Romaic Tsar-Grad empire
Romaic Czar-Grad empire evolved from African Kingdom probably peacefully. The capital of the empire was in Yoros.
Book sources[edit | edit source]
1st century AC[edit | edit source]
2nd century AC[edit | edit source]
- The mighty Trojan war as a revenge for Christ. Russia-horder launches crusades to Tsar-Grad, and within a short time the centre of the empire is transferred to Vladimir-Suzdal Russia
- The crusades advanced on to Jerusalem = Tsar-Grad not from the west, as we are being told today, but from the east
- Exodus of Trojans from Troy = Tsar-Grad
- The establishment of Russia as the centre of a new empire, successor of the previous one
Capital[edit | edit source]
- Main article: Yoros
Downfall of the empire[edit | edit source]
- With the fall of Jerusalem = Troy and downfall of the Romaic Empire, the exodus-flight of various groups of people from the capital began. The diagram of Romaic femas are nominally shown in fig.3. In hot pursuit of the fugitives follow the avenging Horde-Crusaders seizing and colonizing new territories. They settle in different countries of Europe and Asia. This picture is well-known from the Scaligerian 'ancient' history of 'transmigration of peoples'. The fugitives from Romea are called Trojans, i.e. descendants from Troy = Czar-Grad. They were also confused with the Argonauts (i.e. cossacks-Hordians), who, according to the 'ancient' Greek myths, after the Trojan War embark on a voyage, seizing and colonizing various lands.
- The establishment of Russia as the centre of a new empire, successor of the previous one
- As a result of the decline of the old regime and the capture of Czar-Grad by the Horde-Crusaders in 1204, Russia-Horde, which used to be one of the provinces of the Romaic Empire, comes to the fore. It takes an active part in the Trojan War.
- After the collapse of Romea the representatives of the Royal dynasty flee to the provinces. Some of them didn't want to accept the loss of supreme power and began their battle for world domination. According to the Romaic kings' beliefs, which were based on firmly rooted religious principles, the right to possess the world belonged to their Royal family. And not only the lands already known, but also all of those yet to be discovered. This right they regarded as the sacred ancient legacy belonging to them, which under some temporary circumstances happened to be unlawfully taken away from them. Therefore it was imperative to retrieve it.
- As a consequence there appeared several states which considered themselves the legal successors of Romea. For example, Empire of Nicaea. Ancient Nicaea is the modern town of Iznik in Turkey. Other kingdoms also appeared. One of them was Vladimir and Suzdal Russia with its capital Rostov Velikii (Rostov the Great), and later in Yaroslavl = Novgorod. Here arrived the Trojan king Aeneas, whose ancestors, as it happens, originally came from Russia. In the Russian chronicles king Aeneas reflected as the famous 'variag' ('Varangian') Ryurik. He unites isolated Russian dominions into a united kingdom [\Uffffffff\u041e\u0420] Thus the first czars of Vladimir and Suzdal (at first Rostov and Novgord ones) were the heirs of the Romaic dynasty driven out of Czar-Grad in the beginning of the XIII century. They began their fight to restore the Empire. Aeneas-Ryurik succeeded in creating a powerful multinational state, which initially included encompassed the Volga Region and North Black Sea Region. Ample manpower, horse and economic resources proved to be sufficient to achieve the world dominance by military means. In the XIV century Ivan Daniilovich Kalita started the Western campaign, i.e. 'Mongolian' = great conquest. It is possible that the name 'Kalita' is one of forms of a famous title of Calif or Khalif.
- Thus after the fall of Troy = Czar-Grad one of the representatives of the Romaic dynasty 'antic' king Aeneas-John, the disciple and comrade of Andronicus-Christ, one of his apostles, leaves the destroyed Czar-Grad = Jerusalem and heads with his companions to Russia. His royal ancestors originally came from Russia. This journey was described in particular by 'ancient' Virgil in his famous epic poem 'The Aeneid'. Having arrived to Russia king Aeneas-John finds here a powerful and rich wealthy kingdom which however is split into principalities ruled by rival princes-khans. Being the descendant of the esteemed Russian people, Aeneas-John takes power in his own hands and establishes a new dynasty in Russia. He unites the Russian lands under one rule.
- It essentially creates the Great Russian-Horde Empire on the ruins of Romaic Tsar-Grad empire
History[edit | edit source]
1st century BC and earlier[edit | edit source]
African Kingdom evolves to Romaic Czar-Grad empire probably peacefully. The capital of this Kingdom moves to the city of Yoros on the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus.
1st century AC[edit | edit source]
The power of empire in the 1000-1100 spreads over many regions in the West and the East, where the femas/provinces of Tsar-Grad are located. Generally speaking, each fema was an independent state formation, but was headed by a Romaic legate - a king, a tsar or a duke. He was a vassal of Biblical Jerusalem = Tsar-Grad = Yoros in the Bosphorus.
Among such femas/provinces were:
- African Egypt
- Rus-Horde
- Territories of Western Europe, where consequently (in the 1500-1600) there would emerge
The subordination of these femas to the imperial centre was reasonably flexible. One of the characteristics of such vassal state was the payment of tax to Yoros = Jerusalem = Tsar-Grad. Besides, starting in the end of the 1st century AC, the femas were united by shared Christian religion. Tsar-Grad universally recognized as the religious centre of the Kingdom as a whole. It could be that the word 'fema' or 'TEMA' has a connection with a Great Russian-Horde Empire#Horde word 'Tumen', i.e. a Russian word 'T'MA', which denoted a military unit (t'ma = many).
Independent local history in femas was hardly recorded. Meanwhile chronicles are being written only in Tsar-Grad, as the capital of the Kingdom. They mainly reflect the events which interested Yoros in the Bosphorus. Copies of these chronicles sometimes emerge in some of the Romaic femas/provinces. But these texts mainly tell us about the events in the metropolis. And only fleetingly about local events.
- Most likely the horses were tamed by humans and for the first time were used by the military in the 1st century AC, as early as in the times of the Romaic Empire.
2nd century AC[edit | edit source]
- At the beginning of the century
- Rus was still a fema of Romaic Tsar-Grad empire
- The capital city (Yoros) was ransacked and burnt by the Rus Horde-Cossacks crusaders and their allies in 1204.
- They are the same 'ancient' Achaeans-Greeks described by Homer in 'The Iliad'.
- The Achaeans were led by 'ancient' Achilles, aka Russian-Horde prince Svyatoslav
- They are the same 'ancient' Achaeans-Greeks described by Homer in 'The Iliad'.
- Those responsible for Andronicus-Christ's crucifixion were captured by the Hordians and were brutally executed.