Joseph Scaliger

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History[edit | edit source]

5th century AC[edit | edit source]

  • A particularly severe distortion was created in the 1500-1700, when the false Scaligerian history was invented and implanted by force. It confused the picture even more. While combatting the memory of the Great Empire, they did their best to consign to oblivion the former 'Mongol' relics, including the older places of worship. To a large extent it was successful. However, 'success of the reformers' was far from complete. As not so long ago, in the 1600-1700 many could still remember the true history. Of course the younger upcoming generations were soon re-educated, however, a firm tradition had already been developed and established. That is why until now many come to Beykoz mountain, Cape Fiolent and the City of Chufut-Kale to worship, though not longer fully aware of the true meaning of these holy places.