Ivan Danilovich

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Book sources[edit | edit source]

3rd century AC[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

2nd century AC[edit | edit source]

  • Two brothers who found Rome are Georgiy and Ivan Danilovich. Georgiy Danilovich is also known as Genghis Khan and Ivan Danilovich as Batu-Khan. Genghis Khan is also known as Georgiy the Victory-bearer (The Conqueror) and Ryurik. It turns out that Georgiy and Ivan, i.e. Romulus and Remus, were the descendants of the Royal dynasty which emerged on the shores of Volga River after the fall of Troy and who moved the metropolis of the Empire to Russia-Horde. We would like to repeat that Aeneas journey to Russia was not accidental. His royal ancestors originated in Russia DARDAN, i.e. Horde-Don; then JASIUS (or IASIUS) i.e.Jesus Christ; and ASSARACUS, i.e. Russian.