia says through the mouths of historians about the Spanish King Philip II (1527-1598): “His policy strengthened Spanish ABSOLUTISM. STRENGTHENED OVERNEW IN THE NETHERLANDS. SUPPORTED THE INQUISITION” [797], p.1406. In general, a very bad ruler, Fig. 1.59 . He was very depressed.
- Let us ask ourselves: how do we know the works of "ancient" writers? We will use the detailed review compiled by Professor VV Bolotov in “Lectures on the History of the Ancient Church” [83]. Formally, V.V. Bolotov concerns only sources related to the history of the church. But the vast majority of "ancient" and medieval texts somehow related to the church and church history. Moreover, the Scaligerian version of history adopted today is primarily built on church sources [72], [76].
In the history of print publications of "ancient" sources, it is noteworthy that they were not isolated and random from the very beginning. As it should be during the natural course of events, when with the development of printing, certain books that were previously rewritten now begin to print. Indeed. In one place, someone has to print one book. In another place, another publisher independently prints another book. And so on. And only then, over time, systematizers appear, collecting individual printed books, and on their basis publishing FUNDAMENTAL MULTI-VOLUME MEETINGS. On the contrary, if the ancient history is deliberately falsified - and in connection with this the old texts are edited or faked - then the picture of printed publications is most likely the opposite. That is, multivolume collections of "right books" will be published immediately. Moreover, they will not be published randomly, but in a concentrated manner, in one or two centers. Each center specializes in one, its own direction. To control falsification easier. And then, on the basis of such official approved codes, disparate editions will appear that reprint particular books permitted by censorship.
It is the second picture that we observe in the editions of "ancient" texts in the 17th-19th centuries [83]. That is, as it now becomes clear, we see organized falsification. So, for example, VV Bolotov reports that "the creations of the holy fathers and church writers HAVE FOLLOWED FROM THE BEGINNING IN THE TYPE OF OTHERS" [83], v.1, p.118.In the mid-19th century, the "Pathology" of the French abbot Migne (JPMigne), consisting of several hundred volumes, was published. Namely, 221 volumes of Latin writers and 161 volumes of Greek [83], t.1, p.119. Since then, that is, since the mid-19th century, all scholars have mainly used the Min edition, since manuscripts and earlier editions are generally inaccessible or "inconvenient" [83], v.1, p.119.
A logical question arises - and according to what sources did Abbot Minh publish his "Pathology"? And here a very interesting circumstance emerges. It turns out that Ming simply reprinted the Benedictine editions of the 17th-18th centuries made by the Order of the Benedictines [83], v.1, p.120. Reprinted in a more convenient, modern format. VV Bolotov writes: << If you define the value of Min’s “Pathology”, then this value lies primarily in the practicality and convenience of using it. Ming freed the light from the folios of Benedictine monks, which was very inconvenient to use, among other things, due to the enormity of the format ... He usually took the best Benedictine edition ... when needed, joined by later scholars lacking patristic creations from Benedictines >> >> [83] , t.1, p.120.
Consequently, the FIRST SOURCE is actually not the publication of Min, but the publication of the Benedictines. Mine just reprinted it. But the Benedictines did not just reprint old manuscripts. It is known that THEY ARE ESSENTially RULED. So, for example, “if the holy father cited the place of the Holy Scripture DISAGREEING with the Vatican Lists, the Benedictines considered such a place to be a slip of the pen and QUIETLY CORRECTED HIS either from the Sistine edition of the Bible (in the writings of Greek fathers) or according to the Vulgate (in the works of Latin fathers)" ], t.1, p.121.
So, in the XVII-XVIII centuries in the same center, and only in it, namely, the Benedictines, all the creations of the church fathers were substantially edited and published. In particular, the Benedictines checked all the Bible quotes. And when the quotes diverged from the modern Bible, they "brought them into line." It is not surprising that when we open today any edition of an old text quoting the Bible, we will see that the quotes are perfectly consistent with the modern biblical canon. And we begin to think that the canon existed in this form for a very, very long time. Once it is so correctly quoted by "ancient" authors. BUT REALLY IT IS A FORGIVENESS. Because we are not reading the authentic old text, but its processing by the Benedictine monks. If not at all a fake of the XVII-XIX centuries. And this does not apply to one or two, but to thousands of old texts.Already the very number of volumes published by Minem "on the Benedictines" - and there are almost 400 such volumes! - shows the scope of "activity".
If the creation of the creations of the Holy Fathers was entrusted to the Benedictines, then, say, the publication of hagiographic monuments - that is, the biographies of saints - was entrusted to the Jesuit Order of the Bollandists. These are "Flemish Jesuits, headed by Bolland, who died in 1665" [83], v.1, p.136. From 1643 to 1794, 53 volumes of The Lives were published [83], v.1, p.137. The spanning months are January through mid-October. That is, almost the entire year over which the lives of the saints are distributed. This monopoly "historical activity" was interrupted by the French Revolution of 1794 [83], v.1, p.137. That is, in this church-historical direction, a complete monopoly of one center was also established.
As we see, the “making the right story” was entrusted to several departments at once. One specialized in church history. The other is in biographies. And so on.Presumably, from time to time, joint meetings of the "historical departments" gathered, where their work was coordinated. Further instructions were given.
And in the most critical cases, the leaders of the "historical project" themselves worked. For example, the "Chronicle" of Eusebius Pamphilus, for which "the Greeks LIVELY LOST the Greek original" [83], v.1, p.145, was "personally restored" by Scaliger. True, historians today say that Scaliger was just “trying to restore” the Chronicle. And he allegedly failed. So, they say, and threw it. But then, in 1787, the Chronicle of Eusebius was nevertheless "found". In the Armenian translation. That is, they found almost a hundred years after Scaliger "tried to restore" the text of Eusebius Pamphilus. Most likely, in 1787 they found a text written personally by Scaliger. And then he was declared the "genuine" Chronicle of Eusebius Pamphilus. Suspicions in the forgery are also reinforced by the very appearance of the “found Chronicle”.It was written as if on parchment, that is, on material that was highly valued because of its high cost. At the same time, the chronological tables of Eusebius Pamphilus look exactly like the tables published by the Scaliger school in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Pages drawn as multiple vertical columns. Each of which is devoted to the chronology of a particular country or to a specific “stream of events”. Moreover, almost all the space on the parchment remained, it turns out, EMPTY. Since few events were known. Bolotov rightly wonders: "This form greatly increased the value of the composition, because it left a lot of free space, which was very noticeable at the high cost of parchment" [83], v.1, p.144. As Bolotov further notes,ordinary scribes are unlikely to be able to correctly rewrite text in this form for allegedly over six hundred years [83], v.1, p.145. All clear. This form of tables appeared only in the era of print media, that is, in the era of Scaliger, in the XVII century. And the true Chronicle of Eusebius Pamphilus, which, perhaps, existed in some form, but, of course, not in that, was apparently destroyed. And instead, they offer a fake of the XVII century.
This "activity" is by no means harmless. As Bolotov further informs, “about THREE QUARTERS OF THESE DATES WHICH HISTORIES ARE LOCATED FOR THE RELATED PERIOD OF TIME WILL LEAD THEIR ORIGIN FROM THE CHRONICLES OF EVEUSIA” [83], v.1, p.151. That is, as we understand, they rely on the dating unsubstantially proposed by Scaliger in the 17th century. Since there is really no justification for these dates. Most likely, as a justification, we are offered a forged text, “found” in the 18th century.
We note the following message of V.V. Bolotov: "Ancient publications were often undertaken so that the ancient manuscripts ... VERY FREQUENTLY DROPPED" [83], v.1, p.129.
- Now the story of a new time is presented in a different way. First of all, the history of Russia and Turkey. It becomes clear the ideological device applied against them. Without a distortion of history, the victory of the Western European rebellion of the Reformation would not be final. If history had not been distorted, sooner or later in Russia and Turkey the idea of rebuilding the Empire would have arisen. To prevent this, with the help of a skillfully designed and implemented ideological device - a false historical and chronological version - Russian troops were thrown into the war with Turkey. What ensured the security of Western Europe.
In the areas of the Empire that became independent, over time, memories became more foggy and were sometimes perceived as memories of "their own, local Empire." Arabs began to think that they remember their Arab Empire. The Germans - about their Holy Empire of the German nation. The Chinese - about their Celestial Empire. And so on.All these “their” Empires were supposedly quite different, which existed in different eras. So one Great Empire turned - on paper - into many local local Empires. Also Great.
- History and chronology turned into a powerful ideological weapon of long-term impact, successfully used against Russia and Turkey. It gave false guidelines, made it impossible to resist, changed the value system, introduced inferiority complexes. In the XVII century, an attempt was made to divide Russia-Horde into many small states. But then many of them all the same merged around the former center. The Russian Empire of the Romanovs arose. Starting from the XVII-XVIII centuries, the idea of the cultural superiority of Western Europe over Russia and Turkey has been introduced. For example, German historians of the late 19th century, the authors of the multi-volume work History of Humanity [336], in the chapter under the eloquent title “Russian hostility to civilization”, quite frankly write the following. "The mistake of the people (Russian - Auth.) Wasthat he HAVE BEEN ADOPTED TO NON-CULTURALITY, recognized it as his NATIONAL FEATURE and ceased to understand the price of culture ... Russia, which should have a hundred higher schools, does not want to do anything for itself and deliberately keeps the population in ignorance ... Foreigners entering Russia, they look down at the Russian people because of their cultural backwardness ... The Russian people are poor AND ALWAYS WAS SUCH because they were ignorant ... Russia urgently needs another Peter the Great, who could TORN IT FROM DARKNESS ... Russia because of its HOSTILITY I have gained more than one fierce enemy in CULTURE "[336], v.5, p.599-601.. Foreigners falling into Russia look down on the Russian people because of their cultural backwardness ... The Russian people are poor AND ALWAYS WAS SUCH because they were ignorant ... Russia urgently needs yet another Peter the Great, who could force her TORN FROM THE DARKNESS ... Russia, because of its HOSTILITY TO CULTURE, has made itself more than one fierce enemy "[336], v.5, p.599-601.. Foreigners falling into Russia look down on the Russian people because of their cultural backwardness ... The Russian people are poor AND ALWAYS WAS SUCH because they were ignorant ... Russia urgently needs yet another Peter the Great, who could force her TORN FROM THE DARKNESS ... Russia, because of its HOSTILITY TO CULTURE, has made itself more than one fierce enemy "[336], v.5, p.599-601.
- Pan-Turkism has deep roots in the same Great = "Mongolian" Empire. These are the memoirs of the Turkic-speaking peoples that once - however, not so long ago - they were part of a single Empire. According to the new chronology, the Turks left the territory of Russia-Horde and settled on Eurasia in the wake of the "Mongol" conquest. In Russia, the Turkic, Tatar language was distributed much wider than today, but the Romanovs greatly suppressed it. Despite this, in Russia there are still many Turkic-speaking peoples.
- Sometimes they ask a question - where does Russia belong: to Europe or to Asia? To the East or to the West? A new look allows you to understand the roots of the problem. Both Europe and Asia were at one time conquered from Russia-Horde. Therefore, many "purely eastern" customs are simply the forgotten old Russian-Horde customs. Both Europe and Asia were regions of the Russian-Ataman "Mongolian" Empire. The population of the provinces to a large extent - and especially the local nobility - consisted of the descendants of the Russian-Horde invaders of the XIII-XIV centuries. In the XIV-XVI centuries, Russia was successfully oriented both to the West and to the East. In the era of the XIV-XV centuries, trade was organized between East and West, which took place in Russia. Duties from her went to the treasury of the Empire. Such was the indirect, mild way of collecting taxes from the entire Empire. This is one example ofhow Russia skillfully used its geographical position between East and West and its influence on them. In the historical sense, Russia is not the East, and not the West. Russia has its own story, very different from the history of its neighbors. Being the ruler of Eurasia and a large part of America with Atamania for a long time, she had close relations with both the East and the West, not giving preference to one side. No wonder the Russian coat of arms has always been a double-headed eagle. He looked at both the East and the West.she had close relations with both the East and the West, not giving preference to one side. No wonder the Russian coat of arms has always been a double-headed eagle. He looked at both the East and the West.she had close relations with both the East and the West, not giving preference to one side. No wonder the Russian coat of arms has always been a double-headed eagle. He looked at both the East and the West.
- The idea of religious wars arose in the era of the Reformation as a concept that destroys a single state. This was well understood by the ideologists of the split of the Empire in the 16th-17th centuries and used "in practice". They began to preach a separation from the "Mongolian" Empire, referring to supposedly religious differences. But the religious policy of the Empire during its growth and prosperity was completely different. The principle of religious tolerance, non-interference of the state in the sphere of religious feelings, and coexistence of churches reigned in the Empire. Several different branches of originally united Christianity coexisted in the kingdom, each of which was under the auspices of the king-khan. According to the new chronology, Christianity was divided into several branches relatively late, only in the XV-XVI centuries. But this did not lead to any religious wars in the Empire,until the rebellion broke out in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Religious slogans were first truly used to split a single state.
It turns out that Orthodoxy and Islam were separated later than is commonly thought today. These two branches of the original single religion have remained the same for the longest time. Numerous traces of the proximity of Islam and Orthodoxy in the XV-XVI centuries are traced in many documents. Especially in Turkey and Iran. The contrast between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, on the one hand, and Islam, on the other, is a technique that has been successfully used to pit Russia and Turkey in the 17th-18th centuries. Again, one of the forms of the struggle of the West with Russia-Horde and the East.
- The role of language and culture in the history of the people. We give an example.As we now understand, the modern population of Germany is largely the descendants of the Slavic conquerors of the XIII-XIV centuries. Once they spoke Slavic, but today they speak another language. It is impossible to preserve a people by changing its language and culture. It will be a different people. And the further the new language and culture will stand up from the old, the more the new people will be different from the old. Similar programs are implemented through the education of youth in schools.
- After a long treatment of people around the world with a distorted history, an image of “aggressive Russia” has developed, which, thanks to its supposedly innate genetic viciousness, is constantly striving to expand its area of influence throughout the world. Awareness of the correct story clarifies many of the accumulated misunderstandings. It becomes clear, for example, that historically the closest alliance was between Russia and Turkey. This is forgotten today. But, as follows from the new chronology, pan-Slavism and pan-Turkism are, in general, one and the same thing. Since the great Slavic conquest allegedly of the 4th-5th centuries and the great Turkic "Mongol" conquest of the 13th-14th centuries are the Russian, Slavic-Turkic conquest, which began from the banks of the Volga. From Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. In the former Russian-Horde Empire, Slavs and Turks always found a common language.
Further.Russia has a solid common past with China. In the era of the Great Empire, China was part of it. He separated only after the split of the Empire, already in the Romanov era. The hostility of China to Romanov Rus during the era of manzur is explained by the fact that the Manzhur dynasty left Russia-Horde, was a fragment of the Russian-Horde dynasty. Then the cuffs were assimilated in China, see the book "Empire", chap. 6.
- Vague memories of the former Empire still live, in particular, among the peoples of Western Europe. This was clearly shown by the events of the 20th century, when the idea of the ancient great Empire was exploited by various politicians. For example, in Germany and Italy. It turned out that she was very close to many. In this case, the idea of the Empire was directed against Russia. But this orientation was essentially based on a false understanding of medieval history and chronology.