Golden Books/Conquest of America/Chapter 2
Greek "Olympic myth of Creation"[edit | edit source]
Before turning to the largest Sicilian war allegedly 415-413 BC, following in the history of "Ancient" Greece during the Marathon battle of allegedly 490 BC, we will take a step aside and turn to the "oldest" Greek history . To the supposedly monstrous antiquity. Namely, to the Sa'momu “the beginning of the world,” to the famous myth of the victory of Zeus over the Titans with the help of the mighty Cyclopes = Cyclops, Fig.2.1, Fig.2.1a. At first glance, this legend - it is sometimes referred to as "gigantomachy" - has nothing to do with the Sicilian battle, that is, the Kulikovo battle of 1380. However, only at first glance. As it suddenly turns out, these plots are closely intertwined, and each of them helps us better understand the other.
Today, historians attribute the myth of the Cyclopes to an incredibly distant past, regarding it as the FIRST and therefore the most important “Olympic creation myth”. It is believed that the world begins with this myth, the whole universe is born. In those supposedly dark, ancient times, they say, there were still no people. In the misty celestial spheres, only the mighty gods soared, only themselves who had just recently emerged into the world and fiercely fighting with each other for power. Historians do not even attribute any dating to these Greek legends, relating them to such a deep past that the hazy images, they say, hopelessly spread into the abysses of the past millennia. Poets, writers, composers, sculptors, painters of the Middle Ages and the New Age, inspired by these powerful “Legends of the Creation,” created hundreds of remarkable works of art. Sincerely believing that through their creative intuition they have penetrated many thousands of years into the past, lifting the veil of secrecy ... etc. In general, trembling before hoary antiquity. Invented by historians.
We have to slightly disappoint the poets. Now we will show that "the most ancient Olympic myth of creation" actually tells about the Kulikovo battle of 1380 AD For some, perhaps, such a conclusion would mean "a reduction in pathos" of the entire cycle of legends about the Creation of the World. But not for us. In fact, this implies the strengthening of the significance of the Kulikovo battle for the whole history of mankind. As we shall see, a whole cultural tradition, and a highly respected one, namely, “antique”, raised this event on a high pedestal, laying it at the same time as the foundation of the whole story in general. So, if you will, the "poetic thrill" remains. Only the dating of the object of worship changes. An important event emerges from the depths of the past and approaches us for several thousand years, finding itself at the end of the 14th century AD That is, Zeus defeated the Titans with the help of the mighty Cyclopes "only" about six hundred and twenty years ago. However, in the New Chronology, an event of such antiquity should really be viewed as EXCLUSIVELY ANCIENT. Since in general the written history of mankind has, most likely, not more than a thousand years. And it emerges from the dark only approximately from the X-XI centuries AD. See books "Foundations of history" and "Methods".
And now let's turn to the Olympic Myth of Creation. We present it in the fundamental book of Robert Graves, where a variety of ancient sources are collected and processed.
<< At the beginning of all things from Chaos, mother-Earth arose and in a dream she gave birth to a son of Uranus (Fig.2.2 - Auth.) ... Her first children (from Uranus - Auth.) Were half-human - STRONG GIANTS Briareus, Gies and Kott. Then there were three wild odnus KIKLOPA - the builders of giant walls and forges, first in Thrace, and then on Crete and in Lycia, whose sons Odysseus met in Sicily. Their name was Bront, Sterop and Arg. When Apollo killed them in retaliation for the death of Asclepius, their shadows settled in the gloomy caves of the volcano Etna ... Cyclops means "round-eyed"; it is quite possible that they had a tattoo in the form of concentric circles on their foreheads IN HONEST OF THE SUN - SOURCE OF FIRE ... the Thracians continued to make tattoos right up to the classical era ... Concentric circles are part of the blacksmith sacraments ... Later these connections were forgotten and the mythographs , showing enough imagination, made the Cyclopes inhabitants of the caves of the volcano Etna, perhaps in order to explain the appearance of fire and smoke over the crater ... The names Bronte, Sterop and Arg ("thunder", "lightning" and "perun") appeared later .. .
GIANTS arose from the union of the Earth and TARTAR >> [196: 2], p.19-20.
Then comes the castration of Uranus and the overthrow of Crohn by Zeus. Recall that another name for Crohn is SATURN.
<< After Uranus brought down his rebellious sons of the cyclops into Tartarus, a dark space in the underworld, located at the same distance from the earth as the earth was from the sky; if a copper anvil was thrown there, it would have reached its bottom in nine days — mother Earth bore him the titans. In retaliation for the Cyclopes, Mother Earth convinced the titans to attack their father. They obeyed and, headed by the youngest of the seven - Kron, armed with a sickle of "gray iron", attacked the sleeping Uranus and the ruthless Kron sediment him with his sickle ...
Then the Titans liberated the Cyclopes from Tartarus and handed over the land to Kron.
However, as soon as Krohn felt his primacy, he again SHUTTED CYCLOPES IN TARTAR TOGETHER WITH THE HANDLING and, having taken his sister Rhea as his wife, began to rule in Elida ...
However, according to the prediction of mother Earth and the dying Uranus, Krona had to overthrow one of the sons. Therefore, every year he swallowed all the children whom Ray gave birth to him ...
Rhea was beside herself with what was happening. Her third son, Zeus, she gave birth in a dead night on the mountain Likey ... and handed it to Gee-Earth, who carried him to Liqt on the island of Crete and hid in the dictatorial cave ...
Rhea swaddled the stone and gave it to Krona, and he swallowed it, being sure that he swallowed the baby Zeus (Fig. 2.3 - Auth.). However, Krohn heard about the deception and began to pursue Zeus ...
Zeus matured among the shepherds of Ida ... He visited his mother Rhea and asked him to be made the crown butler. Rhea expressed willingness to help him in the vengeance. She took out the mustard and salt, which Metis advised to add to the Crohn's honey drink. Having drank a drink, CZK FIRST RULED FROM THE MOUNT OF THE STONE, and then of all the elder brothers and sisters of Zeus. All were safe and sound, and in gratitude offered Zeus to HEAD THEM IN THE FIGHT AGAINST TITANS, who chose HUGE ATLANTE as their leader; Crone by this time had passed its heyday.
THE WAR Lasted FOR TEN YEARS, WHILE GAYA'S EARTH DIDN'T PREDICT THE VICTORY OF HIS GHE SON OF ZEUSA UNDER THE CONDITION THAT THAT WILL TAKE THEIR ALLIES OF THOSE KORON IN THE TARTAR. Therefore, he secretly went to Campo, elderly guardian of Tartarus, killed her and took the keys, release the Cyclopes and the Hundred-handed ... For this Cyclopes AWARDED lightning of Zeus as a weapon of attack, Hades gave him a helmet, making it invisible, And Poseidon's trident. When the military council of the three brothers ended, Hades imperceptibly penetrated into the Krona monastery to steal his weapon, but while Poseidon was waving his trident and distracting Krona’s attention, ZEUS HITS LIGHTNING. THEN THE THREE SHOWNERS HAVE STOPPED THE STONES AND BECAME THEY LEFTING THE REMAINED TITANS, who fled after an unexpected cry of a goaty pan. The gods rushed to pursue them. Kroner and all the defeated titans, except Atlanta, were expelled FOR THE MOST WESTERN OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS (others, however, say that they were imprisoned in Tartarus) and left behind the guards. More titans never Ellada not disturbed. Atlanta, as a commander, was given an approximate punishment: keep the sky on his shoulders ...
Stone, spewed out of the mouth of Crohn, Zeus set in Delphi ...
The inhabitants of Crete, who, of course, are liars, say that every year Zeus is born in the same cave IN THE FLASH OF FIRE AND BLOOD FLOWS, and every year he dies and is buried ...
AN UNEXPECTED CRY OF A PAN THAT HAPPENED TITANS IN HORROR, entered into the saying and gave rise to the word "panic" >> [196: 2], pp.24-27, 29.
The encyclopedia of Cyclaps also reports the following: << Cyclopes, Cyclops ... in Greek mythology, the sons of Uranus and Rhea, GIANTS WITH ONE EYE AMONG THE LBA (Cyclaps means "round-eyed"), powerful and wild. Their names are: Bront - "GROM", Sterop - "LIGHTNING" and Arg - "PERUN" ... Cyclopes belong to the oldest generation of gods; they were thrown into Tartarus by Uranus, but Zeus released them and took them by force, strength and dexterity in the fight against the Titans, Cyclopes when handing him the thunder, lightning and Perun ... THEY Cova Zeus formidable weapon, but Apollo interrupted Cyclopes forged thunderbolt, that Zeus struck Asclepius ... In Virgil's Cyclopes, Hephaestus henchmen in the depths of Etna, where they forge the chariot of Mars, the auspices of Pallas and Aeneas's armor ... In Homer, the Cyclops are a tribe of proud and evil giants, they live in deep caves >> [533 ], V. 1, p. 648-649.
A lot of "ancient classics" enthusiastically wrote about the Cyclopes. They were extremely popular in "antiquity". Here is another brief retelling of the old testimonies made by renowned explorer Rene Ménard: "LIGHTNINGS (CYCLOPS) and Storms (Hecatonheira), born from Heaven, tend to suddenly appear and disappear into nowhere. When Heaven saw what he had (Uranus - Auth. ) children were born, it concluded them deep into the bowels of the Earth, their mother. The earth, angry with the act of her husband, freed her titan children and convinced them to rebel against their father. They led the Time (Kronos) (aka Saturn - Auth.): armed with garpey (it is believed that this is a sickle-shaped knife Fig.2.4 - Author) ... he seriously wounded his father and took his power "[524: 1], p.17.
The myth of Krone-Saturn, devouring its children, inspired famous artists, for example, Goya, fig.2.5.
Next comes the war of the Cyclopes with the Titans.
<< Predictions were destined to be fulfilled. Jupiter (he Zeus - Auth.) Grew and gained strength. Deceived by the insidious advice of the Earth, Saturn (Kron - Auth.) Drank a drink that made him return to the light of the children he had swallowed. They immediately offered their help to Jupiter. The gods - the children of Saturn established themselves on high Olympus, and the titans occupied the opposite mountain Otfig. They began a brutal war that lasted for ten years. It was a bloody battle, but the victory was not inclined to either one or the other side. The main forces of the Olympians who decided the outcome of the war were the Cyclops (Lightning) and the Hekatonheira (Storm), which Jupiter (that is, Zeus-Avt.) Freed from the bowels of the earth, where Saturn held them. Cyclops, the divine masters of giant growth with one eye on his forehead, gave Jupiter lightning, which were hidden from the depths of the earth. They donated to Neptune the TRIMMER, which became its attribute, and to Pluto - the HELMET, WHICH DID IT BE INVISIBLE.
Hekatonheira were no less grateful for their release. There were three brothers: Briarey, Cott and Gyes. Fifty-headed Wings of the Giants, THEY LIFTED HUGE ROCKS AND HAVE THROWN THEM IN TITANS, THREE THREE-DAYS SIMULTANEOUSLY, which made it possible to view them as the personification of GRADA and STORM.
"At the sight of the BELT" And with a roar and wild wilts they drove into the thick of the battle. In the endless roar of bloody battle, everyone demonstrated the strength of his hands "(Hesiod).
The defeated titans were cast into Tartarus, a terrible and dark place that terrifies the gods. Having fallen into Tartarus, a mortal will not reach its bottom in a year. As soon as he passed the entrance, he would be picked up by violent whirlwinds and thrown from side to side >> [524: 1], p.22.
Numerous ancient stories about the battle of the Cyclopes, led by Zeus-Jupiter, against the Titans, led by Kronom-Saturn, add more and more new details.
“Zeus grew up and matured. He rebelled against his father and forced him to bring back the children he had swallowed. One after another, he had disgusted the Crone of his children-gods. They began to fight with Kron and the titans for power over the world.
This struggle was terrible and persistent. Children of Krona established themselves on high Olympus. On their side were some titans, and the first was titan Ocean and his daughter Styx with the children of Zeal, Might and Victory.
This struggle was dangerous for the Olympian gods. Powerful and formidable were their opponents. But Zeus came to the aid of Cyclops. They forged him with thunder and lightning, their metal Zeus in the titans. The struggle lasted ten years, but the victory was not inclined to either side. At last Zeus decided to free from the depths of the earth the side-sided giant hecatonheirs and call them for help. Terrible, huge as mountains, they came out of the bowels of the earth and rushed into battle. They tore away whole rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans. IN HUNDREDS, THE FLYERS OF THE ROCK TALKS TO THE TITANS, WHEN THEY ARE GOING TO THE OLYMPUS. The earth moaned, the roar filled the air, everything around was hesitating. Even Tartarus shuddered at this struggle. Zeus threw one after another fiery lightning and deafening rumbling thunder. The fire engulfed the whole earth, the seas were boiling, SMOKE AND SMARDA WOODED ALL THE DIRTY SAW.
Finally the titans fluttered. Their strength was broken, they were defeated. The Olympians held them down and plunged them into gloomy Tartarus. Near the copper invincible walls of Tartar, the hundred-armed giants, hekatonheirs, began to guard, so that powerful titans would not break free from Tartarus. The power of the titans in the world is over "[453: 2], pp. 25-27.
On fig.2.6, fig.2.7, fig.2.8, fig.2.9, fig.2.10, fig.2.10a are some ancient images of Giantomachia, that is, the struggle of Zeus and the Cyclopes against the Titans.
We now turn to the analysis of the gigantomachy and its comparison with the Kulikovo battle.
Zeus – it is Jesus, who is Andronicus-Christ. Prince Dmitry Donskoy won in the Battle of Kulikovo for the name of Zeus-Jesus[edit | edit source]
In the book "Tsar Slavs" we advanced and substantiated the statement that the "ancient" Zeus is to a large extent a reflection of the emperor Andronicus-Christ from the 12th century AD. At the same time, we have repeatedly encountered the fact that later chroniclers confused the events of the end of the XII century with the events of the end of the XIV century. The fact is that they confused two Baptisms of the Great Empire. The first baptism was given by Andronicus-Christ himself at the end of the XII century, the second by the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, that is, the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, at the end of the XIV century. Recall that Dmitry Donskoy led the Apostolic Christians. They succeeded in defeating the “royal Christians” in the Kulikovo battle, professing ancestral, royal Christianity, which for a long time after the 12th century flourished primarily among the imperial nobility, to which Andronicus-Christ belonged. THE KULIKOV BATTLE WAS RELIGIOUS. After it, royal Christianity was forever pushed aside from the political scene and began to be called "paganism." Dmitry Donskoy = Constantine I defeated the enemies under the banner of Jesus Christ = Zeus. Before the decisive battle, Dmitry = Constantine was given the "Sign of the Cross." It is believed that the fiery Cross appeared in the sky, which frightened the enemies and announced the victory to Dmitry = Konstantin. As we showed in the book "Baptism of Russia", in fact, originally it was about firearms handed to Dmitry Donskoy by St. Sergius of Radonezh and first used on a large scale in the Kulikov field. This "Christian Tree = Cross" was fancifully refracted later in later legends and gave rise to a motley bunch of different interpretations and parables. Recall that the first guns were wooden.
Consequently, some chroniclers could well consider and write that SAM JESUS participated in the Kulikovo battle on the side of Dmitry Donskoy. That is, if God Jesus himself led Dmitry's troops into battle. In a figurative sense, this was absolutely true. But some chroniclers could interpret this situation literally and declare that Andronicus-Christ himself, that is, the “ancient” Zeus, personally participated in the bloody battle of 1380.
Apparently, this is exactly what we are seeing now in the "most ancient" Olympic Myth of Creation. Most likely, the god Zeus = Jesus, who led the Olympians and Cyclopes in the fight against the Titans, this is the Horde king-khan Dmitry Donskoy, who defeated Khan Mamai in the name of Jesus.
This simple thought, logically derived from our previous results, immediately clarifies the essence of the "ancient" legend.
By the way, it is impossible not to note that the name of the ZEUS is just a slight distortion of the name JESUS. The fact is that JESUS used to be often written as EZUS = ESUS. But in Latin, the letters U and V often turned into each other, so along with ESUS they could write ESVS, which could well be read as ZEUS. Moreover, the name of Zeus is often written as ZEUS, for example, in English. But after all, the spelling of ESUS and ZEUS are quite close.
Terrible Tartar of the "antiquity" – this is the Great Tartaria, that is Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries[edit | edit source]
In our studies, we have repeatedly come across the fact that the famous "antique" TARTAR is a reflection of TARTARIES = TATARIES, that is, Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries, on the pages of "ancient classics". As we now understand, in some Western European authors, Russia-Horde sometimes evoked not only respect, but also fear. That is why in the era of the Reformation, the distant Tartarus began to be painted with dark colors. First, they said that it is scary far away or scary deep. They say it is very difficult to get to him.Tartar - a dark space in the underworld, located at the same distance from the earth as the earth from the sky. If you drop a copper anvil there, it will reach Tartarus in only nine days!
Tartar is surrounded by high copper walls and a ring of fire. There are incessantly raging whirlwinds and storms, throwing people from side to side. Tartarus, they say, fear even the gods. The entrance to Tartar is guarded by terrible ruthless monsters.
The encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron adds: << Above Tartarus were the lower bases of the land and ocean. Tartarus was surrounded by a TRIPLE LAYER OF DARKNESS and an IRON WALL WITH IRON GATES erected by Poseidon; he served as a detention center for the overthrown Krona and the defeated Titans, who were guarded by the "hundred-armed" giants, the children of Uranus. In later times, the appointment of Tartarus changed: by it they began to imply the lower spaces in the realm of sinners. As a mythical person, Tartarus was the son of Ether and the Earth >> [988: 00], "Tartarus".
Sometimes it was believed that the entrance to the underworld and, in particular, to Tartarus was guarded by the terrible dog Cerberus = Kerber.
And so on and so forth.Many horrors and "horror stories" with enthusiasm and aspiration began to tell in Western Europe the end of the XVI-XVII centuries about Russia-Horde. This invented tradition of fear is firmly rooted, and from time to time it emerges in later epochs for a variety of reasons.
All this is explained simply. As we showed in the books "Biblical Rus" and "Methods", at the end of the 15th - 16th centuries, a wave of the second "Mongolian" conquest swept across Western Europe, namely, the Ottoman-Ataman. To a large extent, it was a quarantine cleansing of the Western European regions, where infectious diseases spread. Not having at the time of medical methods of combating epidemics, the khans of the Empire were forced to give a cruel order to destroy the sick population in order to save those who were not yet infected. These events are vividly described in the biblical book "Joshua." The order was rigorously executed by the Israelis = Horde Cossacks and Ottoman chieftains. As a result, in Western Europe of the end of the XVI-XVII centuries, an insult arose against the metropolis of the Empire, that is, against Russia-Horde.Thus, in the epoch of the Reformation, the gloomy image of Tartarus = Tartary was formed.
But back to the Olympic Myth of Creation. He says that Zeus took in his allies not someone else, namely Cyclops, the mighty giants who lived in Tartarus.
That's right.Dmitry Donskoy, who started the war with Mamai under the banner of Jesus = Zeus, was the king-khan of Russia-Orda, that is, the "ancient" Tartarus. That is the "ancient" Rome. The legendary legions of "Iron Rome" - this is probably the horde-Cossack troops of Dmitry Donskoy, that is, the mighty Cyclopes, who rose to fight the Titans. So in this "ancient" myth, under the name of Zeus = Jesus, a specific historical person appears. Namely, Prince Dmitry Donskoy = Emperor Constantine the Great.
Our thought sounds like this. The identification of "ancient" Tartarus with Tartary of the XIV-XVI centuries indicates that the events described in the Olympic Myth of Creation have apparently unfolded on the territory of Russia-Horde. Probably at the end of the XIV century.
By the way, in fig.2.11 we present a map of Eurasia, compiled by Western Europeans in 1611. That is, at the beginning of the seventeenth century. It can be seen how it is still primitive. Africa is one continent with Asia. The Scandinavian Peninsula merged with Europe. More or less well depicted only the Mediterranean. Apparently, after the split of the Great = "Mongol" Empire at the beginning of the 17th century, many geographic information was forgotten and the Europeans had to re-restore the geographical maps. It is worth noting that this map shows a huge Tartary. The Northern Ocean is named SKIF and TARTAR.
God Kronos-Saturn, eating his children, and persecution of apostolic Christians in the XIII-XIV centuries.[edit | edit source]
Ancient authors unanimously declare that the god Kron-Saturn devoured his own children to the dismay of their mother, the goddess Rhea. He swallowed at least Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon [196: 2], p.25. Maybe a few more kids. And only his son Zeus managed to avoid death due to the fact that Rei's patience came to an end.
Apparently, in the image of the mighty and bloodthirsty Kron-Saturn here are the kings of the Great Empire of the XIII-XIV centuries, who professed the royal tribal Christianity. Those who considered Andronicus-Christ to be their "family" god and demanded that they, the heirs of the emperor Christ, also be worshiped as gods. This situation is well known to us from the "ancient" Roman sources telling about the imperial Rome of the era of the alleged I-III centuries AD. Roman emperors considered themselves deities and categorically demanded worship. Apostolic Christians, among whom were many ordinary people, did not agree and argued that only Andronicus-Christ was God, and not at all members of his clan and heirs to the throne. There was a serious conflict. Since the power in the state was in the hands of the khan kings, they managed to suppress popular protests for quite a long time. All this we know today as the famous "persecution of the first Christians." It is believed that the "pagan" emperors of Rome, that is, Russia-Horde, cruelly persecuted Christians - in fact, apostolic Christians - were poisoned by wild beasts, burned at the stake, tortured, etc. See, for example, fig.2.12.
Probably, this is exactly what reflected the Olympic Myth of Creation, telling us about the “most ancient” god Krone, devouring OWN CHILDREN. In other words, the kings, the Christians, the rulers of the fathers, persecuted their own subjects - the apostolic Christians. Like "they ate their sons and daughters." At the same time, as we now understand, both of them worshiped the same god - Andronicus-Christ. BUT DIFFERENT. These differences led to serious friction, and then to repression by the authorities. Incidentally, it is possible that the word CROWN sounds in the CROWN name, that is, a hint that it was the ruling caste, the CROWNED rulers tried to suppress the people's apostolic movement "of their children," their subjects.
A religious conflict leads to a huge war. Zeus wins Kronos-Crown.[edit | edit source]
The “ancient classics” further report that eating Crohn’s own children eventually led to a bloody and protracted war. In which he lost and was overthrown. This is the "gigantomachy" - the merciless battle of the Olympian gods led by Zeus against the Titans led by Kron. In fact, the giant Atlas led the army of the Titans, as Cron-Corona was already weak, see above.
The logic of the preceding reasoning and the identification of events discovered by us immediately tells us that we are approaching the end of the 14th century AD. That is, by the time when the religious tension in the Great = "Mongol" Empire reached its limit and, finally, turned into open conflict. Again, this picture is well known to us from the "ancient" Roman sources, telling about the radical intention of the emperor Constantine the Great, that is, Dmitry Donskoy, to MAKE APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY with STATE RELIGION. Naturally, the “pagans” headed by the “pagan” ruler Maxentius opposed. A severe war broke out, in which Konstantin I defeated. In the Russian chronicles, these same events are described as the Kulikovo Battle of 1380 by Dmitry Donskoy = Constantine with Khan Mamai = Maxentiym = Ivan Veliyaminov.
The Olympic Myth of Creation vividly says that the war was immense. A variety of epithets are used, emphasizing the scale of the event. The heavens, the earth, the underworld are shaken. In the battle involved monsters, Titans, Cyclopes, numerous gods. Thunder, fire, lightning.
Zeus and the Olympians win. Kron, Atlant and Titans are crushed. According to some reports they were imprisoned in Tartar. According to others, they were driven out to the far West, to the most western of the British Isles. They concluded Atlanta, forcing him to maintain the firmament. This is how the name Atlantic originated. God Perseus turned Atlas-Atlanta into a stone mountain, showing him the head of Medusa-Gorgon, fig.2.13. By the way, Atlas - the leader of the Titans - personified, probably, Khan Mamai = Ivan Veliyaminov = Goliath. It turns out that P-Rus = Perseus killed Atlanta, turning him into stone with the help of Medusa-Gorgon. In other words, Prince Donskoy = P-Rus or Bely Rus killed Khan Mamai = Atlanta, defeated his troops with the help of guns, one of the symbols of which later became Medusa-Gorgon. Her head, entwined with snakes instead of hair, was very often depicted on the chest of Athena, the goddess of war, fig.2.14, fig.2.15, and also on the shield of Athena, fig.2.15a. As we have said, the image of a woman’s head and snake-hair was common in the Russia-Horde and is widely represented in amulets, hryvnias, etc. Hence, then came the "ancient" image of Medusa-Gorgon.
Here, in the "ancient" myth, the name of TARTAR-Tartarus, that is, the metropolis of the Empire = Russia-Horde, reappears. It was in Tartary that the main adherents of royal, clan Christianity were imprisoned or executed. For example, Khan Mamai = Ivan Velyaminov = Maxentius died. The surviving opponents were expelled from the metropolis of Russia-Horde to the farthest west of Europe.
The victors solemnly proclaimed: God Jesus Christ conquered the "pagan" Crown. That is, the "ancient" Zeus defeated the "ancient" Kron.
Note that in the opinion of the "ancient" Greek myth, the Commander-in-Chief of the Crohn's troops was Titan Atlant. Kron himself was already old and probably did not directly participate in the battle of the gods. In this form, ancient authors probably reflected the fact that in the epoch of the Kulikovo battle, under the name KRONA = KORONA, a generalized image of royal, clan Christianity appeared. And the concrete leader of the "Crown forces" was Khan Mamai = Maxentius. He is the "antique" Atlant.
Prediction of the victory to Dmitry Donskoy and prediction of the victory to Zeus[edit | edit source]
As we have repeatedly seen, in all the numerous reflections of the Kulikovo battle before the battle began, the PREDICTION of victory was given. Emperor Constantine appeared "Fire Cross". Prince Dmitry Donskoy predicted the victory of Sergius of Radonezh. In addition, before the Kulikov battle, a heavenly sign was given, about which his warrior Thomas Katsibey informed Dmitry Donskoy. Different sources describe the phenomenon in different ways, but the essence of the matter is the same. See the details in our book "The Baptism of Rus".
We see a similar scene in the “ancient” Greek Olympic version. Gaia-Earth foretold to his grandson Zeus the victory in the battle with the Titans, see above.
Handmade lightnings, given by Tartarian Cyclops to Zeus, and guns, given by Sergius of Radonezh to Dmitry Donskoy[edit | edit source]
Earlier we showed that the victory in the Kulikovo battle was achieved primarily thanks to the guns received by Dmitry Donskoy from Sergius of Radonezh. This was the "Fire Cross" that struck the enemy troops. The weapon was new, unprecedented. His power shook contemporaries, began to talk about him as a "Christian Sign", "Christian Tree", "Christian Cross". We repeat that the first guns were really wooden. In the poetic and religious descriptions, the wooden trunk of the instrument symbolized for many the pillar-cross on which Christ was crucified. Under the banner of which the troops of the Don went to battle for the faith.
Turn to "antiquity". The Olympic Myth of Creation speaks absolutely clear about firearms.
It is reported that a terrible fire weapon was forged by the Cyclaps of Tartar. Consequently, it was HANDLING, it was created by talented inventors. The foggy myth PARTIALLY IDENTIFES THE GUNS CREATORS WITH THE SAME GUNS. It is a question of Cyclops, whose names are THUNDER, LIGHTNING, PERUN, see above. All three names perfectly match the description of the guns. The gun spews fire - "thunder". A bright flash shot is "lightning." The word PERUN, as we showed in the book "Biblical Rus," probably originated from the word PER, that is, TRANSFER, push the core, the canister forward. Or from the word POROH. Moreover, the Cyclopes themselves were called LIGHTNINGS, see above. This circumstance absolutely unequivocally connects the "ancient" Cyclopes with guns.
Further, in the forehead of each Cyclops - only one eye. And the very name KIKLOP, as later authors thought, meant ROUND-GLAZE, see above. Most likely, originally meant the ROUND VEST OF THE GUN, fig.2.16. A terrible "eye" that spewed death. From a round and deep hole in the barrel, fire, nuclei, and canister flew out. No wonder the fire weapon, forged by the Cyclopes, is called THREAT. Recall that the terrible image of Medusa the Gorgon was also born from here, just a glance of which instantly killed people, see our book, Beginning of Horde Russia. Images of Medusa, that is, the symbol of the gun mouth, were extremely popular in the "ancient" world, fig.2.17, fig.2.18, fig.2.19, fig.2.20, fig.2.21, fig.2.22, fig.2.13, fig.2.23, fig.2.24, fig.2.25, fig.2.25a. Again, it was believed that here death brings a LOOK, that is, the EYE or the eyes of Medusa the Gorgon. Her head was often depicted on the shield of the warlike goddess Athena, fig.2.26 and fig.2.27. See also fig.2.28.
By the way, it becomes clear why Perseus, killing Medusa-Gorgon and then, using her terrible head in battles, did not look into her eyes, but watched what was happening in the reflecting mirror. See, for example, fig.2.20. All clear. For the simple reason that looking into the eyes of Medusa meant being right in front of the mouth of a firearm at the moment of the shot. Of course, this should not be done. Fig.2.29 shows the ancient fresco "Perseus Fights with Phineus". In the outstretched hand of Perseus, we see the head of Medusa the Gorgon, whose gaze turns enemies into stone, fig.2.30. Medusa's head snakes numerous snakes instead of hair. "Military" images of Medusa remained popular until the XVII-XVIII centuries, after which they gradually disappeared. Everything is clear: the antiquity of the XIV-XVII centuries is gone and new symbols have replaced the old symbols. In Sweden, for example, by inertia Medusa-Gorgon was depicted on luxurious blankets of royal horses, fig.2.30a, fig.2.30b, on royal armor, fig.2.30c (see on the chest), fig.2.30d, up to XVII -XVIII centuries, and then this tradition faded away.
But back to the "ancient" Cyclopes. The Tartar Cyclopes are described by the "classics" as powerful, wild, proud and evil giants, with whom it is absolutely impossible to compete in strength and skill. Even the Titans lost to them. And while the Cyclopes were far from the battlefield, in Tartarus = Tartary, the war was on an equal footing. Neither the Olympians nor the Titans could not defeat each other. But as soon as Zeus finally called on the Cyclopes from Tartarus, everything changed immediately. Rat Krona and Atlanta suffered a crushing defeat. Moreover, the ancient myth emphasizes that the victory of Zeus, as was previously predicted, WILL BE POSSIBLE ONLY ON THE CONDITION THAT HE WILL CALL ON YOURSELF FOR HELP OF KIKLOPOV. With these words, the “ancient” Greek writers of the Reformation epoch told us that Dmitry Donskoy could win only if he had a new terrible weapon - cannons. Which was not at Mamai. The troops of Mamaia were, of course, professional and well-armed. But did not have a new weapon. And Don's army was the people's militia, but it had guns. That's why she won.
Further, the Olympic Myth of Creation provides other vivid details about the use of guns in the Battle of Kulikovo. It is a question of three Storuki giants who grabbed stones and even whole rocks, threw them at enemies. And they threw in such an incredible amount that it was difficult to even count. Say, for once only all three could throw THREE STONES SIMULTANEOUSLY. It is difficult to get rid of the impression that here is described the Plot, ejected by the guns. A buckshot is a multitude of stones that fall upon the enemy troops. In addition, as we showed in the book “New Chronology of Rus,” Chapter 6, the Don army was not just separate cannons, but whole BATTERIES OF GUNS. That is, there were a lot of guns. Consequently, they could spew not only the clouds of grapeshot, but also a lot of stone cores. Those same portions of stones, "three hundred each time," with which Storukys giants from the army of Zeus showered their enemies. Further, in the book "New Chronology of Russia" we reported on rapid-fire gun batteries, which were in service with Russia-Horde in the XV-XVI centuries. These were numerous trunks muskets, simultaneously installed on a special rotating drum. Something like heavy machine guns. Such, in particular, were the later Russian Nartova rapid-fire batteries. Since the "ancient" authors worked, mainly in the era of the XVI-XVII or even XVIII centuries, the high-speed Horde guns should have been well known to them. They could have been poeticly described as the Storuki Giants, who were throwing several hundred stones at a time.
Finally, it is said that the Titans turned into erratic flight after an unexpected cry of Gantry God Pana, who was in the army of Zeus. In the book "The Baptism of Rus," Chapter 3:12, we showed that the "ancient" god Pan was the personification of PUNCHES. Now it becomes quite clear why the unexpected cry of Pan so shook the Titans. UNEXPECTED GROUNDING OF FIREARMS, heard on the Kulikovo field, heralded the beginning of the defeat of the troops Mamaia = Maxentius. After this "unexpected cry" to the surviving mamayevts nothing left but to rush away. In fig.1.18 we already gave an old image of the god Pan of the end of the XVI - beginning of the XVII century. It can be seen that the artist already vaguely remembered the essence of the matter, and therefore depicted a cannon on wheels or Ko'zlah in the form of a goat-footed Pan. Another image of the god Pan, see Figure 2.31.
The "ancient classics" report that Zeus SECRETLY came to Kampa, the OLDER keeper of Tartarus, killed her, took the keys from Tartarus, and freed the Cyclopes and the Storukys. For this, they handed him a FIREED WEAPON. Probably, in such a refracted form, here it is told about the visit of Prince Dmitry Donskoy of St. Sergius of Radonezh. They had a long conversation, after which the Monk Sergei blessed Dmitry, handed him the "Christ Weapon" and gave two monks - Oslyabyu and Peresvet, to help Prince Dmitry. And St. Sergius asked for the time being to keep his blessing in secret. At this time, St. Sergius was already elderly. See the details in our book "The Baptism of Rus".
Probably, in the "ancient" myth under the name of Kampa, the aged keeper of Tartarus, the aged Sergius of Radonezh is described - a great saint who did much for Russia. He could well be called the "keeper of Tartary". True, the “ancient classics” for some reason mistakenly thought that Zeus = Dmitry Donskoy killed Campo = Sergius of Radonezh. There is clearly some confusion. Sergius of Radonezh was not killed, and was still alive during the Kulikovo battle. In fact, it is possible to offer a completely natural explanation - why the "ancient" authors decided that the elderly Kampa was KILLED. The fact is that in the description of the Marathon battle - another reflection of the Kulikovo battle - the polemarch Kallimakh perishes, whose image absorbed much of the stories about Sergius of Radonezh and the monk Peresvet. Relight was killed. Therefore, most likely, some of the "classics" and decided that the "elderly Kampa" died.
Recall further that the “ancient” myth says the following: “Cyclops, divine masters of gigantic growth with one eye in their forehead, handed lightning to Jupiter, which were hidden from the depths of the earth. They presented Neptune with a TRIGGER, which became his attribute, and Pluto - HELMET MAKE IT INVISIBLE ", see above. So on the scene appears the TRIMMER and the Invisible Helmet, also handed by the Cyclopes to the comrades of Zeus, Neptune and Pluto. Apparently, in this form, we are faced with the mention of the Christian Cross, which appeared to Dmitry = Constantine before the battle. After all, the "trident", fig.2.32, is just one of the old forms of the cross, fig.2.33 and fig.2.34. In other words, one of the types of the forked-shaped Christian cross, widespread in the old Russian-Horde religious tradition, fig.2.35, fig.2.36, fig.2.37, fig.2.38.
And what is the "invisible helmet" in the history of the Battle of Kulikovo? It seems that this is again the refracted "antique" mention of the same "Apparition of the Cross". And the mention in the late form, when the guns of Donskoy were already talked about as abstract DECAYS. Recall that according to the Romanov version, before the battle, Dmitry Donskoy turned to Sergius of Radonezh for a blessing. He blessed the prince and gave him a certain "secret weapon", which in later sources is called "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS FOR DECORATIONS". The following is known: << Sergii handed them the sign of the cross in the Schemahs and said: "THERE IS UNLAWED WEAPONS! YES SERVE IT TO YOU, NOT HELMETS!" >> [362], v.5, ch.1, column 36.
The Nikon Chronicle informs: "Saint Sergius led them (Peresvet and Oslyaba-Avt.) Soon prepare for a military cause; they, too, will obey the whole of obedience created to St. Sergius ... HE HAS GIVEN THE WEAPON IN THE TEMPLATE UNDERLY UNDERSTATED Christ. on SHIMAHAKH, and these things have led INSTEAD OF SHOLOMOV to their chapters, ”[586: 1], vol.11, p.53.
The Synodal Chronicle says: "Peresvet Chernets ... moved from the regiment out there (towards Cheluubey - Auth.) And talk: you can see the host’s way. And on it shelom of the Arkhangelsk image, Armed with skims" [362], note 76 to that 5, ch.1, column 29. Here, too, it is said that Peresvet was ARMED BY A SKIM.
Later editors wanted to assure us that the word SHIMMA or SKIMA, see above, meant HEADGLASSENESS WITH A CROSSED ON IT. However, it is possible that here the editorial term SHIMA or SKIMA hides the original word MUSHKET or MUSH, but read in the opposite direction, as in the Arabic method of reading: BUN = LJM -> CKM = SCM = SKIMA, when going to W -> C See the details in the book "Biblical Rus," ch.4: 9.
We see that the “antique classics” made a similar distortion of the essence of the matter. They also decided that the SHIMMA was something like a HELMET that had to be put on the head. Say, after that the warrior became "invisible." And so confidently won.
Consequently, we again come across traces of the late editing of the Olympic Myth of Creation. Along with the frank mention of firearms in it, the editors reported the same guns, but in a distorted form, as an “invisible helmet” = schema.
And here there are TWO COMPANIES of Zeus, namely, the gods Poseidon and Pluto, equipped with a "new weapon" - a trident and an invisible helmet. But after all, in the history of the Kulikovo battle, along with Dmitry Donskoy, there are two important characters - the monks Peresvet and Oslyabya, who led, as we now understand, the gun batteries of Dmitry Donskoy and sent to battle by St. Sergius.
By the way, we see the reflection of the cannons and the nuclei they erupt, probably also in the story about the overthrow of Crohn. He was given a kind of drink, after which Kron KEPLED OUT OF THE MOUNT OF THE STONE, and then of all the children he had swallowed. Firearms were often told that they were DISTORTING or DISTORTING kernels, fire, canister, stones.
After all that has been said, the very name of the CYCLOPS becomes probably understandable. This is probably a slightly distorted Slavic phrase CAM + FIGHT or CAM + WARRIOR. Probably, the Russian name KULIKOVA FIELD comes from the word KULAK, fight on the CAMS. On this field, apparently, "figured out the relationship." Here they resolved by armed means these or other major disputes. So the name was assigned to this field KULIKOVO or KULISHKI = cams. The expression CULAC FIGHT is most likely meant “fist-fighting” or “Kulishka fighting”. The phrase CULAC FIGHT could well have turned into the "ancient" name of CYKLOPE during the transition BP.
We constantly emphasize that such linguistic observations alone do not prove anything, but are useful for a better understanding of the picture restored by other methods.
Titans, Athens, Don = Tana, Etna and Cyclops[edit | edit source]
Now, when we begin to understand that the Olympic Myth of Creation tells us about the Kulikovo, “Kiklopsky,” the battle, the other names mentioned in the legend become clearer.
One of the main terms used in the history of the Battle of Kulikovo is DON or TANA or TANAis. Don was previously called the river in general, see the book "New Chronology of Russia". In particular, as was shown in Chapter 6 of this book, in the XIV century the river-Moscow was called the DON. Hence, by the way, the nickname DONSKOY, which Prince Dmitry Ivanovich received after the victory over Mamai.
Further, we have already seen that on the pages of the “ancient” Greek chronicles Moscow was also reflected as the city of ATHENS, then again the city of TANA or DON due to the dual reading of Fit as F and T.
The Russian name DON is also present in the "Greek" - that is, in the Christian - the myth of gianttomachy. Opponents of the god Zeus were called TITANS. The word TITAN is probably also a slight distortion of the name DON or TANA. True, in this case, the Titans are called opponents of Zeus. Actually, the name of Jesus Christ = Zeus was written on his banners by the troops of Dmitry DONSKY. That is, in this case, the name of the TITANS should be applied to the comrades of Zeus = Dmitry Donskoy. Consequently, the "ancient" authors here are slightly confused. But the fact that the name DON = TANA must necessarily sound in this story, the chroniclers remembered well. However, to whom it belonged - have already begun to forget.
Moreover, the well-known modern name ETNA also clearly turned out to be a slight distortion of the same old word TANA = DON. Today ETHNOY is called a volcano on the island of Sicily. Further, modern commentators are convinced that the mighty Cyclopes previously lived precisely in Sicily and that it was Etna volcano that gave rise to myths about them. Say, eruptions, fire, etc. However, as we now understand, in the case of the Cyclopes, this is a serious mistake. The chronicle Etna = Tana-Don and the chronicled Cyclopes were in completely different places. Namely, in Russia-Horde. The Cyclopes are Russian-Horde warriors who fought on the Kulikovo Field in 1380. But then, in the era of the Reformation, when history was cleverly reworked, the Scaligerian historians moved - on paper - and Etna = Tanu, and the Cyclops giants = Fist + Fight to modern Italy, on the neighboring island of the mainland, which was called SICILY.The volcano located here was called ETNA, that is, Tana or Don. At the same time they made a competent substitution. They said this: you see, the myth of Creation speaks of the LIGHTNINGS created by the Cyclopes. So this is the volcano Etna! After all, he sometimes erupts, throws fire and lava. Here you have the lightning, here you have the Cyclopes in Sicily.
However, they shamelessly kept silent about the fact that the old myth speaks absolutely clearly about the HANDLING of the Fire Weapon. After all, it was forged by the Cyclopes themselves. Thus, instead of man-made artillery, historians slipped to the readers of the Renaissance era a man-made volcano. Everything seems to have gone smoothly. Since then, so inspired by tourists in Sicily: see, there, inside the volcano Etna, and lived the mighty Cyclopes. Maybe some of them even survived to our time. Do you hear their muffled grunts underground? Some impressionable tourists gasp and enthusiastically take pictures.
Two mountains, where there were Headquarters of Zeus and Kronus during the battle. "Antique" Olympus and Christian lamps. Candles in Muslim mosques[edit | edit source]
The Olympic Myth of Creation further says that before the great battle "the gods - the children of Saturn established themselves on high Olympus, and the Titans occupied the opposite mountain Otris", see above. It is not excluded that the memories that Prince Dmitry Donskoy's headquarters were located on the hill where the Moscow Kremlin is standing today were reflected in this form, and that the rate of Mamai Khan was on Red Hill, which our reconstruction identifies with the famous Tagansky Hill. Not far from it, the name KRASNOHOLMSKAYA embankment is still preserved, see. "New chronology of Rus", chapter 6.
A reasonable question arises - what did the names OLYMPUS and OTRIS mean in the past? Regarding the otris we can say the following. It is very close to the famous in ancient times the word ETRUSKI, which, as we showed in the book "Empire", was previously called RUSSIAN. In this case, the appearance of the name OTRIS in Russia is fully justified. It was probably about RUSSIAN or ET-Russian mountain or hill.
And about the not less famous name OLIMP we express this thought. Perhaps OLIMP is a slightly distorted word LAMP or LAMPADA. The fact is that in the apostolic Christian churches are lit a lot of candles, lamps. At the same time, in the "pagan" temples - that is, in the churches that were at the disposal of the royal, tribal Christians - the candles are not mentioned at all. Perhaps this was one of the important ritual differences of apostolic Christians from the royal = "kroon", that is, "crowned." The widespread use of candles - lamps, lamps - a prominent feature of the Christian Apostolic Church. Probably, it gave birth to the name OLIMP. Then it turns out that the "ancient" OLYMPIC gods are Christian saints headed by Jesus = Zeus, surrounded by candlelight, LAMP, LAMP. That is, they were perceived as "luminous gods", the images of which on icons are always illuminated in temples by numerous lamps and candles.
In modern Islam, candles are no longer used. HOWEVER, THEY WERE. And this is understandable. According to our research, modern Islam fell away from the trunk of a single Christianity rather recently, somewhere in the XVI-XVII centuries. We have already spoken about this in the book “Biblical Rus,” ch. 12: 7.10. Recall that the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent set, it turns out, in the Tsar-Grad temple of the Big Sophia HUGE CANDLANDS. They still stand on both sides of the altar. "Huge candlesticks on both sides were donated by Sultan Suleiman I" [855], p.45.
We give his portrait on fig.2.39. By the way, some Turkish historians call Suleiman II - Suleiman I.
Maybe some people would be happy to shut up today or even hide, if possible, the significant fact of using candles in early Islam. For example, deceitfully attributing said Christian-Muslim candlesticks to "Emperor Justinian", pushing them away - like the entire Sophia temple - into the phantom 6th century. Well, if historians successfully exiled such a huge temple into the 6th century, then what can we say about candlesticks. So why aren't they sent there anyway? Most likely, for the simple reason that "the inscription on them PRAISE SULTAN SULEYMAN" [1122], p.43. It was necessary, reluctantly, to leave the "wrong" candlesticks in the XVI century.
So the ancestors of Muslims who lived in the era of the XII-XVI centuries, were Christians and, naturally, used candles in their religious rites. Traces of such a custom have survived to this day, and not only in Istanbul. For example, in the very center of Damascus, in Syria, the famous Omayyad Mosque is located, fig.2.40 and fig.2.41. Inside, in the center of the mosque there is a tomb, where the head of John the Baptist rests, fig.2.42, fig.2.43. She is surrounded by the deepest worship of Muslims. We managed to photograph through the glass the inside of the mausoleum, where the actual tomb, covered with green cloth stands, fig.2.44, fig.2.45.
It is striking that in the Omayyad Mosque, to the right and left of the mausoleum of John the Baptist, there are two huge wax candles in candlesticks, fig.2.46, fig.2.47, fig.2.48, fig.2.49, fig.2.50. Today, these candles are slightly squinted, which suggests that they are most likely really wax. We managed to get an old photograph of the tomb of John the Baptist in Damascus, which clearly shows that both candles used to stand upright, Fig.2.51. They were probably made quite a long time ago and are preserved only as a monument of antiquity. Today they are no longer lit. But next to one of the giant candles, quite high from the floor, a modern lamp is hung, fig.2.46, fig.2.47. Fig.2.51a shows two huge candles in the Church of the Depression in the Moscow Kremlin. Thus, earlier both in Christian and in Muslim churches followed the same custom - they lit huge candles.
It is necessary to say that not far from the tomb of John the Baptist, inside the same Omayyad mosque, there is another old monument, see fig.2.52 and fig.2.53. Again we see two stone pillars — candles, between which there is a clearly Christian font made of stone. These are probably the remnants of the former Utensils of a Muslim temple, that is, from the era when it was still a Christian.
Thus, today in some places, for example, in Syria, traces of the former Christian rituals, which earlier, and not so long ago, the ancestors of modern Muslims adhered to, survived. That is, before many old Christian churches were turned into mosques, there were candles in candlesticks and Christian fonts for baptism of people with water. But then, after a religious split and a change of ideology at the end of the XVI - beginning of the XVII century, these Christian customs were forgotten or modified. The corresponding ancient objects of former Christians began to be preserved only as antiquities. Like huge candles on either side of the tomb in the Omayyad mosque, where the head of John the Baptist is kept.
So, returning to the "ancient" Greek history, we can formulate the idea that the well-known "ancient" name OLIMP pointed to Christian LAMPADES, CANDLES.
There is a natural question. If the "ancient" gigantomachy was a reflection of the Kulikovo battle, then there should be ancient images showing the Don cannons, which hit the "ancient" Titans, opponents of Zeus, to death. It is very interesting that such images really were and some even reached our time. Moreover, they are famous. But only historians still prefer not to notice the guns on them. We are now talking about the great Pergamon Altar.
The Battle of Kulikovo and guns of Dmitry Donskoy are painted on the famous Pergamos Altar, devoted to gigantomania and Zeus[edit | edit source]
What is "antique" Pergamos Altar?[edit | edit source]
Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Efron reports the following.
"PRIGAMIAN ANCIENTS. - These words usually mean the discoveries in the late seventies of the present (XIX - Auth.) Century of the ruins of a SOLDIER VULDAY built in Pergamum by the Acropolis over King Evmen II in the opening of these monuments of art was made by German engineer Guman, who on behalf of the Turkish government arrived in 1864 in the village of Bergamo - Pun ie, where the capital of the ancient kingdom of Pergamon, - for the device in the locality of bridges and roads.
The systematic excavation of Pergamum was, however, undertaken only in September 1878, when Humano managed to convince the German government of the importance of researching open ruins. The excavation continued until March 1880. At present, thanks to the restoration of the Pergamon altar offered by the German architect Richard Bon, we can get a clear idea of the type and size of this monument. The Pergamon altar was a vast square structure, each side of which was up to 70 m long. Its lower part consisted of a massive wall 5 m high, set on three marble steps and framed by a cornice at the top and bottom ... On three sides of the platform was a portico ... decorated inside with a sculpted marble frieze 1.74 m high, with scenes from the oldest legends of the Pergamon heroic cycle, of which the main character is Tele, son of Hercules. The lower walls of the building ... were covered with a continuous series of reliefs with a height of 2.75 m, the plot of which was borrowed from tales about the struggle of the gods with giants (gigantomachia). (See fig.2.54 - Auth.).
Of the sculptural adornments of the altar, approximately half of the upper frieze and most of the lower reliefs have been preserved; they were transported partly to Constantinople, partly to the Berlin Museum. Of all the groups of the lower relief, two groups are best preserved, of which Zeus is represented on one, and Athena on the other (Fig. 2.54 - Auth.). Zeus is depicted holding a lightning in his hand, from which a young wounded giant falls to the ground; on the left side of Zeus lies another giant with a thigh pierced by lightning ... In addition to these groups, the groups of Selena, Dionysus, Phoebus and Poseidon are preserved and can be explained. As for the reliefs of the frieze of the portico, they have reached us in far from complete and maimed fragments "[988: 00]," Pergamon Antiquities ".
It is worth noting that the bas-reliefs of the Pergamon Altar are quite quickly destroyed. A comparison of the modern photograph of the Athena group, shown in Fig. 2.8, with the image of the same group, made in the 19th century, Fig. 2.54, shows noticeable losses. For example, a large part of a woman's hand in the central upper part of the relief has broken off.
We see that the history of the Battle of Kulikovo = gigantomachy was very popular in the era of the XIV-XVII centuries. Throughout the territory of the Great Empire its echoes and monuments in honor of the battle are preserved. In the case of Pergamum, - perhaps indeed about a more local event, - a giant altar was erected, in which the main place was given to the image of the glorious battle of Dmitry Donskoy.
Let us now turn to the surviving images of gigantomachia on the Pergamon Altar.
"Ancient"-Greek gods-Olympians shut "antique" titans from fire muskets-guns[edit | edit source]
In Germany, in the Berlin State Museum, the surviving fragments of the Pergamon Altar are exhibited. Fig.2.55 shows its modern reconstruction with the remains of authentic stone bas-reliefs that once covered the altar. Fig.2.56 shows a theoretical reconstruction showing the location of the surviving fragments presented in the figures given below. It is believed that this grand building "was created around 165-156 BC in the reign of King Eumentes II" [1296]. According to commentators, the monument is an outstanding example of "ancient" Greek art [1296]. On fig.2.57, fig.2.58, fig.2.59, fig.2.60 shows the drawings of all the remaining fragments of the Altar. By the way, it is not very clear what exactly is exhibited today in the Berlin Museum. Whether it is really surviving pieces of the original, or copy-casting. In the latter case, it is appropriate to ask the question - how accurately do the "copies" exhibited in the museum reproduce the hidden originals?
The fact that the Pergamum Altar depicts a battle with the use of firearms we pointed out in the book "Biblical Russia", Ch.4: 14. Briefly recall the essence of the matter.
Among the few surviving remnants of a luxurious stone frieze there are striking fragments. Our attention was paid to them by professors of Moscow State University AO Ivanov and A.A. Tuzhilin. Fig.2.61 + 62 shows the surviving figure of the goddess Foibe (Phoibe), carrying on his shoulder a heavy long barrel, spewing flames. The horizontal barrel and horizontal flame are aimed at Titan, who is trying to resist the goddess. It is difficult to get rid of the impression that the sculptor has depicted a heavy gunshot musket here. It is believed that the first muskets appeared at the beginning of the XVI century [797], p. 847. At first they were just small cannons, then their size gradually decreased. They were shooting from them, putting a heavy trunk on a special stand-tripod, a bipod. They probably also fired from the shoulder, as they do today, using heavy flamethrowers and rocket launchers. Only with the passage of time did the muskets become lighter, of which they began to shoot from the hand. Thus, on the frieze of the Pergamon Altar, we apparently see an ancient type of firearms, probably from the end of the 14th - early 16th centuries, when they were still quite heavy small cannons. I had to shoot from the shoulder.
We can see a completely similar musket-cannon on the shoulder of another "ancient" Greek goddess Hekate (Fig.2.63). Heavy, slightly tilted down, the trunk on the goddess's shoulder, spews HORIZONTAL flames in the direction of Titan, throwing a stone lump, Fig.2.64.
We see another gun-musket in the hands of the goddess Leto (see fig. 2.63. This time, the goddess simply holds a musket in her outstretched arms, at her thigh. Also HORIZONTAL, as it should be kept a firearm. The musket is aimed at the enemy. By the way, the HORIZONTAL position of all three images of muskets and fire escaping from the Pergamum Altar shows that these are really cannon-muskets, and not, say, torches, the flames of which would rise up.
CONCLUSION. The fact that on the "ancient" Pergamon Altar we see absolutely clear images of cannons, or even muskets, can only mean one thing. The “Antique” Altar was made not earlier than the 15th century, and maybe much later.
For comparison, we give a medieval picture of one of the earliest musket cannons from the book John Keegan, "A History of Warfare" [1217]. See fig.2.65. The image dates from the early 15th century, around 1400. It is almost identical with the "antique" images of muskets on the Pergamon Altar. John Keegan notes that “a century later a soldier will carry this weapon on his shoulder” [1217], pp.272-273. That is - exactly as shown in the "antique" images. Which, it turns out, actually belong to the XV-XVI centuries, and not at all to the era of deep antiquity, where the erroneous Scaligerian chronology places them.
By the way, the well-known name "Greek Fire" becomes clear. It takes place in the name of GREECE or HORUS, or HORUS, that is, Christ. So the GREEK FIRE is a slight distortion of its original name: CHRISTIAN FIRE. All clear. The guns were used by the Christian troops of the "Mongol" Empire, the Horde crusaders.
So, we repeat that the famous Perun, who from time to time throws the "ancient" Greek god Zeus into his enemies, this is FIREARMS. Guns, muskets, gunpowder, cores, canister. Ancient "Greek sources report that in the war with the Titans," which lasted ten years, one-handed helped Zeus; Cyclopes FORDED HIM THROUGH, LIGHTNING AND PERUN "[533], v.1, p.463. It is generally considered that HOM. Theog. 504) [533], t.1, were given into the possession of Zeus p.463 Of course, natural phenomena such as thunder, thunder, lightning, volcanic eruptions could play some role in the formation of such images, but the constant "ancient" memories of the fire weapon of Zeus were FORCED by blacksmiths, see above - that is, MANUFACTURED FROM METAL - indicates that it was a question of a real MANUAL METAL WEAPON spewing fire, thunder and stones - cannonballs buckshot.
CONCLUSION. Images of cannons on the Pergamum Altar beautifully confirm our reconstruction and, in particular, the identification of the "ancient gigantomachy" with the Kulikovo battle of 1380.
Cyclops and Sicily[edit | edit source]
In conclusion, let us go through the old stories about the Cyclopes. It turns out that the Cyclopes forged not only the lightning for Jupiter, but also certain "arrows" [524: 1], p. 246. It turns out that the "arrows of Zeus-Jupiter" were iron. Probably, here it is again spoken about guns.
The head over the Cyclopes was Vulcan, a powerful blacksmith who forged weapons for the gods [524: 1], p.299. Fig.2.66 and Fig.2.67 shows two old images of the blacksmith Vulcan and Venus. It is possible that originally the name VULCAN meant BEL-KHAN or White Khan or Great Khan. What a good answer to our reconstruction, according to which the guns were invented in Russia-Horde under the Khanakh of the White Horde and presented to Kulak-Voinam and Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Then, after the transfer of the "ancient" myth to modern Sicily, the name Vulcan became the designation of fire-breathing Etna and other volcanoes.
The ancient chroniclers unanimously spoke of the fear inspired by the Cyclopes not only to ordinary people, but also to gods.
<< Cyclops were considered monstrous characters. When Diana wanted to have a quiver and arrows worthy of her agility and skills, she went to Vulcan, where she found him surrounded by her cyclops workers.
"The nymphs saw giants looking like mountains, the ONLY EYE OF WHICH THREATING HAZARDOUS HIGHLIGHTS under a thick eyebrow. Some blew blacksmiths forges, others beat heavy hammers on the hot metal that had just been pulled out of the furnace. Корсика наполнялись страшным звоном. От этого шума дочери Океана ужаснулись... Если дети не слушались, то матери их пугали, что позовут Арга и Стеропа (двух Киклопов - Авт.). ДАЖЕ БОГИ ПУГАЛИ СВОИХ ДЕТЕЙ ЦИКЛОПАМИ" (Каллимах)>> [ 524:1], с.302.
We see that in the epoch of the XV-XVI centuries, guns = Cyclopes were terrifying. They were frightened. Russia-Horde was treated with respect, and Cossack = Israeli troops with tremulous fear.
For us here it is important that the chronicles of the Cyclopes lived in Sicily, in Italy = Latinas. We have already said that the chronicle Sicily was first located in Russia-Horde = Israel. Here was the chronicle of Italy = Latin. That is the PEOPLE country. See the details in our book "The Beginning of the Horde Russia".
The fact that the place of the Kulikovo battle, that is, the territory of the future Moscow, the capital of the Great Empire, was also called SICILY, will be useful to us in the next chapter. There we will encounter another reflection of the Kulikovo battle in "Sicily".
The guns made a great impression on people of the XIV-XVI centuries. Generally, even impressive so far. In the book "Biblical Rus," ch. 5: 3, we said that the famous story of the destruction of the walls of biblical Jericho by the sounds of the Israeli "trumpets" is nothing more than a reflection in the Old Testament pages of the capture of Tsar Grad by Ottoman-Ataman Horde troops in 1453 . The success of the assault was ensured by the use of the huge siege cannons of Russia-Horde. Figure 2.68 shows an old miniature "The Destruction of Jericho". The pipes into which the warriors “blow” are most likely guns, from the shots of which the walls and towers of Jericho, that is, Troy = Jerusalem = Tsar Grad, the capital of Judea, collapsed.
One more remark about the name KIKLOP. Perhaps, it originally came from the Slavic Circle + LOB during the transition L -> R and B -> P. That is, the Circle + LOB -> KLK + LOB = KIKLOP. But after all the CIRCLE + LOB perfectly meets the description of Cyclops as a giant, in whose LBU there is an EYE, and the only one. As we now understand, KIKLOP is a gun. With easy mythologization, the cannon turned into a monster, THAT A CIRCLE, that is, a hole, a mouth, an "EYE" of a gun, gazes at the forehead.