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History[edit | edit source]

2nd century BC[edit | edit source]

  • Before the creation of the horse Horde in the ancient Romaic Empire the mode of travel was predominantly aquatic. That is why the expansion of Romea on the X-XII cc. was carried out mainly by water. In the first place the shores of the Mediterranean and Black seas were dominated. Later the banks of the big rivers running into these seas: rivers Danube, Dnieper and Don. From the Don River they would haul over to Volga river and end up in Russia, and also in the Caspian Sea and Iran. Thus the ancient Mediterranean community and the Romaic culture appeared. At its heart were the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. All the capitals were here in the Mediterranean. At first, in the lower reaches of the Nile in African Egypt. Later the capital moved closer to the Black Sea, to the Bosphorus, to Czar-Grad.

2nd century AC [edit | edit source]

  • The Russian Horde was an army of a completely new fashion. Unlike all the previous armies Horde was predominantly HORSE CAVALRY. Most likely the horses were tamed by humans and for the first time were used by the military in the XII century, as early as in the times of the Romaic Empire. Originally the horse cavalry didn't exist. Only noble and wealthy people could afford a war horse. A horse was considered to be a precious commodity. The great majority of the ordinary soldiers were foot soldiers. In order to supply an ordinary soldier with a horse it was necessary to have many herds of horses. For that you would need vast steps, where these herds could graze. There are no steps like that in the Mediterranean. In Russia they do exist. It was the Southern-Russian steps between the Volga and Don rivers which served as a basis for the creation of an enormous army of a completely new kind horse Horde in the XIII-XIV cc, where each warrior-Cossack would have not one, but several horses, which would allow the Horde to accomplish long-distance marches over the endless vast lands of Eurasia. Moreover it allowed them to move quite fast. As the horses needed pasture, the army was nomadic out of necessity. It would constantly move from place to place.
    • Without the sufficient means of transportation on land the ancient Romaic Empire could not develop the inland territories of Eurasia. The vast spaces of the continent distant form the waterways remained inaccessible and unexplored. Only with the advent of the Russian Horde in the XIII-XIV cc., they began to be gradually explored. Unlike ancient Romea, The Russian-Horde Empire of the XIV-XVI cc. became mainly a land state with ground communications. Naturally, the aquatic means of transportation were also used, but overall the Empire was expanding along the land routs which it created itself.