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Time format in Alternative Wiki[edit | edit source]

  • Fomenko uses official centuries, e.g. 20th century is 1900-2000.
    • but it felt misleading
  • The time what everyone uses is the common era, which is "years after christ was born"
    • "Years after Christ" or "After Christ" = AC is preferred here too
      • But Christ born 1153 CE. Year 2000 CE would be 847 AC
        • It would have been too confusing!
    • Official centuries start from 1st century, when Christ was born.
  • Compromise is chosen
    • 1st century AC is "the first century of Christ", even though Christ born 53 years after the beginning of the century...

Book sources[edit | edit source]

4th century AC[edit | edit source]

Measurement of time[edit | edit source]

Earliest measurements[edit | edit source]

Counting time[edit | edit source]

  • Before falsifying in 6th century AC
    • Counting years started years after death of Christ
      • Caused the shift of 53 or 153 years. Also, the "1" might have meant "1st century" which is the century when Christ born.
    • Centuries were written as: X.IV = 4th century
      • X meant abbreviation of Christ (Cyrillic Ch = X)
      • X.I century meant Christ's first century
    • Years were written as: "Year I.255'
      • I.255 = from Jesus year 255
    • During that epoch all the dates were written down starting with the name of Jesus Christ, i.e. letter 'X' or letter 'I'. The fact is that the Roman numeral I, i.e. 'one', - in the Arabic representation of a year, for example year 1255, initially was the first letter I of the name Jesus.
      • Up until the 1500-1600 there remained the tradition of recording dates by the way of: either X. followed by numerals), or I. (followed by numerals), in other words, by separating with a dot letters X and I from the other numerals which represented the date itself. Sometimes J was used instead of I. See multiple examples in the book by A.T.Fomenko 1v, ch.6:12-13
  • After falsifying
    • Over many centuries, in the 17th century to be precise, the creation of the 'reformed' version of history began. It aimed to distort the history of the 11th century-16th century beyond recognition. In particular it was achieved by distorting the chronology. The first letter X (i.e. Christ) slyly declared to be the representation of 'ten centuries' in the dates, and the first letter I (i.e. Jesus) was purported to represent a 'thousand'. As the result of it the dates were artificially made older by approximately 1000 years. Massive blocks of events of the 11th century-17th century 'slid down' by approximately a thousand years. Phantom 'antiquity' thus appeared.