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  • Historical Yaroslavl or Royal Rome
  • It's the modern day Nizhny Novgorod (in Russia)
  • Thus famous Royal Rome appeared in the interfluve of Oka and Volga rivers (the land between the meeting point of these two rivers) in the 2nd century AC

Book sources[edit | edit source]

2nd century AC[edit | edit source]

3rd century AC[edit | edit source]

4th century AC[edit | edit source]

6th century AC[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

2nd century AC[edit | edit source]

  • Rostov Veliky was the capital of Rus province until it changed to Yaroslav after few first Tsars of Great Russian-Horde Empire.
    • Thus after the fall of Troy = Czar-Grad one of the representatives of the Romaic dynasty 'antic' king Aeneas-John, the disciple and comrade of Andronicus-Christ, one of his apostles, leaves the destroyed Czar-Grad = Jerusalem and heads with his companions to Russia. His royal ancestors originally came from Russia. This journey was described in particular by 'ancient' Virgil in his famous epic poem 'The Aeneid'. Having arrived to Russia king Aeneas-John finds here a powerful and rich wealthy kingdom which however is split into principalities ruled by rival princes-khans. Being the descendant of the esteemed Russian people, Aeneas-John takes power in his own hands and establishes a new dynasty in Russia. He unites the Russian lands under one rule. This most important event reflected in our chronicles as 'invitation of variag Ryurik', and the foundation of Veliky Novgorod (Great Novgorod) allegedly in the IX century. It concerned turning the city of Yaroslavl on the river Volga into a capital. In the Latin literature these events were reflected in 'Books since the city's founding' ('Ab urbe condita libri') by Titus Livy as the founding of the city of Rome and the state with the same name in the land of Latinia=Ruthenia by Romulus and Remus (the descendants of Aeneas = Ryurik). Thus famous Royal Rome appeared in the interfluve of Oka and Volga rivers (the land between the meeting point of these two rivers) in the XIII century [\u0426\u0420\u0418\u041c]

Aliases[edit | edit source]