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Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies[citation needed]. Culture is considered a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies. Cultural universals are found in all human societies; these include expressive forms like art, music, dance, ritual, religion, and technologies like tool usage, cooking, shelter, and clothing. The concept of material culture covers the physical expressions of culture, such as technology, architecture and art, whereas the immaterial aspects of culture such as principles of social organization (including practices of political organization and social institutions), mythology, philosophy, literature (both written and oral), and science comprise the intangible cultural heritage of a society.

History[edit | edit source]

1st century AC[edit | edit source]

  • Andronicus-Christ, having arrived from Russia to Czar-Grad, introduced new customs, including those in clothing. For instance, it was thanks to him that the people of Czar-Grad started wearing trousers. Some opposed such innovations adamantly and accused the Emperor of adherence to the 'barbaric' customs. Similar events also occur under Heliogabalus.
    • Hence an intriguing story emerges. Heliogabalus-Andronicus has arrived, as it turns out, from Russia (Syria) to New Rome (Czar-Grad) in finery, in the description of which we can recognize the rich garments of the Russian-Hordian czars. Gold, purple, precious stones... Russia-Horde was a rich country. Contrary to that, proud Romains and Greeks dressed, as we were told, considerably more modest. The provinces of the Empire were clearly poorer. That is why the wealth of the newly arrived czar-khan and his entourage annoyed them. Moreover they did not like the introduction of the new Scythian clothing. For example, trousers.